Jeneric Jeneralities ~ by JenIG

Ok technically Spunky said she 'tagged' me “About Books'; but since this tagging requires brain work it's a bit more painful than a simple 'tagging'. 

Before I start answering the questions, here are my taggies:



Here goes: 

Around the blogosphere there are many games of tag that go on to get people talking to each other  Don't worry they don't require any athletic ability. [JenIG writes: (HA! lies — any ' thinking ' sort of activity is considered athletic in MY book) ] Just a little thought in answering a few simple questions.


Spunky tagged me on books and here are my answers.

Q. Most books I've ever owned.

I had about 400 billion books about 5 years ago thanks to gena and her 'selling books on ebay business'.  Oh my word it was horrid.  I had wall to wall / ceiling to floor books. I used to have nightmares about being crushed to death under those towering columns.

Q. The last book I bought.

Well, Spunky had put: Created to Be His Helpmate by Debi Pearl.  And since I wish that would have been the last book I bought, I'm simply going to lie and steal her answer — besides, I can't remember the last book i bought. 

Q. The last book I read
the last book i read was some politcal mystery thriller- type book that I read on the plane when I was flying home with Kate Kessler, which was relatively interesting.  And when I say that, I mean that both the book and Kate Kessler were relatively interesting.  Actually, Kate was far more than relatively interesting (especially in the airport; specifically at the Krispy Creme stand and on the walking-escalator thingy.  Good Heavens, if I'd only had a video cam). 


Q. The five books that meant the most to me. 

I truly was affected by Created to be His Helpmeet by Debi Pearl — in a good way — (whom spunkster did not seem to find as inspiring but promises to tell all in another blog). 


Er… let's see; the Chronicals of Narnia were instrumental in igniting a love for books when I was about 8 or so.


Um…. I guess several books by John MacArthur could be listed


But the most life changing book that i've ever read was The Symbionic Relationship Between Grammar and Mathmatics with footnotes by Sherman Trowkowskyheimer.  Just kidding.  
I guess one of my favorite books was called Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, which was very [some word that means highly meaningful] to me right after I was married (and such a baby Christian) and trying to understand how I could be forgiven and loved after what a horrid sinner I was, and after all the horrid sick things I had done.

and Spunky listed:
Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss (written in the 1800's)
so I'll steal that one too.  It was super.
The Lamplighter books are pretty super, too


Now the 5 people I tagged have to copy and paste these questions into a new blog entry and answer everything (or else face certain torment from the blog police).

Sorry Ladies.  Blame it on spunky.


June 11th, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

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  1. Anonymous said,

    on June 11th, 2005 at 9:51 pm


    This was so funny! You have a nice sense of humor. I enjoyed reading your answer.

  2. EmptyNestMom said,

    on June 11th, 2005 at 9:52 pm


    That was me above!

  3. spunkyhomeschool said,

    on June 12th, 2005 at 6:13 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Hey you guys are the one who started this whole blog portal don't you go blaming it all on me!!!!!

    Hey I was wondering why you SLAPPED me. This is a game of tag but we don't have to go and get violent no do we???????? Ouch you pack a mean punch their girl!!!

    See your headline if you are wondering what I'm talking about.


  4. underthesky said,

    on June 12th, 2005 at 10:40 pm

    You will never carry

    a cam corder when I am around, sister. Never. 🙂 Kate

  5. ByHisGraceInColorado said,

    on June 12th, 2005 at 10:49 pm

    SO, on a different topic, what do you have against wedding albums?

    We did record our wedding, although it is on cassette, not vinyl. We had three different singers performing "Love Will Be Our Home" "You Took My Heart By Surprise," "Stronger" and our postlude ? was an instrumental "In My Heart There Rings A Melody." It was the worlds longest wedding on record. (Only, on tape, I mean) Wanna watch it ? It's on VIDEO too. My kids run and hide when we mention it. HAhahah.

    That is what you get for calling me a melon AND a corker.



  6. underthesky said,

    on June 12th, 2005 at 11:06 pm

    I have responded to your tagging!

    As I told another blogger who tagged me, I really enjoyed thinking of the books that most influenced me.



  7. leebenvic said,

    on June 13th, 2005 at 12:57 am

    Thanks for the tag

    Thanks for the tag…I'll respond very soon…


  8. KaitlinRose said,

    on June 20th, 2005 at 10:03 pm


    Hi, My name is Kaitlin! I Like your background a lot! Do you have a pet? I added you to my list! you seem veary nice to me. I like your name! You should come to my blog sometime! Please write back! Kaitlin

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