Jeneric Jeneralities ~ by JenIG
June 18th, 2005
Camping with the Insane

I feel bad for my family because I do *not* camp well.  I tell you what; it is a golly-good thing that the 'Y2K catastrophe' didn't hit and spriral us into the 1700's because I'd have been done for.  Holy moly.  We have to leave tomorrow and I am not a happy camper.  I mean, I DO like some aspects of camping…  roasted marshmellows, s'mores, hot dogs, hot chocolate, cozy cold nights.  No; scratch that.  I don't like camping at night.  It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to get up (at least twice) and trek 300 yards  in the FREEZING cold to the smelly outhouse in pitch black. sick.  I know a lot of people were pretty disappointed when Y2K didn't change life in America as we know it.  What about you?  Were you a Y2K nut ? Could you 'rough it' for more than a week or so?

June 18th, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

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  1. juliepersons said,

    on June 18th, 2005 at 7:48 pm

    pretty funny

    I can take a week or two outdoors as long as there is water to bathe in or I will go nutso! When I watched survivor all i could think about was, NO SHAMPOO! Your comments are hilarious! Julie

  2. HappyApple said,

    on June 18th, 2005 at 8:27 pm


    I LOVE camping!! My mom and I were thinking about going up for a couple of weeks.. her, me and my kids. We'd have our husbands come up on the weekends to bring us food and other needs or we'd come down for showers. I grew up camping… It was about every other weekend we went.

    Wow, Y2K.. I remember the place that my husband works for gave all the emplyees about $1000 dollars to buy supplies and prepare… (I think we used the money to get water.. and paid off some bills. LOL

    I would love to do the Survivor thing! With small children now is not the time… maybe in 10 yrs IF they are still running Survivor. I think they should have the Survivors come here to the mountains in CO.. or Alaska even and survive! Forget tropical islands! I think they should be dropped of in the Rocky Mountains with 2 eggs and a strip of bacon!

    Enjoy your camping trip! Use those night time potty breaks to pray. =0)


  3. JenIG said,

    on June 18th, 2005 at 8:48 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Oh believe me, I pray during those potty breaks; "dear Lord, please don't let there be a bear behind those bushes. Dear God, please make morning come faster somehow. Dear Jesus, please convince my husband we should go home early…."

    hahahaha, i'm just kidding. i'm sure we'll have a grand time.

  4. homeschoolinvballer said,

    on June 18th, 2005 at 8:54 pm

    ruffin' it

    i personally LUV to camp, but i don't get to go much because

    1) we don't have a tent or camper and

    2) my dad hates to camp lol (unless we have a camper, but its still not his favorite thing on the planet earth to do)

    i usually go with my youth group when i do go camping. but to me it is so fun, i love it.

    oh wow, Y2K, that was a long time ago. i was kind of scared about it, after all i was only 12. i had this picture of the whole entire USA going black and being out of power for like a week or so. lol i remember watching the ball drop with my flashlight in hand and finger on the switch, wincing the closer the ball got to the bottom, and watching the street light outside to make sure it wasn't going out. haha i was so releaved (hope thats right, its getting to late to spell correctly…teehee) when everything was perfectly fine and dandy afterwards. lol

    as far as being able to survive without power, i KNOW i could do it, and there would probably be some fun times, but being without the computer would have been ruff. this may sound petty but i really can hardly live without the internet. teehee but all in all, i think i would have survived.

    as for all of you who want to go on survivor…..ya'll are nuts!! haha

    luv always,

    ..:: Jasper ::..

  5. LoneStarMama said,

    on June 18th, 2005 at 10:47 pm

    Right there with ya

    No way could I rough it for a long period of time! My dh really wants us all to go camping and the whole thing frightens and overwhelms me. I didn't "believe" in Y2K b/c my dh is a "techie" and thought the whole thing was ridiculous anyway.

  6. Donnabooshay said,

    on June 19th, 2005 at 9:29 am


    My idea of roughing it is….

    No room service.

    I just love that old joke :o)

    The only thing I like about camping is the camp fire. Just not where the smoke is blowing in your face.

    Have fun.


  7. tn3jcarter said,

    on June 19th, 2005 at 3:06 pm

    Happy Camper

    You need one of those Tshirts that says Happy Camper on it! : ) I love the "idea" of camping, but would much prefer to sleep on a real bed.

    We have a wonderful bonfire site in the field behind our house so I can enjoy the beauty of sitting around a campfire with my family listening to the sounds & looking at the stars and then WALK back to the house to sleep in my comfy bed!

    My guys keep trying to tell me that it'd really be ok with the air mattresses they have now, but I don't know.

    Tell us how you survive!

    Nancy in KY

  8. Anonymous said,

    on June 22nd, 2005 at 3:22 pm

    YOU are a RIOT!!

    Oh, girl! You make me laugh out loud!

    Personally, I love to camp…grew up camping. Now…I happened to marry a wonderful man…but he's a man who doesn't like camping. Of course, when I dad was still living and my folks had their 36' RV with air conditioning/heat, gas stove, shower, indoor toilet/bathing area and REAL beds…oh, he LOVED that!

    I would love to get either one of those Coleman or L. L. Bean 3-room tents OR a pop-up trailer. I really miss it and would love to get back into it before the girls are gone. I led a homeschool girl scout troop for 4 years just so I could get a camping fix!

    As for Y2K…I was VERY relieved that it didn't go whacky…I do live in Ohio, remember! December and January are VERY cold and snowy here!

    Blessings from Ohio, Kim Wolf<><

    Edited by Buckeyeblog on Jun. 22, 2005 at 1:23 PM

  9. Buckeyeblog said,

    on June 22nd, 2005 at 3:30 pm

    One More Thing…

    I'm not one for Survivor…BUT…..I would do a re-make of the PBS Frontier House ANY TIME!!!!!!!!! I would LOVE to live like a pioneer in a log cabin in Montana for 6 months! You'd probably have to drag me out to go home!!

    Blessings from Ohio, Kim Wolf<><

  10. adegrasse said,

    on June 22nd, 2005 at 9:28 pm

    Oh Jen!

    I love camping! We graduated this year from the tent to a new camper. We love to go and sleep with the creepy crawlies getting dirty every day! LOL! There's a hot springs near us and we love going up there for a nice hot BATH.


  11. Sandy P said,

    on June 22nd, 2005 at 11:27 pm

    You caught me…

    I was disappointed when there was no melt down of the grid. I was all geared up for Little House life where I could finally have things my way (no TV, lots of reading, simple stuff, hard work.. uh, not that last part). Maybe another time…

  12. HomesteadMama said,

    on June 23rd, 2005 at 8:31 pm

    yes , yes I can ……

    Jen, we just have to get you out more…….next staff meeting is a week long affair at my house, 'campin' style'……

    'it'll be an adventure'


  13. JenIG said,

    on June 23rd, 2005 at 9:06 pm

    Untitled Comment

    er… i have a note from my doctor, i'll not be able to make that staff meeting lisa.

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