Jeneric Jeneralities ~ by JenIG

So, like, it's true; my mind is a bit gone.  No more sniffing packing tape, I am OFF that stuff for good.  At any rate I figured I'd post something somewhat normal-ish to compensate for my last ranting post.  So…. I will ask you this.  Tell me what you call your children.  As strange as this may seem, I've actualy had several people infer that “Dippy” and “BoBo” are unusual names.  Complete nonsense, naturally, but it got me to thinkin' what other mamas call their own youngens.

August 23rd, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

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  1. HappyApple said,

    on August 23rd, 2005 at 12:35 am

    I really neeeeeed to go to bed now!

    My oldest I call "Boo Boo".. like Boo Boo bear

    My dd is "Precious, Ladybug or Princess" She was only 4 lbs 4 1/2 oz. when she was born. Ladybug started when she looked so cute in a little onesie that had a ladybug on it. Turns out she also LOVES ladybugs!

    3rd child is "Peanut" I don't remember why… LOL.

    4th – "Squirt" (He has lived up to his name… his 'real' name means 'to flow down'… when I delivered him I didn't push!)

    All of them can be "silly goose" at times too.

    Do I get a bonus? You met my mom… she still calls me 'punkin' and my grandmother still calls me "sniklefritz." =)

    Night, night


  2. PatriciaWHunter said,

    on August 23rd, 2005 at 5:12 am


    I call them what ever name first comes to mind! It might be the name of the cat or dog or their daddy or their brother or sister…and occassionally I get it right and call them by their name! I read somewhere that the Proverbs 31 woman could remember the names of her children….so I guess I'm not a Proverbs 31 woman!

  3. ejoyce,ink said,

    on August 23rd, 2005 at 6:26 am

    my kids get a range of names..

    some more complimentary than others…depending on the way they are looking and acting at the minute. They know if I call them tater tot, it's time to get off their duff and start looking industrious.

    The little guy I babysit everyday is most often called booger-boy, or booger-baby, because 90% of the time his finger is up his nose,and I'm trying to cure him of the habit. Glad you asked??

  4. mrskbrook said,

    on August 23rd, 2005 at 6:35 am

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    My kids are usually renditions of their actual names. Oldest is usually "Jujubob", will become quite embarassing to him very soon (he's 10). Youngest is "Seppie.

  5. mrskbrook said,

    on August 23rd, 2005 at 6:35 am

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    My kids are usually renditions of their actual names. Oldest is usually "Jujubob", will become quite embarassing to him very soon (he's 10). Youngest is "Seppie.

  6. spunkyhomeschool said,

    on August 23rd, 2005 at 10:09 am

    Our names

    Bobo, Gooseduck, Little Miss mouse, and pookey and of course there is the obvious Spunky which has been my nickname for over 20 years.

  7. jacalhoun said,

    on August 23rd, 2005 at 10:17 am

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    Hi – thanks for being my very first comment-er! I found that "survey" on another blog and thought it was a little strange, but then I decided I liked it after all 🙂

    As for nicknames, DD is Elena, which turned into Ellie, which turned into Ellie-Belle, which has turned into just Belle. DS (Jacob) is usually just Buddy or Little Man (he's the first boy after 4 girls).

  8. jayfromcleveland said,

    on August 23rd, 2005 at 10:45 am

    mamas? what about dadas?

    Here's what we call the Ryan Babies. Their Mom gave them most of these nicknames, but she can't come to the phone right now….

    Dave (11) => "Head Boy," Hat Boy, Happy — As a baby he had a huge head on a tiny body. It was a cold winter so he wore this knit hat for his first three months. Plus, he was the happiest baby.

    Rick (9) => "Iguana Boy" — Rick was a drooler and always had on this round bib that reminded us of one of those frilled iguanas.

    Sam (7) => many names but mostly "Mogie" — When he was little, he used to greet us each day with "Good Mogie." He would also talk about cutting the grass with a "lawn mogie." So it stuck.

    Veronica (4) => "Rockee" — When she was little, she pronounced her name "Rockeeka." So other than going with the more-obvious "Ronnie," we opted for the Sly Stallone moniker.

  9. KarenW said,

    on August 23rd, 2005 at 10:58 am

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    Gabriel is Gabe or Buddy or Bud.

    Both girls we call princess or beautiful often.

    Hannah was quickly nick named Hannah Banana by many and hated it. I sometimes call her Hannah Pineapple if I want to make her mad (not very often!) because in Romanian pineapple is "ananas" which almost rhymes with Hannah.

    Holly is Crash because she is so accident prone.

  10. DaisyChain said,

    on August 23rd, 2005 at 11:24 am

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    Generic nicknames for my boys/girls:

    Girls — Sweet sweet petunia (from veggietales), blossom, princess buttercup…. and "my little skunkcabbage" when they are acting "stinky."

    Boys — Monkey-man, goober, BillyBrown (from ThirdDay song)….. and "muffin" when they are pressing their luck. They know when I call out "oh my little muffins…." they're gonna git it!


  11. jfraire said,

    on August 23rd, 2005 at 1:00 pm

    Oh boy

    Well let's see, poor Madeline (7), who is such a girlie girl, cringes when I call her "Mad" for short- or even worse "Mad-dog". O.K., even I cringe when I hear it come out of my mouth. Bobby (9) I often called, "Bubba", which he also doesn't seem to truly appreciate, and Benjamin (2) is "Benji" the nickname I swore we'd never give him. Sigh. Why do we do these things to our poor children?

    Great topic!

    Jenni in FL

  12. Cre8iveMom said,

    on August 23rd, 2005 at 1:43 pm

    Child nicknames

    My son would die if he knew I was posting this! DS (11) is either peanut or little man, and DD (8) is either tinkerbelle, stinkerbutt, or princess (depending on her attitude!

  13. brandyb said,

    on August 23rd, 2005 at 8:39 pm

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    My oldest doesn't have a nickname. The next girl we often call "felipity", the 6yob is called "deedee" (given to him by his little brother, which can comes close to saying his real name now, but said "I ALWAYS call him deedee!") The youngest calls himself "Buster Brown," but only when he has reason to. That is, when he "busts."

  14. Dalyn said,

    on August 23rd, 2005 at 9:19 pm

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    Hhhmmm…we called our youngest BoBo for years! We call the middle child "'Tater Bug", and our oldest is called "cita, which is short for Toricita. Her name is tori. Instead of Senorita, we called her Toricita. We are a bit weird, but hey- at least I don't inhale packing tape!! *_* er…that is, anymore.

  15. Adrienne said,

    on August 23rd, 2005 at 9:45 pm

    Wow, lots of fun names!

    My daughter goes by Cay Cay, Pumpkin, and my favorite is Sugar Booger.

    One of my nephews is Sweetie, then Bubba or LaLa, and the youngest we call Jeremiah Johnson, Jimmy, Jerry, Chuck (because he has a nice round head and I think he looks like Charlie Brown)…he has so many names we call him. 🙂

  16. MySmokyMtnHomeschool said,

    on August 23rd, 2005 at 9:48 pm

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    Those Mtns. are right down the road from MY house. lol

    My dh calls them by their first names. Here is what I call them:

    DD- Sarah Beth = 'silly goose' or 'Long Tall Sally' or Sarah B.

    DD- Rachel = sissy

    DS- Jacob= Bubba (Bubbie) & Little Man

  17. MaggieHogan said,

    on August 23rd, 2005 at 10:23 pm

    Truce. Now Put the curry down and back away slowly &

    (I like mine with cocobut, btw.)

    Now I will put away my tape gun. (Psyche! I don't even know how to use one, heheheh.)

    Nicknames. Nope. We're prim and proper around here. Yep. That's us.

  18. jmajma said,

    on August 23rd, 2005 at 11:56 pm


    My boys refer to each other as "Bubba" it is quite cute!

    I tend to call both of them by either, LuvBug, Sweetie Pie, or by their middles names Kaevon and Bijan. As you know the only reason we have middle names is when mom needs to get the attention of two very active boys.

  19. ByHisGraceInColorado said,

    on August 24th, 2005 at 1:00 am

    Don't these people have anything better to do???

    They must have real jobs or something! And that Maggie (tell me that's not a knickname, huh??) she claims they are prim and proper…..ha. Baghdad Bob, isn't that one of her guys?

    Well, anyhow, the truly scary thing here is that Dianna's gramma calls her snikelfritz. That was MY knickname that my dad called me. I think she's telling a fib.

    Our knicknames are TOP SECRET and nobody is going to hear them from me.

    So there, little missy Jenefer. I can tell that you are enjoying making everyone reveal how totally strange they are. I smell a blackmail blog coming on.


  20. Momma2theMax said,

    on August 24th, 2005 at 10:31 am


    well i have some that are flattering and some not so much…here goes…

    Amanda(7) Monkey butt, crack head, Ro, sugar, sweetie, darling girl….the first one comes from her looking like a monk when wearing her hooded towel as a baby…the second one comes into play when she's not using her head….Ro comes from her middle name which is Rose, and the others are self-explanitory…

    Chloe (4) Lolly, lu, low-bug, sugar bear, princess, and boom boom…her's are a little weirder than her sister's Lolly is from her middle name (louise) as a longer form of lu…lu from her middle name…low-bug from both the middle name and the fact that she was SOOOO short until she was 3…and the others are self-explanitory(she gets crack head too) and oh yeah boom-boom is from the rhyme "boom-boom hey you makin' me crazy" our version of "ain't it great to be crazy"

    Norah (2) Nori, Princess Whiney Pants, James, Sugar bear, and Jack jack…Nori is short for Norah, Princess whiney Pants is from when she was a baby and she whined alot…it still fits(we used to sing to her in the tune of the Howdy doodey theme "she's princess whiney pants, she's princess whiney pants…she likes to whine and whine and whine and whine and whine" James cause it's her middle name, and jack jack is from the incredibles baby jack jack cause she's soooo sweet and then goes ballistic at the drop of a hat

    Ethan(3mo) is Efant, little man and buddy Efant is what norah calls him. She likes to add "t" on alot of words and this has stuck cause he's ethan and an infant….hence efant…

    and of course the middle names are used when the end of the world is approaching…and they usually get Amanchlnor when they are making me nuts and that is usually followed by "who are you? What's your name? Are you sure you're mine?" that's about it i think….

    and they all get called "George" as in "you ready to go george?"…"come-on george" and "did george do that?"

    and this shall go no farther than this post but…i was knickerbocker when i was young and hated it…don't ask me why…i have no idea where it comes from 🙂

    gotta toddle 🙂

  21. Anonymous said,

    on August 24th, 2005 at 3:29 pm


    OK, my son has a bunch of nicknames.

    First, foremost and always, he is "Bug." This comes partly from the fact that when he was little I called him "little bug," but at ten he is too old to be "little bug" anymore. When he was small his favorite book was called "feely bugs" (board book with bugs in different textures) and his favorite bug was the "sticky bug" which was also the smallest bug – hence, the "little sticky bug." What can I say – it was appropriate and it stuck.

    (Incidentally – the bug nickname theme runs in the family. My younger brother (four+ years younger than me) was small he couldn't pronounce "big" so for years he told everyone he was a "bug boy." This led to the obvious nickname "bug boy" – which I think he finally outgrew about the time he passed the California Bar exam.)

    My husband's favorite nickname for my son is "Spud." Again – no longer acceptable to the child in public, but founded in even younger childhood, before he could crawl, when my husband's comment was "you know, he looks a lot like a big potato." Don't ask.

    When my son got too old to be "Bug" or "Spud" in public, he became "Buddy," or, when I'm in the mood, "KeYi" (which is extremely versatile because it's Chinese for either "can-do," "acceptable" or "dubious" depending on my inflection at the time).

    You are absolutely right about the inclusion of middle names, by the way. My son knows full well that use of the first, middle and last name translates to "You, Sir, have just committed a vast and heinous crime for which there is no city of refuge and no statute of limitation."

    As an aside, my son does also respond to the full range of "generic-child-nicknames" such as "hey!" "Stopit" and "Touchthatcookieandyou'redonefor"

    Edited by Jinlong on Aug. 24, 2005 at 1:31 PM

  22. ServingHim said,

    on August 25th, 2005 at 10:31 am

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    Our children's names all start with "J" so it's natural that their nicknames would all start with "B". LOL! They are Boo, Boogs and Burger.

    Elaine <><

  23. chaimommy said,

    on August 25th, 2005 at 3:20 pm


    My oldest daughter Sierra is known as: Bear, Bear-Bear, and Little Bear (she would often act like a wild bear cub as a baby, and her favorite onesie had bears all over it…it stuck!)

    My son Ethan is known as: Boy-Boy, Little Man and Sonshine (The song, You Are My Sunshine, is "his" special song from me)

    And my youngest daughter Abby is known as: Girlie-Boo, Pookie, Pookie-Doo, or Pookie Dookers.

  24. Beth said,

    on August 25th, 2005 at 10:21 pm

    Hi Jen!

    First, I'd just like to say thanks so much for sharing so eloquently your most encouraging thoughts in the Strangers article you wrote in the last edition of TOS mag. I found myself identifying throughout.

    Our 9yos, Nathanael, I've called "Sugar Bear" since he was born… And when his little sister, now 6yo Tabitha was born 3 years later, he soonafter acquired the nickname of "Bubba". We think she must have been trying to say "brother", as it was one of her first words, and it's stuck ever since. Now we all call him Bubby, Bubba, Bub, or Nathan. But I still find myself affectionately calling him Sugar Bear from time to time, which always brings a smile to his face. Tabitha is "Taba", or "Tab", "darling" or "my gazelle" (Tabitha is Hebrew for "gazelle"). She asked me to call her my little dove for awhile too (not sure where she came up with that, but I humored her, however it didn't stick). It's so funny when she gets mad at her brother, to hear her holler out "BUB!", or "BUBBY!", or "BUUUUB-BUH!" LOL! too funny…

  25. mommashepherd said,

    on August 26th, 2005 at 8:20 am

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    Daughter is started out life as Baby Sister then she became Baby Skye then she became Skye Boo now she is Skye Boomafoo. She is also pumpkin, sweet pea, little love and missy mess. Son goes by boy, goof ball, big love and boo.

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