Jeneric Jeneralities ~ by JenIG
November 8th, 2005
All Sorts Of New-ities

So here is my new template. Me and Coie
did it together.  And when I say that we did it together, what I
actually mean is that I told her what I wanted and she did all the

I picked the picture up in the left hand corner for two reasons. 
First, the lady has a very serious, non-spastic look about her, and
she has a goat; two things that I do not possess.  So, thanks
Coie.  You are a very good girl.  And…. in the process of
getting her banner ads put on all her new Aunts' pages, she totally
hacked into my friend, Fay's blog
and then accidentally messed it all up.  I am SOOO sorry
Fay.  Welcome to the family…. didn't know what you were getting
yourself into, did you?

Also I guess some people have been wondering why I changed my blog
title from: At His Feet and In His Arms ~ We Worship A Loving God, to
Jeneric Jeneralities.  Here's why.  I felt sorta guilty about
having a title which implied one would find edification and things of
substance here, but I always end up slapping down some nonsensical
idiocy.  It seemed almost irreverant.  So, I'll have to do
some thinking on what my final title will be.

Lastly, I'd like to gossip about Marsha.  You know, we met her last night at Amy Beth's house
for dinner.  It was rather disturbing. I mean, it is just not
right (or normal) for one person to be so drop dead gorgeous, skinny,
charming, witty, and interesting all balled into one.  You've met
the type… you know, at first glance you just want to choke them to
death for being so perfect.  But then she starts talking and you
can't help but become entirely enchanted with them.  No, I was
actually thrilled to meet her.  She is so fun.  Neener Neener
to the rest of you. By the way, she totally burned her cabin rental
down while she was here.  But I'll let her tell you the story.

November 8th, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

November 7th, 2005
Honorary Auntie Request

So anyways, I have this kid named Coie and I like her for a variety of reasons.  She and her neat-o friends, on their own accord, have started something called A SideTracked Focus,
which I think will be a big hit and a huge encouragement to Homeschool
Students who are looking for more than your average-everyday-pop-
culture-run-of-the-mill online bible study.  Adults are also
welcome. And I for one will be present.  They are already getting
a very positive response even though it hasn't been 'officially' kicked

As her momsie, it is my priveledge and my duty to support her in her
Good Idea Endeavors (as well as publically embarrass her when she does
things like post pictures of my laundry hanging from my house beams).
So I will be linking to her website with a little button ad here on my
blog page.  Soon as she gives it to me.  And installs
it.  Cause I don't know how to do stuff like that.

Onto The Point: Gena, as the Auntie, is already entirely obligated to also support Coie's Good Idea Endeavors, but I'm hoping for more help in the way of Honorary Aunts
who would be willing to help get the word out about A SideTracked Focus
by putting a link and/or small button on their blog pg. And if you and
your junior high or high school students show up this Friday, that'd
definitely be a bonus, too. Their first Bible Study is this Friday the
11th.  Sooooooooo, if you would be willing to be one of Coie's
Honorary Aunts (or uncles) would you please leave a comment here so she
can come over to your site and bother you about putting her link up? I
promise she won't hit you up for money.  However, now that you'd
officially be one of my sisters I very well may start hinting around
for Christmas presents this year.  Just Kidding.  So what do
you say?  Any takers? I'd be so mighty obliged.

Love Jenefer, Who Is No Longer Allowed To Talk About Facial Hair Lest Maggie Hogan Extend Her Boycott of My Blog Page

November 7th, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

November 6th, 2005
A Blog Worth Reading

Fine, since some of you people are
squeamish and do not want to sympathize with my over preponderance of
hair plight, I shall add a new entry.  One that actually has some
depth to it.   Read  this (don't worry, it's short):
My Friend Jammie

And then don't forget to enter the ReasonforSeason contest two entries below this one.  You have to comment in that post
(just say what the temp is where you live right now) to become a
contestant and win the Christmas Magnetic Auto Thingy Which Is Quite
Cool ( ahem, I'm talking to you DaisyChain and Dayln). And please pray
for a safe trip for Marshie
She and her family are coming out here to boiling steaming piping hot
TN and I don't want anything bad to happen to her before I get to meet
her (or afterwards either for that matter). 

Love Jenefer Igarashi Who Cannot Sleep In This Big Oven Called Tennesee
PS I think I'm tired of this blog template. Does it look pink to you?

November 6th, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

I am totally growing a beard. 
Seriously, I have these two white hairs on my chin. Actually, one is
white — the other one looks like an eyelash.  Is this what I can
expect as I get older and uglier?  Must I also get  hairy-er?
It's particularly special when my son Bo Bo tells me “Hey mom, I think
you need to shave”.  Nice.  “Hey Bo Bo, I think I need to do
more math this week”.  Maybe I should apply to be a member of one
of the manly members in the HSB Brat Boy Pack with Jay from Cleveland and Douglas
shiver shudder

And people say my blog entries are not serious…. I'd say growing facial hair is the pinnacle of seriousness.  Gross.

Anyways, make sure that you enter the contest in the post below this post. 
Alls you gots to do is tell me what the temp is where you live. I'll
announce the winners this Friday the 11th.  There's always
something fun to do at Hairy Jen's.

AND tell your friends who are not already signed up as HomeschoolBloggers to sign up, because the 3,000th blogger is gonna get a nifty neat-o prize.

Love, Jenefer Igarashi Who Is Seriously Wondering About The Cost of  Laser Hair Removal

November 5th, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

November 4th, 2005
Neat-O New Friday Contests HERE

Notice anything spiffy about my
blog?  I'll give you a hint, it's the banner at the top of my
page.  My friend, Jim, over at Reason for Season
said that every week until almost Christmas, he would let me give away
TWO of his very awesome Christmas Automobile Magnets.  I love it
when people let me give their stuff away.  Coie
and I actually met Jim and his crew out in Denver at the CBD convention
in April (he was *not*one of  the freaky companies who were
selling the “I Love Jesus… and Cute Boys” t-shirts,
by the way).  So anyhow, if you win then you can stick your new
auto magnet on your car and drive around all Christmassed Up.  And
the nice thing is that you can take it off of your car when January rolls around.  Can't do that with a Christmas Bumper Sticker. No sirree.

So anyhow, for the next several Fridays we get to have a contest here
at the JenIG Trainwreck Blog.  Here is how you get to win this
week… Tell me what the temperature is where you live right now and
then NEXT friday (the 11th) I'll randomly ask someone in my house to
give me their best guess of what the temperature is somewhere else in
the world.  The two closest matching temps will win. Enter all
week at this post here and I'll announce the winners on Friday…. and
then we'll start a new contest.  YAY for FREE STUFF!

November 4th, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

We implement at least one boring book in our school day,
just to make school feel *real*.  Besides
I want my kids to learn how to be bored since boredom is such a frequent occurrence
in life ( I guess I could just make them read Gena’s blog to fulfill that
requirement – heh heh, yet I digress). 


So anyways, we started reading Lewis and Clark, and to my
dismay it turned out to be relatively interesting.  But that is not my point.  Rather, it is about a horrifying fact I learned,
which gave me the hibbity-jibbities. 
And, if you are a husband, you are no longer invited to read any more of
this entry, lest you get some cockamamie ideas floating around in your big old
heads.  Sacagawea was like 15 when she is
forced to marry this loser French guy and he (the loser French guy) decides to
loan her to Lewis and Clark.  That’s not
my point either.  My point is, is that
Lewis and Clark discover on their trip that Indian women were used as the muscle
in many tribes.  They were used (in Lewis’
words) as PACK MULES.  Their Indian
husbands’ loaded them up with all manner of junk to carry around so their manly
hands could be free to shoot at stuff if need be.


So this got me to thinking about other women, like the
pioneer women and how strong they must have been, and how most women I know
wouldn’t *dream* of mowing the grass (like me), or help move a couch, or chop
fire wood, or help weld stuff, or help fix cars, etc. My friend Lisa does stuff
like that all day long, which only adds to my dilemma… if she can do it, does
that theoretically mean I could do it?  I
started wondering if I am actually stronger than I thought I was and if I could/should
theoretically be doing more.  Isn’t that
a horrible way to start the day?   I know. 
Don’t tell Geo that I’m even contemplating such things. 


PS check out my new links that I added to the side there.
Sites You Must Visit. ….They are tres’ coolish


November 3rd, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

November 2nd, 2005
My Normal Blog Entry

There is a rumor going around that the
reason I get lots of comments is because I do not ever have *normal*
entries, and that people just show up to gawk at the Blogging
Trainwreck found here.  As if.  So without further ado, here is my normal entry to prove you naysayers wrong….

Today we did homeschooling.  We did all sorts of learning related
stuff.  Math is good clean fun.  We read about Jacob and his
two dumb wives who kept pawning off their maids on Jacob to “out birth”
each other.  How would like it if you were Rachel or Leah's maid?
“Oh Zilpah…. when you're done cleaning out those pots, and after you
feed the goat, go marry Jacob and have me a kid. Make sure it's a
boy”.  I would *definitely* be logging a work related complaint to

Where was I? oh yes, the weather is chilly on
account of it being November and all.  Brrr Brrr Brr Maybe we
should call it Novembrrrrrr. Ha. Ha. Ha.  That was just a little
bit of normal “Fall time” humor.  <yawn>

And this concludes my very normal blog entry.

PS I am seriously considering revealing the fwuffy puff and Marzipan references, and not just because Disco Doug told me to 'lay off the sauce'.  I don't think he believes there in Fwuffy puffs and Marzipan.  

PPS  You MUST go check out the new company blog. 
The Blogger of the Week winner pick now involves YOU.  Madame
Spunk has done a brilliant job at making things FUN over there. 
You'll want to check in over there at least 12 times a day. Or
more.  And check out this too…. let your friends know so they can win

PPPS CarleyRoss, your comment made me laugh very hard “padded room with two way mirrors” now THAT is funny

PPPPS  Dalyn…. Deal.  Except on the 'me babysitting the grandkids part'.  We can make Coie do the babysitting.

PPPPPS This is the longest normal blog entry EVER created on the face of the HSB earth.  My apologies.

November 2nd, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

We all know and love Jay from Cleveland. 
He's a nice, honorable, good, old fasioned Boy Scout.  So WHAT in
the world is this ranting comment he left on my last entry? 

I had just been mindin' my own business and had innocently written (as a comment on my OWN previous entry):
“and by the way, boys. are. weird. and boring. check out these guy
bloggers who have congregated to talk about total lame-ness:  ”

So then JFC writes THIS….
Oh right, shop talk about welding is “total lame-ness” but 19 posts discoursing on “fwuffy puffs” qualifies as engaging repartee
….. men and women — one planet, two worlds. Next time you're driving
down the road in a car that doesn't like totally fall apart when you
hit a bump, THANK A WELDER!!!

And speaking of guy bloggers… be warned, ladies — THE HOMESCHOOL TESTOSTERONE ALLIANCE IS COMING!!!!

wow… and you all thought *I* was the Psycho-Jelly-Fruitery.  I
doth believe he is trying to taketh mine title away.  Not only
that…. He and Julie both go off on some doorknob batter babbling tag-team nonsense about ME on Gena's page.  Has the world gone MAD??????  No worries.  Marsha will be here soon and her and I will go out and eat gallons and gallons of ice cream and the world will all make sense again.

Jenefer Igarashi: The Most Serious Girl In The Room At All Times (and I'm talking about rooms that have other people in them)

November 1st, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

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