Rumors Rumors and More Rumors
Things are heating up in What you may not have heard is that this Barn Dance is also a fund raiser / pie cook off / cake walk – but most importantly, we have reason to believe Laurie Bluedorn will be breakdancing in efforts to hold on to her Barn Dance Championship tiara. Now surely that is something everybody reading this will want to see. So we need your help. 1) We want you to come to this event and 2) We think you can help us raise more than $8,000 for the missionary family for whom this fund raiser is being held so we can beat the Bluedorn Barn Dance record. Click here to see what the Bluedorn’s shin-dig looked like. And click here to witness that Laurie Bluedorn does actually indeed promise that she will absolutely come to Abingdon to breakdance in her comments section. Plus, we are covering this event in the upcoming Winter issue of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and we need lots of pictures of dancing homeschoolers. Let Julie, our beautiful and gracious hostess and event planner, know you are coming and be sure to bring your dancing boots. |
October 13th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 24 Comments 24 Responses to ' Rumors Rumors and More Rumors 'Leave a reply |
on October 13th, 2006 at 10:03 am
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I think I need to go ahead and purchase extra copies of the Winter Issue. Maybe even a case. I wonder if Johannah will turn it into a beeeeautiful book? And I’m sure the rest of the Bluedorn clan is wondering about the logic behind such a dance-off. Virginia vs. Smoky Mtns…it’s going to be a close one!
I thought about you when I was at Sam’s Club yesterday. I saw this ENTIRE cookbook that was dedicated to one thing: CURRY. It had all sorts of different curry recipes from around the world. I’ve only had it in some Indian dish, in a stew and in chicken salad (which was muy delicioso!).
Anyhow, you and Gena are such fun friends! I really wish I could be there at that barn dance. Hoping Coie or Ryann will take some video…
on October 13th, 2006 at 10:13 am
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Marshie, what are you talking about? Your husband is a PILOT, Marsh! You missed your Smoky Mountain trip this year so this is PERFECT. Marshie, I mean it, you get down here!!!
on October 13th, 2006 at 2:48 pm
Not even with begging and pleading could I get Mark to allow dancing at our wedding! And I am talking about in depth discussions about David dancing before the Lord and all such arguments. Sadly, there is no dancing in this household. 🙁
on October 13th, 2006 at 3:17 pm
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I MIGHT consider coming if you can assure me that I won’t get asked any questions about Latin.
on October 13th, 2006 at 3:56 pm
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There you have it. Laurie Bluedorn is now completely obligated for the Abingdon Va 2006 Barn Dancing Dance Off.
I like how her only condition for showing up is the absence of Latin questions. Notice she doesn’t give any conditions in regards to Breakdancing or Reel dancing… I gots me a feeling that Mrs. Bluedorn is looking forward to a hoe-down show-down.
on October 13th, 2006 at 4:30 pm
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So I guess it would be OK to ask Laurie questions about Greek?
on October 13th, 2006 at 7:03 pm
ONLY Latin is off limits?
Can we ask her what her views are on courtship?
on October 14th, 2006 at 12:47 am
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i sure do wish i lived closer. this sounds like a must see event.
on October 14th, 2006 at 8:34 am
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Well, I wasn’t going to make the barn dance, but then Gena has something on her blog about critters in ‘yer basement and cooking with curry. Now, if yer a using that fresh meat in your basement to cook up some curried vittles, why I just may bring the whole crew up there. Oh, but wait….does the “no chewing tobaccy” rule apply to yer basement, too? That could be the deal breaker right there.
on October 14th, 2006 at 8:47 am
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Michelle…. you get over here and come to this barn dance! you can chew tabaccy in my basement as long as i don’t see it, hear it or smell it. I know you can go four hours without your chew while we’re actually at the barn dance. So GET OVER HERE on Nov 4th! That goes for you, too Chickadee…. you’re not THAT far away!
on October 14th, 2006 at 9:54 am
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Did not know you came here to St.L.!! Too bad. I would have liked to have told you in person how your “Prodigal Child” article in the summer issue of TOS blessed me. But I guess I can tell you here… heh heh heh. I wept. Simply wept. My stepson quit coming over 2 years ago, and it is our heart’s desire to see him come to a saving knowledge of Christ Jesus. Shortly after reading your article, weeping, and crying out to God, he called… when we hadn’t even heard form him or seen him in 10 mos! He’s visited twice, and it was really nice. Still not sure what the future holds. I’m beginning to think that cell phones add a difficult dimension to the parable of the prodigal. It’s like it gives the prodigal, I dunno, a trampoline, so he can touch his feet down and then blast back off into his own rebellious ways. It’s difficult. But, anyway…
Were you in St. Louis for the Uniting Church and Home Conference?
Many blessings,
on October 14th, 2006 at 10:34 am
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This TOS crowd and bloggerville also can never be accused of being starched, stiff-necked and boring that’s for sure. Wild and wooly maybe but definately not boring. Blessings.
on October 14th, 2006 at 12:16 pm
Um, yeah, pretty sure we won’t be anywhere near Virginia on the 4th as I’ll probably be having a baby on the 6th… but I just had to stop by and comment about your comment!
First off, you are too kind! That picture was taken out in the cold, after letting my hair air dry on the way to the farm! lol!
Second, I don’t think you’re the least bit frumpy! I think you’re adorable, so quit being so silly!
Have a super-fantabulous time at the old barn dance, I’ll be too large to get off the chair I’m currently sitting in… I hope the fundraiser is an enormous success!
Have a good one,
enjoy them,
on October 14th, 2006 at 12:41 pm
Maybe Jen Igarashi and Laurie Bluedorn can have a pie-off as well!
I don’t do pie,–my tummy and sugar don’t play well together. But I think since the whole thing was INSPIRED by Laurie, maybe she’ll be willing to be in the pie eating contest! That’s probably what she’s really “saying” on her blog. Don’t you think?
Did you guys see this? Is Laurie now challenging JenIG to the pie eating contest section of our Barn Dance as well as the dance-off? Maybe I’m not understanding correctly, but it sure seems like another challenge… though subtle, we can see what she is REALLY saying. All those years of tricky logic are coming through loud and clear!
Great ideas Laurie— keep ’em coming!
Wow,the dance-off between the Bluedorns and the Igarashis and then Laurie Bluedorn in a pie eating contest….Jen are you up for this new challenge? Everyone is going to want to be there for this!
on October 14th, 2006 at 3:54 pm
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Number One: I don’t do windows and I don’t do Greek.
Number Two: I won’t get past the crust on a pie eating contest. Besides, a whole pie would be too many points and would ruin my diet.
on October 14th, 2006 at 4:37 pm
Hey there!!
How are you? Hope you are having a GREAT weekend!
Wish we could come!! Sounds like lots of FUN!!
Come check out the changes that have happened to your favorite blogpaper!
Stop by “The Daily Planet” soon!
Read my lastest 2 articles just published today!! You know you are addicted to HomeschoolBlogger when… and Health Myths 7-9
Let me know what you think!
Take Care!

Daughter of
Sister of
Alatariel, Tigerlily & Eric
on October 14th, 2006 at 5:11 pm
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Laurie: FYI, the pie crust is the most fattening part of a pie. If you beat Jen Ig by eating nothing but pie crust after pie crust (how many pies …. maybe 27?), you are NOT going to be doing well. Better to do what Jen does, and just suck out all the pie fillin’s. Staff parties are never fun when she’s around the donut table. She leaves us the dry powerdy sugared bread – minus all the jelly filling. I think the two of you should team up rather than go against – think of all the pies you can eat, togetherness style.
Meanwhile, I’ll see ya Monday. Bringing strong coffee, California style. Have lots of cream ready, ok? You don’t have goats, do you? That’s a little too gamey, even from this newly transplanted Tennessean. No goat cream.
on October 14th, 2006 at 5:27 pm
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Wish I could be there!! Hope you all have a great time!! God bless!
on October 14th, 2006 at 7:01 pm
Pies and Parmigiano
Laurie~I don’t think one is supposed to be doing Weight Watchers at a Barn Dance. That just doesn’t seem right.
Hey, make Gena cook up her fettucini alfredo and chicken parmigiano while they are out there.—-That lady can cook!
on October 15th, 2006 at 4:19 am
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I’d bring my vacuum cleaner and teach everyone to dance your dirt away to Christian Reggae…but the barn dance is too far away. Besides, that breakdancing would probably steal the show (how many moms can breakdance outside of their dreams? too cool) and my vacuum likes to be center stage.
Hope everyone has a great time and can’t wait to see the whole thing in TOS.
on October 15th, 2006 at 8:37 am
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No, we got rid of the goats a few years ago and the cows went this year, so, no, there won’t be any cream for your visit on Monday. Unfortunately also, my girls won’t be here either, so you know what that means — I’ll have to do the cooking. And seeings as I never do the cooking, and haven’t for many years, the outcome is going to be rather scary.
on October 17th, 2006 at 12:10 pm
I’m on my way over to sign up! Since we LIVE in Abingdon! Dh said he’d really like to go but don’t expect this fat, pregnant lady to do much waddling–Oh I mean dancing! :0)
Anyone want to hang out that afternoon?
on October 17th, 2006 at 12:31 pm
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LYNAN!!!!!! hurray hurray ! i was going to email you and threaten / beg / blackmail you into coming because i’ve been dying to meet you. I didn’t realize you *live* in Abingdon. This is awesome!!
on October 20th, 2006 at 12:18 am
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wow! that sounds like so much fun. I don’t know if we would be able to make it.
Our days run on a day to day with {Dad’s} business and all. If I could find a way to pull him away from the Business and have a one day vaction again that would be nice. Our real last vaction was 5 yrs ago up in N.H, and that was only 3 day’s. My husband is addicted to work. But, if were not able to make it. I’ll be sure to to read all about it in (The Old Schoolhouse). I do have it on our Calendar in case.