Ugly Babies
well, this isn't actually about ugly babies — but i just so happened to turn around and catch a glimpse of my naughty 2 year old (who is supposed to be sleeping) standing up on his toddler bed and he's got his face all twisted up like a crazed cabbage patch doll that just been caught in the spokes of a ten speed. yuck. that kid is ugly when he's mad. anyways, before i sign off to go smack his little disobedient bumsy i just wanted to share that i found a semi-use for some of that god-awful tissue paper that i got conned into taking from UndertheSky AKA kate the kooky cook kessler. My kids, without help from any of those so-called 'Easy Arts and Crafts' sites managed to configure several foliage-looking monstrosities, which they glued to “Congratulations On Your Graduation” cards that they created for our pastor's daughter. Ryann's paper flower thingy was actually pretty nice. One looked like a rose, and the other looked like a tulip. Bobo, however must take after me, because his card looked like a white piece of paper folded in half with 4 words penciled inside: Happy Graduations Congratulations Katie. I didn't have the heart to tell him that graduation was not supposed to be plural because he'd already gone thru 5 card-making attempts as it was. His card was void of any tissue paper flower monstrosisties — and actually, he did glue a purple rhinestone gem to the front, making him more creative than his mother after all. |
June 5th, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
Arts and Crafts
Kate Kessler (otherwise known and UnderTheSky) talked me into taking a boatload of multi-colored tissue paper and pipe cleaner, saying that “making Chenille flowers is fun and easy”. Lies. All lies. Either I have an IQ lower than a monkey on crack, or these so-called “easy arts and crafts” websites are totally misrepresenting themselves. Easy? hardly. How do you stagger sheets and fold diagonally in an accordian style to end up with a flat triangular sheet? Honestly. I am simply not cut out to be an art and crafts mom. I will stick to being a loud, boring, bossy 'keep your room clean” mom and simply send my kids over to Jennifer Stewards house and beg her daughters to teach my kids how to be clever and craftsy.
June 3rd, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
Day two with a teenager behind the wheel
The car is still not wrecked, and i am doing a little better coping with a kid who is old enough to drive. The fact that she was able to run all my errands today certainly helped put things into perspective. Also, you'll be happy to know that I'm off the Atkins diet. I never did get my blueberry muffin, but i did eat a package and a half of saltine crackers and I'm feeling much much better. Must go for now…. the brownies just came out of the oven. |
June 1st, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |