The Absence of Geoff the Great
He is in overly sunny Now, check this out…. My oldest and youngest have the exact
All the other kids’ eyes Lastly, here is one of the best posts I’ve read this Have a great weekend! |
July 29th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
What Do Your Kids LIke to Snack On?
The other day my son, Bobo, came into my room looking a bit Bubs: Mom, I’m really scared Me: Scared? Why? Bubs: Because I’m afraid I’m going to grow up to be a cannibal Er….. is this a fear that most nine year old boys haul And, here’s some sad news, this morning we woke up to find twenty of our
July 27th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
Caged and the Creation of Jungle Bomb
Geoff the Great has Just kiddin'. He actually constructed that for this: Awwwwwwwwwwww. isn't that cute? That's our dinner next month.
Just kiddin' again. Actually, the
Emmiko, pictured above, is turning eleven this week, so she got two little fluffy bunny rabbits (thanks to our friends, the Austins). Tomorrow we are taking her out on a special birthday date. I really like Emmiko. She almost died when she was one. hibbity jibbity, I won't go into it — it stresses me out to think about it. I had more things to blog about, but Coie took all my blog ideas and already posted the pictures on them. Take careful note of the Jungle Bomb set up. It's the best game ever created. Seriously. And lastly, I finally found something to do with my tomatoes. And lastly last, I just wanted to thank everybody for the apple |
July 24th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
This will be a scattered entry because I Firstly, the TN/VA/NC bloggers Thirdly, if you (or your kid) have a story that is swimming around your head just dying to get out, then you ought to enter The Old Schoolhouse First Annual Writers Competition. Fourthly, I got an epidural three years ago while vacating King James Fifthly, I shall indeed attempt Crockpot apple butter. I will update you at its completion. Thanks for all of your collective apple wisdom; you guys are a barrel of knowledge The End |
July 21st, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
No…. More…. Aaaaapples
Seriously, I am thankful for the abundance So anyway, after my blissful one-day Apple Sabbatical, I will be back Are you tired of hearing about apples? I'm tired of writing about I should be better within a few weeks… the apples will be gone…. |
July 19th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
Tag, You're It
THE WINNERS…. You guys have all really blessed me with your answers. Thanks *super* much for participating. I chose three winners, so if you are the
The first winner is: I thought her answer to question #2 was particularly great: 2) What do you work on the most in your Our next winner is: hsmomof2 I picked her because of her answer to question number one: 1) Are you the worst That is one brave lady!! And I bet she is a GREAT teacher. And lastly I picked: aligirl 6) When did you first learn about 'homeschooling' and what Thanks Original Post******************************* Ok, I'm tagging all of you. I've had a particularly un-stellar last 1) Are you the worst homeschool teacher you know? Or do you feel pretty confident in what you are doing? 2) What do you work on the most in your 'classroom'? Academics or Character Training? 3) What is your chosen method of Homeschooling– and are you happy with 4) How many kids are you homeschooling right now? 5) Were you homeschooled as a kid? 6) When did you first learn about 'homeschooling' and what was your I'd like to turn this into a contest. Three of |
July 15th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
The Wonders of Non-Electronic Apple Gizmology
I've never been a very good cooker, so when
Ta Dah! Is that not the prettiest pie ever assembled by an My next trick will involve learning what to do with tomatoes. I |
July 13th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
Have You Ever Had a Particularily Good School Day?
Surely you've had at *least* one, right? My friend Mrs.Incredible
The Christian Compass Lessons are everywhere, and To emphasize this point, I We went back inside and I As our children's teachers, As a home schooling mom, I Jenefer Igarashi is the Senior Editor of The Old Copyright 2003. Used with |
July 13th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
I still don't camp well. I wimped out on the second night of our family campout and Geoff the Great So with great courage and |
July 11th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |
NEW CONTEST sponsored by Andrew Pudewa
Wow! You guys are SOOOOOO talented! They were all so good that I asked Marshie to do the honors and pick a Winning Poet for me…. Here is what she emailed to me: I
was very impressed with Tonya's poem sung to a tune; mamasmurf's poem reminded me of my own not-so-good memory; Melkhi was brave and clever enough to add on to the great Robert Louis Stevenson; and Starlady has got some very talented children… Actually there were too many good entries to make this easy… But
the romantic in me couldn't help but dreamily *sigh* at dear JocelynDixon's poem about her Knight in shining armor. So there you have it! Congrats JocelynDixon! email me at and give me your addy so i can send you your prize. *********************** original post: Do you like poems? I have a new contest sponsored by our friend, Andrew Pudewa, you know that brilliant fellow from the Institute for Excellence in Writing? If you would like to win, simply come up with a poem (it has to be at least two lines long). Here's an example: Geoff the Great, he met his Fate See? it's not that hard. I came up with a whole FOUR lines right And then check out some of Mr. Pudewa's other excellent resources! |
July 5th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments |