Some News Is Good News
Yay! Actually, I think I will send you two. Congratulations! In other news, I am jubilantish today because my HoneyButterStrawberryDumpling LASTLY, Kris Price, you are a good guesser, the lady I called twere the same one you said.
February 15th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
It's Just Too Dang Hot in My House
The thing about wood stoves is that you can't turn them down. Egads, break out the tank tops. Anyways, this entire post is in honor of the Nutpickle and my Choosing Home Not only that…. I made a special Valentine's Day lunch that was not BUT, the best thing I ever did for Valentines Day was to have a nephew. Yep, 12 years ago today my sweet little nephew Levi the Bevi By the way, Coie's birthday is this Sunday. She has the nerve to be turning SEVENTEEN. The ungrateful ingrate. |
February 14th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
Dim-Wits Are People Too
I don’t try to be a total oaf. I think it genetic. I sort of embarrassed myself today when I was processing the mail for the magazine. There are a ton of contest entries coming in, and it just so happened that I saw an address from So Anyhow, I am excited to make another new friend. Now I need to think up a reason to have a party so I can have her family over. Anybody else live nearby who wants to come? I promise I will be on my most normal behaviour if you come over. Lastly,
127 Rebeca / / 149 MyCrazyLife
February 13th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
Who's Yer Mama
My Valentine’s Day present has sparked up a little competition. I’ll get to that in a second. First of all, I’d like to let you know why I woke up so happy. Lately, my daughter Coie has been getting a little too confident. She says things like, “hey mom, wanna wrestle? I can take you down, mom, I could totally take you down” Now, to be perfectly honest, I believed her. I mean after all, she’s been welding, lifting heavy furniture, changing car tires, etc. She is one tough girl. So last night when we were playing pinochle with Paulie (trying Anyhow, before that, Geo had pulled out the scale that he got me for Valentine’s Day and we all took turns seeing how fat we are. And then Coie tells me, “I bet I could lose ten pounds faster than you”. See? There she goes… I have no idea where she got so competitive. So now me, geoff and coie are in challenge. Naturally, I figured I’d see if any of you want to join our contest. We will weigh in once a week and then on March 16th we’ll see who has lost the most. Post your weight below if you want to check in with us every Sunday. If you dare. I dare you. Yep, I double dog dare you. I triple dog dare you. Jen: 148 Coie: 146 Geoff: 207
PS after I whoooped Coie in arm wrestling, Geo whoooped his strong strapping nephew Paulie Doodle. My man is *so* strong
February 12th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
Thars Snow In Them Thar Hills
I like the type of snow TN makes. It melts the next day and it’s not too Guess what Paul and Gena thunk up? We are going to be making some really superbly We’ll have a bunch of “Just A Few Of My Friends” shirts to give Lastly, it’s high time you people claim your puppies. My overly nice husband agreed to let Gena
February 11th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
Le Book Und Zee Doll Vinnahs
Ok, sorry it took me so long to do the pickin’. I’ve been doin’ stuff, like making beans and Ok, onto the winners. On a side note, I do not have a book winner because gena
Our Ten Messengers Of Faith Doll winners are: Dinghome And last, yet not certainly not least, the lovely and There. Sorry I couldn’t And now in closing, I'd like to hear what you
And now in complete and total final closing, will you please go say hi to my nephew Paulie? |
February 10th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
Another BETTER Contest, Just To Vex The Curly Headed Monster
Josh is looking for TEN reviewers to blog about their So, who wants a very cool Bible doll for their family? hmmm? Sign up below…
PS EnergyFree |
February 8th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
Dial Up is Better Than Nothing
Ok, first of all, I just want to make it clear that I hate That being said, I want to tell you what my husband did. The other day he came home and announced, “I It made me grin like a silly little pumpkin. I still hate Valentine’s Day. But I love that man. PS I now have a phone line, so I am now on dial up. PPS I will announce our book winner after Gena announces her |
February 8th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
Stealing Is Not Stealing If You Steal From Those You Love
Gena is good for something. She has fast internet and her bed is nice and cushy and cozy. I would sit on her pillow for the fun of watching her start shrieking like a banshee…except for this is the only place I can get internet right now, so I'll just stay down here at the end of the bed until it's time for me to leave. Then I'll sit on it. And run real fast.
Anyways, our winner for the book, Homeschooling Methods (which you can buy if you want by clicking this here link) is JeffreysGirl . I picked her for two reasons…. first of all, I'm also a Geoffrey's Girl (even tho the spelling is wrong) and secondly, I really liked her last post. It was funny. Email me at and give me your addy and I will mail you your prize Miss JeffreysGirl.
Now, back to Gena , I've decided to call down my powers of Little Sisterdom and claim my right to steal whatever I want from her. Since we had SO many entries from the last contest, I figured it was only right we give away at least one more copy of the book. So I am going to personally steal a copy from Gena's bookshelf and send it to one of you. She deserves that since she used to steal all my stuff and sell it when we were little.
By leaving a comment you are automatically entered. You will get extra points if you also leave a comment on gena's page thanking her for her generosity. alksdjfl;sakjfalkjfkal;fjas;lfjsalfjas; I kill myself. |
February 7th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
Still Offline…. I MISS You Guys
It has been truly shocking to find out that I don’t melt, Anyhow, in the meantime, I figured we should have another The band new book, Homeschooling I only have ONE to give away because Broadman and Holman So…. If you want to win this book, alls you have to do is On a side note, our water is full of sulfur. It smells mighty nasty. Mighty. Anybody know how to treat a well with sulfur
February 6th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |