Video Schooling
My friend was telling me that she found this big old list of movies that can be used for homeschooling. I thought that was interesting and I'd like to see the list. Anybody know anything about that? We recently watched Ghandi and it was really interesting from a historical standpoint and it opened up a lot of discussion (Were Ghandi's principals 'Christian' principals — was Ghandi a Christian? Were the people of India treated fairly by their British rulers / lawmakers. etc) Another movie that Geoff and I watched (i wouldn't recommend it for children — but we're going to get the older version filmed in the 30's with Jimmy Stewart and try that one) was Flight of the Phoenix. It was a remarkable story of engineering. And then of course the movie Luther was superb — our family loves that movie… SO well done and so educational. What movies have you used in your schooling? |
June 13th, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments No Responses to ' Video Schooling 'Leave a reply |
on June 13th, 2005 at 12:36 am
That is just SO VERY EDUCATIONAL. asfjfjdsafljdsafjsafjasj
on June 13th, 2005 at 12:48 am
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Barney… hardy har har. One of our best friends started homeschooling because of Barney. That's right, she used to do all the crafts and sing a longs with her kid and thought (sheeesh, I could do this myself). And she did. Minus the purple dino suit.
on June 13th, 2005 at 11:35 pm
We check out movies from the library!
I love to check out documentaries and fun movies that go along with the time period we are studying. We have watched many movies this year but one that we enjoyed was The Lion in Winter (the older version). Movies help to bring to life what we read in our history studies.
on June 14th, 2005 at 2:34 pm
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When Emma was studying WWII (8th grade) we watched;
Schindler's List
The Diary of Ann Frank
Empire of the Sun
She like Schindler's List and Empire of the Sun the best.
I had her watch Gone with the Wind for Civil War times and I had my son watch the whole Burns documentary of the Civil War.
As a special treat after reading Jane Eyre we rented the BBC version.
I love being able to use movies in school.
I have to get Luther!
on June 15th, 2005 at 11:13 pm
Could this be the list?