Jeneric Jeneralities ~ by JenIG
June 9th, 2006
Win KNEX !

We have our KNEX winner!!  I asked my friend Amy, from over at Humble Musings,
if she'd be so kind to pick a Nick-Name winner for me.  So, for
you other 96 people who didn't win…. all hate mail can go straight to
her. heh heh.

Here is what Amy sent:


The Solar Power Knex
kit is a great thing. We just bought one, and the kids enjoy it. My kids hold
the solar panel up to a light bulb to get instant power. I’m sure the winner of
the contest will want to know this. I picked MrsNehemiah because her grandmother
called her “stinkpot.” My German granny called me “stinkpot” all my growing up;
it wasn’t just when I was naughty. Or perhaps it was all the time because I was
always naughty.


Blessings to all your
sweet readers,

Amy Scott

So there you have it!  Congrats, Mrs. N.  Email your address to me at 

Thanks, Amy, for picking the winner and thanks again, Maureen, for sponsoring such a fun contest!

****************** Original Post: ***********************

As promised, we have another awesomely cool KNEX contest. 
I met up with Maureen at the FPEA convention and begged/pleaded/whined
until she agreed to sponsor another give away.  She is so great,
it actually didn't take too much cajoling.  She said she would be
happy to sponsor another contest.  This time she is giving away
their new Solar Energy kit.  It even has motorized parts.  Splendid Indeed.

enter, i want to know what your nickname was when you were a little
kid.  I had several : Ben / Warty the Meatball / Butterball / Jen
Jen / etc


June 9th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 99 Comments

99 Responses to ' Win KNEX ! '

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  1. mom23munchkins said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 9:53 am

    My nickname as a child was…..

    was Punkin~my Dad, who is a preacher, even got my first Bible engraved with “Punkin”. I still have that Bible to this day, and a I still have a few relatives who call me Punkin.


  2. Anonymous said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 10:11 am

    <i>Untitled Comment</i>

    Alyssa-Melissa-Melinda-Meloo (grandma)

    Lilly (little sister)

    Alse-or (brother)

    Lys. Lyssa, Alyss, ally, minty (friends)

    Baby (my husband)

    and now I'm mommy-loo, or mommy-boo, or Blindstien (when my hair sticks out in the morning (my kids)

    When we thought my brother and his wife sounded too mushy with their nicknames for eachother, Lovey and Lovey-pie, my husband and I started calling eachother Sweetie and Nutra-Sweetie!

    Edited by MintFlower on Jun. 10, 2006 at 8:15 AM

  3. Leigh2 said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 10:12 am

    Untitled Comment

    My nicknames were Minnie, Monk (short for monkey), and Tweet….and my cousin still calls me Tweet, sometimes in the comment section of my blog. (Sigh) I have absolutely no idea where any of these came from, but they were all started by my aunt and cousin, so it’s all their fault. My aunt has been known to call me “Minnie” or “Little Min” in the middle of a crowd… the very recent past, no less. My life is hard.

  4. Anonymous said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 10:55 am

    I had several….

    However the one I despised the most was given me by an older cousin. It was Connie Cococomo. I was also called ex-con, conjob, jo all coming from part of my name or initials when put together.

    Edited by 4evrHischild on Jun. 10, 2006 at 9:01 AM

  5. hiplvmom2 said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 11:15 am

    Untitled Comment


    It was given to me by both my younger sisters…. My actual name is Dana and because it never came out right, Naana stuck *smile*

  6. MrsNehemiah said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 11:15 am


    Yikes!, this is a cruel way to humble us. but if we want to win the KNEX’…..

    OK Lots of Nicknames, my Dad would start calling me “little Audrey” when I was talking too much, Audrey is his mother’s name and she could go a mile a minute.

    I got a lot of “Heidi Ho” but I only put up with it from my Grandpa 🙂

    Dad and Mom called me Pumpkin, so now my kids are Pumpkin-Head, Pumpkin-pie or Pumpkin-poo

    My grandma called all her grandchildren “stinkpot” whenever we were deliberately naughtey

    for a while my kids were into reading stories whos main characters are mice, so they became Mousie, Tall-mouse and Mouse-you (that would be Maggie Tomas and Matthew)

    Kids in School used to call me “Chez” after my lastname, but it wasn’t good enough for my camp counselor, she named me “jellybean”

    and Now my Dh has a Nickname given to him by his church buddies, Nehemiah

    So that makes me

    Mrs. Nehemiah

  7. Anonymous said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 12:52 pm

    What Nickname DIDN'T I Have?

    Okay, I'm sure there were some. I was sure, when I was a kid, however, that my parents just named me to punish me. (Later I found out that if I had been a boy, I would have been King, Kosmo, or Slick, so I am very grateful to God for intervening on my behalf!)

    I had glasses, so there was four-eyes, of course. My maiden last name lead to the nickname of "Kiss Her" (sounds similar). But most of the names were for my first name.

    Chel-lo Jel-lo, Violin, Consuelo Burrito (from a loving sister– I'm sure you can relate!), and J-Lo have all been tossed at me over the years. The last one is the only one that sounds like my name is SUPPOSED to be said, but that didn't stop the names.

    My sisters and I all have the exact same initials (CYK), so my parents made up different "initials" and I went by CJ for a few months. My dad called me Red Fox for a few years (CB radio handle). I've been on the internet long enough that I have been called my my chat "handle" (Trill) and my Yahoo name (ChathamMommy) on occasion.

    I still use the J-Lo one when people just can't pronounce my name right and I'll sign off things to my sister with Consuelo Burrito, so I guess not all nicknames are bad, hmm? 😉

    Chelo– who usually answers to "Mommy" or "Hey, You!" now

    Edited by ChathamMommy on Jun. 10, 2006 at 11:06 AM

  8. Rebecca R. said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 1:05 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Penniless (my brothers kindly chanted that over and over to me when I went bankrupt when playing them in Monopoly when we were kids–they still bring it up over 20 years later!), Reebok, Twiggy, William, Beecky, Beeckster, and I am sure there are more I can’t remember! 🙂

  9. KarenW said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 1:07 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Peanut, Karen the Red Baron and Kayro

  10. KarenW said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 1:10 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot – kids in college used to call me Meryl because I looked so much (I was told) like Meryl Streep.

  11. ceanders said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 1:32 pm

    Nickname –

    I was called “Cotton Top” I had blond hair that was bleached white by the sun.

    I was also called “Ears” because my ears stood out from my head. Some said I looked like a Yellow Cab going down the street with both doors open!

    These ought to be a winner. – The prize will be sent to KarenW my daughter in Romania

  12. TheChinaPainter said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 2:07 pm


    I was occasionally called Pixie and PeeWee.

  13. iluvmy3chickiesandtheirdaddy2 said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 5:12 pm

    My nicknames…

    “Ree Ree” was the main one; I’m still called that now, but it’s been shortened to “Ree”….my dad used to call me “Freckle Face Hound”….so they’re ya go.

  14. Anonymous said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 5:16 pm

    Hi Mrs. Igarahsi

    my nicknames are "Katie Bo", "Katie Bo Batie", "K-K", "Monkey". Recently I fell and got a knot on my head and was limping around. So my friends started to call me knot head and a kid at school and another friend called me limpy!! Luckily those didn't stick!! 🙂


    Edited by countrygirlKate on Jun. 11, 2006 at 11:09 AM

  15. joyfulhomeschool said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 6:31 pm




    cindy-girl (lovingly from grandmother)

  16. sbad said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 7:15 pm

    Great contest!

    My nickname as a child was Barby. Not a cool nickname, but I just had to enter such a great contest.

    My husband and children keep singing the “Barbara Manatee” song from Veggie Tales to me….. it both charms and pains me at the same time!!!!

    Barbara (mother of the blogger)

  17. thecoolmom said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 8:13 pm


    Mine was Rippy. It was a friend’s idea of a funny take on my name (Terri). I was also at various times Sunshine or Sunny or TL.

  18. peainapod1 said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 9:43 pm

    Nick Names

    Unfortunatly I grew up in a lot of foster homes so I was allways the new girl in school so I got all of the terrible names. Corky, 4 eyes, pig nose, Miss. Beasley, retard, frizzy, fat lips ect. Kids used to write horrible names for me in my school books. This may sound depressing but I do not remember having a nick name from a foster parent or somene who liked me. People would call me Beck which I absoulutly detest! My name is Rebecca.

    My husband though calls me sparrow, honey, and sweetie. 🙂


  19. Melkhi said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 9:48 pm

    You ask a simple question, but…

    My dad always comes up with whacky nicknames for people. He called me “Missle” or “Misery” growing up. But really, the worst nickname I had was “Missy”. My parents named me Melissa so that they could call me “Missy.” I’ve never liked the name, because some people use it for any girl in general when sounding stern: “Now look here, Missy!”

    When I was in first grade, I told my family that I wanted to be called Melissa. They ignored me and I was “Missy” until I was in college. My sisters even let it degenerate further into “Miss”.

    When my husband was in first grade, he told his family that he was “James” not “Jimmy.” He was James from then on!

    Last summer, I went with my dad and my sister to an exercise session with a t-tapp trainer (see my blog sidebar if you’re curious what that is). I had been communicating with the trainer via email and phone and she knew me as Melissa. When we all met together, I made the mistake of taking a bathroom break. When I got back, sure enough, she called me “Missy” for the rest of the time! Thanks family!

  20. LindaI said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 9:51 pm


    My nickname was Barewski. DOnt have a clue now to spell it but my parents insisted it was not Brewski (meaning beer). THe worst was one day I was in 6th grade. all proud that I was filling in for the secretary on lunch answering phones. Mom was my schools only lunch lady. She walked in and did not know I was going to be there filling in that lunch and she said Barewski! Real loud and a teacher I had a crush on was in there photo copying papers. I about died of embarrasment.

  21. jaminacema said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 10:07 pm


    They called me Bug. (sadly, many family members still do and I am almost 42!) A Knex kit would make me feel better though!

  22. heartmatters said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 11:07 pm

    My nicky nicker names…

    Mom always called me JENNY-BENNY. Still does. Thanks Mommy Wigwammy.

    Some middle school friend called me PEL for several months because one day during a serious library research moment in school she whispered to me “Pizza Eye Lids”. Or so I thought. She really said something else (“Jen, Putsome Eyeliner On” – nice peer pressure huh) but the confusion was enough to get us both in a heap of trouble and gained me the nickname “PEL” for a few months.

  23. HeartnSoul said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 11:43 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Childhood nicknames eh…. Neecy, Neecer. My mon and Dad called me “Sis”. When I was working my first job at a nursing home the older people (who couldn’t hear me pronounce Denise I guess) called me Bernice lol.

    Denise T

    (btw another fun contest on my blog! win an aromatherapy lavander neck/body wrap! mmmm)

  24. Cre8iveMom said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 11:53 pm

    Untitled Comment

    I only had one nickname. My maiden name is Sasso, so I was always called Sassy Sasso. Sadly, it fit me. 🙂


  25. PrincessAly said,

    on June 10th, 2006 at 11:56 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Hi Mrs. Jen. My mom told me to come post for your contest! My dad calls me princess, and my mom calls me tinkerbell. my brother calls me brat.

    Your friend,


  26. ByHisGraceInColorado said,

    on June 11th, 2006 at 12:04 am

    ok, here goes:

    Let’s see, there was yak, and chatterbox, talkalot and motormouth. Tumbleweed was a later nickname my Dad gave me , when I got an afro in highschool. (Which he hated with a passion) These are the NICE nicknames, mind you. My Dad also called me Nankey Doodle and Sugar Puss.

    Did I win??

    Love, Nancy-who-by-the-way-is-blogger-of-the-week-in-case-you-hadn’t-noticed~

  27. Jaybird said,

    on June 11th, 2006 at 10:04 am


    Leigh2 did NOT take a potty break as orginally posted on my blog. roflol!

  28. Anonymous said,

    on June 11th, 2006 at 1:07 pm


    thanks fro the advice! Your blog rocks!

  29. Jocelyndixon said,

    on June 11th, 2006 at 1:59 pm


    When I was born SuperAngel couldn’t say my name, so she started calling me Jocanina (Jos-a-nee-na) for Jocelyn Nicole. Through the years when I have friends around that are older one of my sisters have to point out my nickname, which I hate!!! Boys get the most kick out of it!

    Poeple don’t usually call me that, but for a while it was my nickname. Now, I am just called Joc, I don’t like that either.

  30. AHollyDay said,

    on June 11th, 2006 at 3:19 pm

    Untitled Comment

    My nicknames are Holly Jolly, Princess and Sweet Pea. Sometimes my big brother calls me twerp.

  31. AiBoon said,

    on June 11th, 2006 at 4:25 pm

    Untitled Comment

    The only one I can remember is San Po which is our Teochew dialect for skinny. Right now, some of my dh’s relatives call me Bones. Looks like I’m never destined to grow fat. Cheerio.

    Ai Boon

  32. Titus2woman said,

    on June 11th, 2006 at 4:40 pm

    Untitled Comment

    I was called “Mustache” in 7th grade because of stitches on my lip from a dog bite. Of course being who I am, I was all too happy to go~swollen lip and all~as attention far outweighed having to look good~LOL!

    I was called “Smilie” in high school, and later “Bif” because I always said, “I biffed it”.

    A friend of my darling’s dubbed me “Cassandra”, as I keep getting fashion magazines “For Today’s Black Woman”.

    (((((HUGS))))) sandi

    P.S. I think I should win, just because I’ve been studying up on solar energy for do-it-yourself heating~and was just gettin’ ready to blog about it! LOL!

  33. 4beachbabies said,

    on June 11th, 2006 at 5:58 pm

    my nicknames

    My family always called me Tootsie ( they still do). My best friends little sister couldn’t say Andrea so she called me Abbiah so alot of my friends called me that or Abba. And my favorite is Andy, my grandpa always called me that.

    That’s it!


  34. SandBetweenMyToes said,

    on June 11th, 2006 at 8:40 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Tisha, Tish, Tishie, Pint (my sister was 1/2 pint)

    Then, of course, there were the mean public school ones–bean pole, 4 eyes, railroad tracks….

    THEN there were the “cute” ones (mostly from male friends) in high school–froggie, Tush, Mortisha, Sexy Feet (yes, someone really did call me that, and NO you can’t look at my feet. Besides, whatever sex appeal they must have had, is obviously long gone!).

    Those are the only ones that immediately come to mind. Funny, no one was ever clever enough, I don’t guess, to come up with Tia!

    Hope to see you tomorrow.


  35. GAhomeschoolmom said,

    on June 11th, 2006 at 9:21 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Mine were boring nicknames, but worth a try in case you just pick a number or you might decided to pick the most boring nickname and mine could really win that! My name is Melissa and the only nicknames I ever had were Missy or Lissa. See? I told you they were boring! But, I really like winning stuff!

  36. MrsIncredible said,

    on June 11th, 2006 at 9:24 pm

    I have a few, too!

    So, here they are:

    Docko (little brother couldn’t say Jennifer)

    Jenner (little sister couldn’t say Jennifer 🙂

    Tigger (I’m bouncy, trouncy, pouncy, flouncy, funfunfunfunfun LOL)

    And the best one..

    My best friend Martha was Taiwanese, and she and all her sisters had Taiwanese names in addition to their American ones… so, because I was a part of their family practically, they decided I needed one too. Martha’s last name was Wang, (pronounce it Wong), and so her Taiwanese name was Wang-que-Fang (Said Wong-Kway-Fong). So because my last name was Fink, I became….

    Fink-que-Pink :)!!!! How’s that for a nickname for a little ol girl from Ohio?!!

  37. wardssward said,

    on June 12th, 2006 at 12:23 am

    Untitled Comment

    I just finished entering Gena’s contest, so to be fair, I’ll enter yours too. 🙂 You know how that moms get confused and temporarily have a mental block in remembering their children’s names when a child does something wrong and needs a scolding or they need to get the child’s attention quickly? They start at the oldest child’s name until they finally get the right one. My older sister’s name is Deanna, so by the time my mom got to me, it came out as D-CON. Other than that, my brother liked to call me KUDO for some reason. At least it’s a little more of an honorable nickname. 🙂


  38. gabalot said,

    on June 12th, 2006 at 12:33 am

    Ok here it goes…

    Sarah Burnheart…I reference for the young referring to being somewhat overly dramatic. My hubby would I am sure say this hasn’t changed as he calls me a drama queen. Well, he got it half right, the “queen” part at least.

  39. Anonymous said,

    on June 12th, 2006 at 12:36 am

    Nicknames…oh so many

    There are so many, let me see.

    <P style="return: 0px;"></P>

    HR Puffin Stuff – by my Dad, after the kid's TV show. My initials were HRS and it just seemed cute at the time. <P style="return: 0px;"></P>

    Frog – by my Mom, because I sat with both legs out to the sides & my arms in front like a frog when I watched TV.<P style="return: 0px;"></P>

    Darling – my Grandmother<P style="return: 0px;"></P>

    Hours – HRS… need I explain how bad that one can be.<P style="return: 0px;"></P>

    Heafer – First name Heather and I was a bean pole, not sure how that lasted so long, about 4 yrs.<P style="return: 0px;"></P>

    Hi-Fi- my little brother couldn't say Heather and called me that for about 6 mos.<P style="return: 0px;"></P>

    Renald – an annoy reference to my middle name (Renee) created by my older brother during my Jr. High years.<P style="return: 0px;"></P>

    Wierdo – by my classmates in Jr. High. I was one of those who went against the flow and usually found being called wierd a compliment.<P style="return: 0px;"></P>

    Ostrich legs – by a friend in High School because, well that's probably what they looked like. 5'8" and not breaking 100 lbs. <P style="return: 0px;"></P>

    Mean lifeguard – by kids from church camp. Many of them still don't remember my name but recognize me today as the "mean lifeguard".

    Pajara – created by myself after I got married. Spanish for Bird. I'm a Spanish major who married in to the Bird family.<P style="return: 0px;"></P>

    GI Jane – because I like to play with the boys. I like paintball, football, etc. and refuse to be left out.<P style="return: 0px;"></P>

    Martha Villa – by my current neighbors. I act like either Martha Stewart or Bob Villa. <P style="return: 0px;"></P>

    Edited by pajara on Jun. 11, 2006 at 10:37 PM

  40. Anonymous said,

    on June 12th, 2006 at 12:42 am

    Nicknames…oh so many

    There are so many, let me see.

    HR Puffin Stuff – by my Dad, after the kid's TV show. My initials were HRS and it just seemed cute at the time.

    Frog – by my Mom, because I sat with both legs out to the sides & my arms in front like a frog when I watched TV.

    Darling – my Grandmother

    Hours – HRS… need I explain how bad that one can be.

    Heafer – First name Heather and I was a bean pole, not show how that lasted so long, about 4 yrs.

    Hi-Fi- my little brother couldn't say Heather and called me that for about 6 mos.

    Renald – an annoy reference to my middle name (Renee) created by my older brother during my Jr. High years.

    Wierdo – by my classmates in Jr. High. I was one of those who went against the flow and usually found being called wierd a compliment.

    Ostrich legs – by a friend in High School because, well that's probably what they looked like. 5'8" and not breaking 100 lbs.

    Mean lifeguard – by kids from church camp. Many of them still don't remember my name but recognize me today as the "mean lifeguard".

    Pajara – created by myself after I got married. Spanish for Bird. I'm a Spanish major who married in to the Bird family.

    GI Jane – because I like to play with the boys. I like paintball, football, etc. and refuse to be left out.

    Martha Villa – by my current neighbors. I act like either Martha Stewart or Bob Villa.

    OH! And sorry the previous entry was me. I wasn't logged on DH pager went off. Everything went crazy here for a moment and now I can't seem to delete the bad entry. *sigh* I need a blogger for dummies book!

    Edited by pajara on Jun. 11, 2006 at 10:44 PM

  41. joedeb said,

    on June 12th, 2006 at 5:08 am

    My nickname was…

    Bright Eyes, thanks to my 4th grade teacher and my big baby blues, and later, “Boop” after Betty Boop, when a bunch of my friends all agreed that I looked like her.

  42. GenesisFamily said,

    on June 12th, 2006 at 6:54 am

    Untitled Comment

    I had two nicknames… my family called me Toni Baloney Ham and Cheese and Macaroni….

    and at school I was called Beaver-bacher, my last name was Herrbach and my front teeth (before braces) resembled those of a beaver. Ahhh, the fun of public school.


  43. Anonymous said,

    on June 12th, 2006 at 10:30 am


    My nickname was "Doolers".

    This is how it came to be: When I was a baby, one of my aunts was baby-talking to me when I was drooling and she called me "doolers". Don't know why the "r" was dropped…I guess that makes it more appropriately "baby talk".

    Here is the sad part…get out the kleenex!

    My oldest brother continued to call me that as I grew into understanding language , and this is when the Kingston Trio (I think that is who it was) had a record out with the song: "Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley". In the words of the song it goes:

    "Hang down your head Tom Dooley, hang down your head and cry. Hang down your head Tom Dooley, for boy your bound to die" (or something very close to that).

    Buddy, my eldest brother would sing that to me often, only changing the name from "Dooley" to "Julie" or "Doolers" alternating within the repetition of that phrase in the chorus . And when he got to the part about "for boy you're bound to die"…. he would change it to: "for GIRL, you're bound to die". Thus making me cry, because I thought that by singing that, it would some how make me die soon.

    Years later while shopping in a store, there was musak going in the background and my eyes watered. The person I was with asked me what was wrong and I told him I wasn't sure. Then I tuned in and realized that darn song was playing in the background.

    My oldest brother still calls me Doolers and that is how he addresses his email to me, however now in my mid-forties I no longer cry, but look at it as nostalgic. I have no problem signing that name on my messages to him. However I do enjoy writing a little more before the name:

    "Love your MUCH YOUNGER SISTER, Doolers"

    By the way, our children in age order are: Pookie Bear, Doodle, Princess or Boo, Ju-ju-ya-ya and Spunkin.

    We just named one of our baby rabbits: Biddlespocker…. a knick name that my dad gave to just about every child.

    Edited by Jul on Jun. 12, 2006 at 8:39 AM

  44. AnAmericanGirl said,

    on June 12th, 2006 at 1:01 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Hannah Banana

    Hannah Belle

    Hannah Banana Apple (by my little sister)

    Hannah Ananas (it rhymes in Romanian and means Hannah Pineapple)

  45. danib said,

    on June 12th, 2006 at 1:39 pm

    Untitled Comment

    You’re really draggin’ this one out, aren’t ya? Waiting for the entire community to respond?

    ; )

  46. CAgirlwithasoutherndrawl said,

    on June 12th, 2006 at 1:58 pm

    Just a reminder…


  47. KarenW said,

    on June 12th, 2006 at 2:47 pm

    Untitled Comment

    I thought of a few more:

    Missy – by my mom (made lots of people think my name was Melissa)

    Baby doll – by my dad

    Karen Hank Aaron – by my cousin. Not much rhymes with Karen and I guess he never heard of the Red Baron.

  48. CTdittmar said,

    on June 13th, 2006 at 8:57 am

    Untitled Comment

    My real name’s Christa Kay. So I was “Sister Sue” “Critter Kay” “Critta”…at one point in gradeschool I was so skinny they called me “Bones.”

  49. Anonymous said,

    on June 13th, 2006 at 12:27 pm

    Untitled Comment

    So-since I am stinkpot too, any chance of you finding ANOTHER one to give away?!?!

    I know-I am a SORE loser. 🙂 Rebecca

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