I walked into my kitchen and my brain suddenly leapt into the following chorus: If It Says Libby's Libby's Libby's On the Label Label Label You Should Put It Put It Put It On The Table Table Table
How the heck did that get in there??
Anyways, there is nothing nicer than clean sheets. I always
forget to change my sheets until they get pretty grodie, and then I
wash them. You'll be proud to know that today was one of those
days. Actually, Ryann washed them, but the point is, they're
clean. How often is one supposed to change their sheets in order
to be considered sanitary? I spose I should change my pillow
cases, too.
Lastly, when Gena
moved in down the street I was glad. But then I learned that the
landlord refused to let them have pets. So that meant I had to
adopt Gena's dumb dog. And guess what? Her dumb hussy of a
dog is going to have puppies any day. Is that not the most
rottenest sisterly thing in the world for her to do? She will pay
for this.
on August 8th, 2006 at 6:29 pm
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You must have a similar built in “chip” like R2D2 for that “Libby’s blip” to escape like that. But I have to ask? Did you sing it out loud? and if you did? did anyone hear you?
So……..when are your releasing your new disco power point presentation to the world? how ’bout at the Homeschool Festival at the Biltmore in September…….will puppies be ready by then?
on August 8th, 2006 at 6:35 pm
My contest ends in 6 days and I was wodering if you could advertise it for me? Thanx!
on August 8th, 2006 at 8:41 pm
I thought the last two lines were: You will like it, like it, like it, On your table, table, table
Anyway, I used to change our sheets, oh, maybe once a month. Then one little snort got lice, passed it around to everyone else, and for a month or so we were combing out nits several times a day, washing out pillowcases everyday, and washing sheets every week. Seven years later, everyone still uses his/her own comb and we still wash our sheets every week…except when we wash them every other week.
If Gena’s dog’s puppies go the way of your kitties…well, that would be revenge–but it’d be awful sad. Maybe instead their vengeance can be cuteness with lots of staying power. Your revenge would be getting to keep the little fuzzballs while Gena can only gaze longingly from afar.
on August 8th, 2006 at 10:00 pm
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;al;asldkfj;saldfkja;sdlkfjas;dlfjs;dlkjf…. okay, don’t even get me started on the sheet thing. It’s absolutely one of the most hated things in my home to do (hey… that sounds like a good blog subject…) anyway, I HATE to change the bedding at our house. I think the women who do that weekly (and yes, I know they’re out there cuz they’ve dared brag about it on my blog… can you imagine the gall?) have something a little “tweaked” if ya know what I’m saying cuz that’s just insane. I mean, how much time is wasted on that in a life time if you go about changing sheets WEEKLY???!!! That’s just nuts… not that I’m convicted or anything… I just prefer to be like a pig and roll around in my own mess… a;lskdjf;lsdkjf;salkdjf;lsakdjf… can I say that???
Well, I’m here to make you feel better about yourself…
Your good friend and nutpickle who changes sheets everytime a child pukes on them! And I mean everytime too… a;sldkfj;asldkfj;alsdkfj
on August 8th, 2006 at 10:35 pm
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I LOVE your banter with your sister~y’all just have WAY TOO MUCH FUN! LOL!
Thanks for leaving me comments here and there~they bless me! (((((HUGS))))) sandi the crack up! LOL!
on August 8th, 2006 at 11:05 pm
What a relief
I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one who let their sheet go for long periods of time. It is bad when my 4yo daughter begs me for 3 days to change the sheets ’cause we’ve “never changed them in a looooooonnnnnnnnggggggg time!” We finally got around to it, though.
on August 8th, 2006 at 11:21 pm
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oh man, you guys are completely cracking me up. i am sooooo glad to know that i’m not the only pig in homeschool-ville
on August 9th, 2006 at 12:26 am
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weren’t you or gena just trying to pawn off some puppies fairly recently?
i change my sheets at least weekly because i love clean sheets too. i love it most of all when they have dried outside in the sunshine. oh, the heavenly smell of a sunshiney bed when you go to sleep.
on August 9th, 2006 at 1:05 am
I am glad i am not the only one to have odd things pop into my brain from nowhere…I will be singing that Libby song for days now! LOL Tomorrow I will torture the children with it. They think I have a song for everything! How could I have missed this one until now?
on August 9th, 2006 at 6:55 am
Oooh I will like it like it like it on the table table table!
That must be the other verse!
I am NOT going to mention my sheets, only because it will make you feel too good. And everyone will blanche when they read it and say “It was funny while everyone stayed in the realm of normal, but Kim has just gone too far in her honesty. It is not funny anymore.”
Did I ever tell you about the time, in college, when I was ‘splainin to someone about coming to my single dorm room that it was a MESS and they were all, “Oh, don’t WORRY about it, I’m a slob too.” and I was all, “no, you don’t understand, I’m REALLY a slob.” and they kept reassuring me it was fine. Until we got to the room. And their jaw dropped and they said in this quiet little shocked voice, “oh. That IS messy.”
And they didn’t even KNOW about the sheets.
Um. I think I’ll wash mine today.
on August 9th, 2006 at 7:45 am
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Thanks Mrs. Ig!
on August 9th, 2006 at 7:58 am
More puppies!!
Wow! I have shared the good news with Daisy that she is going to be a…sister. Or something like that. And she is such a GREAT DOG that you can use us as a personal reference when you are trying to pawn off the next set of pups!! (Daisy, however, has an appt. with the scalpel this Friday….)
on August 9th, 2006 at 8:23 am
sheets and puppies
I love clean sheets too. I change these every week(call me crazy) I love to hang them on the line what a smell. I never make my bed as well as when I change the sheets. Nice and crisp.
Puppies how great!!!???(for Gena) Good science class. do you know that the mother dog eat the after birth to keep her streangth up and insures that she will not have to leave the puppies to eat. I don’t know if I am that devoted to my babies. The birth is a great experence for the kids. Makes the “how babies are born” talk a lot easier!!! No help with “where babies come from though” Did you find the chickens?? Keep your eye on those puppies. Love your blog!!!
on August 9th, 2006 at 9:50 am
Changing sheets
Yeah, I’m thinkin’ once a week and you should sweep your mattress as well! I am an every 1 or 2 week sheet changer but that is because my husband is oily and I can’t stand the grub!
on August 9th, 2006 at 10:15 am
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Maybe the puppies will live longer than the chickens? I just wanted to drop a note to tell you how wonderful your article was this month. It was refreshing to know someone else had been in the wrong place and changed their ways to give glory to God. I, too was on a path to nowhere, and though I had no one to show me the way, the Lord gave me my wonderful hubby, and through our marriage we found Him, and the rest is a wonderful testament to the Lord’s faith in us. It is sometimes hard for me to explain to people the agony of being “lost”, and how important God is in my life, because I’ve known how horrible it was without Him. Thank you so much for the glimpse of your past, and for sharing your awesome faith! It reminded me how much my kids need my prayers! I want them to deny me the anguish I caused 🙂
on August 9th, 2006 at 12:42 pm
Thanks and sheets
Thanks for having that wonderful contest! I am so excited about the math DVD’s!
I became a once-a-week-sheet-changer THIS week! We’ll see how long that lasts–tee-hee. My plan is to have the children strip their beds every Monday morning, and then I HAVE to wash them, right? I almost didn’t get ours done, but when I went to make our bed it was almost stripped anyway, so I washed them too. Our bed is harder to do because I can’t cheat and throw another set on if I don’t get them washed. (The other set is flannel.)
on August 9th, 2006 at 12:54 pm
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Hey, didn’t that hussy dog have puppies last year?
Ummm…I’m not sure about the sheet thing. I refuse to answer the question on the how often in my house. It’s not regular and I don’t think it’s in the grodie stage…but I guess that’s all subjective, huh?
Well, enjoy your clean sheets and make sure the dogs stay OFF!
on August 9th, 2006 at 3:55 pm
Is she going….or are you going to try to give them away like the last litter? Is a bunch of pups called a litter? If so, will YOU FedEx one to me, Gena wouldn’t:(
0:) Amber
on August 9th, 2006 at 3:57 pm
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Ack! Puppies! Do not mention that word to me. I just posted a blog entry (finally!) about just that subject, and I am thinking that the word puppies right now makes me twitch.
Also, sheets….ours get washed whenever Bobby gets in a laundry mood (which he does every few weeks. If I could figure out what caused it, I would try and make it happen more often.) I wash the clothes constantly, but for some reason the sheets just slip my mind. When my brother lived with us a few years ago (for about a year) it dawned on me when he moved out that he had not washed his sheets for the ENTIRE time he was there. I mentioned this to him recently, and his response was “So? They didn’t stink or anything.”
on August 9th, 2006 at 4:38 pm
There is…
Nothin’, Nothin’ Like it on the Table, Table, Table! Ha! I thought I was the only one with strange songs popping into my head at any given time. LOL! My yougest dd must also have this “afliction”, because she walks around singing:
“Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home,
Your house is on fire
and your children will burn.”
She puts a special emphasis on the word “burn”. I suppose after seeing my reaction for the 100th time she’s become quite the drama queen.
And don’t get me started on sheets! Aren’t they supposed to be changed just before company comes to visit!!! LOL!
Blessings, Lori
on August 9th, 2006 at 5:31 pm
ok, I'm getting a little grossed out!
I don’t mean to offend anyone, but how can you guys go longer than a week without changing sheets? That’s just plain yucky!! I would actually change them twice weekly if it wasn’t such a hassle. We change them on Friday – the kids strip their beds that morning and remake them with clean sheets immediately and I wash our sheets that day, too. This is just what my mom did and so what I’m used to, I guess. But if I had my choice, I’d be changing them on Tuesdays and Fridays or something like that because I don’t like it when they don’t smell clean anymore … I’m guess I’m a little wack-o or something! I do not line dry them though.
on August 10th, 2006 at 12:12 am
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HA! I’m cracking up. What a hoot. By the way, don’t try pawing one of the ugly muts on me!
on August 10th, 2006 at 12:21 am
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Before Norman and I married, I wasn’t in the habit of changing my sheets very often. In fact, it was a pretty rare occasion when I did wash them. When we got married, I decided that it was also a good opportunity to start fresh in establishing some good habits. One of these was changing the sheets. I turned Wednesday into my “Strip the Bed Day”. Surprisingly, I have continued with this habit. The boys even know that, on Wednesdays, instead of making their beds, they get to “strip it”… and they don’t complain. 🙂
on August 10th, 2006 at 7:00 am
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I am SO trying to develop better housekeeping habits. In my house, if my husband didn’t regularly change the sheets on our bed, they wouldn’t get changed!
on August 10th, 2006 at 8:04 am
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You’re supposed to “change” the sheets? Change them into what? Hmmm. I’m going to have to look into this. Is it something you do when you’re getting ready to move, like cleaning the oven? Anyway, along those lines, I’m pretty freed-up from housework these days since I recently performed the “Annual Mopping of the Kitchen Floor.” (Kris, am I making the hair on the back of your neck stand up?!)
on August 10th, 2006 at 3:03 pm
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We change and wash sheets every Wednesday….. My DH is a day sleeper so it makes it a little hard…. So I have a few sets… I get up a little early change out the sheets before he gets home…. I also vacuum and Febreze the mattress at the same time… In the winter I will open the window in our bedroom and air out the whole mattress too….. When he gets home he gets to jump into a cold fresh bed…. just the way he likes it *me too*.
PS~ I only have white sheets, because I lalala love the smell of bleach….. I know I am sorta freakish…. LOL
on August 10th, 2006 at 8:49 pm
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Weekly. Every Tuesday. Has been this way for years. Will be this way for years… unless I’m out of town. Hubby doesn’t wash sheets. If I go away, the sheets will be exactly as I left them… only grubbier.
I haven’t gotten the knack of vacuuming my mattress yet, though. Do I get a few “normal” points for that? 😉
on August 10th, 2006 at 8:59 pm
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I’m a little late on the sheet post, I know. “I” (well, not exactly) started washing ours every week when James said how much he liked the feel of the freshly washed ones. The thing is y’all are going about it all wrong. Don’t you have CHILDREN???? On Mondays, Marissa takes hers off, and Briana takes Daniella’s and ours off, and Briana washes them. On Tuesdays, Ashley and Briana take their own off, and Briana washes them. I am usually the one to toss them in the dryer. A & B put their own back on. James usually does the little girls’ while I’m cleaning up after supper. You gotta learn to delegate girl!
on August 11th, 2006 at 4:48 pm
Should just pay to have her fixed!!! That would eliminate the reproduction you know…
Just sharing the birds and the bees…
on August 13th, 2006 at 1:24 am
You have SHEETS??
Gee, you must be making a mint of that magazine. 🙂
LOL- hey, you got that jingle all wrong. See what Stephanie10 wrote? She and I both know the REAL jingle.
Well, night night. Off to my cold hard sheetless bed.
Love, Your poor friend,
on August 26th, 2006 at 1:57 pm
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After years of trying, my mum finally gave up trying to get my 19 year-old brother to change his sheets regularly enough for them not to become discoloured. Her solution? Buy him black sheets – he was ecstatic!
on August 26th, 2006 at 2:23 pm
Making Beds
Wow u guys actually make beds?lol Gosh what a concept. I dont think I have made a bed since…… however i do change my sheets once a week (sometimes)