Shaving is Futile
Is there anything more cheery than being too cold? I love it. This morning was so chilly I was tempted to ask Geoff the Great to start a fire in our wood stove. It was so chilly that I almost decided against taking a shower. You’ll be proud to know that I did take a shower, though. It was one of those unsatisfying showers where before you get a chance to become sufficiently too hot, the water heater peters out and your shower starts to go cold. I actually don’t love that. It is impossible to shave your legs when you have goose bumps. It’s practically a worthless endeavor because, try as you might, after your done shaving you're still all stubbly since the goose bumps serve as little hair follicle armor. At any rate, it makes me over-abundantly glad now that it’s finally cold enough to complain about the weather. PS check out Gena’s latest post about Anxious Homeschoolers. PPS you’ll be happy to know that my dancing toe is all healed up and ready to see some action PPPS if you have not registered for the barn dance, do it TODAY! You will not want to miss the chance of bidding on the auction basket that I am bringing. I’m not telling what it is, you’ll have to come and see it for yourself. Plus, there is going to be somebody there to give us all Virginia Reel lessons before the dancing commences. I sort of like that word, commences. It reminds me of casseroles. |
October 21st, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments No Responses to ' Shaving is Futile 'Leave a reply |
on October 21st, 2006 at 11:46 am
Ohhhhh Yeah…..
As the 3 of us (Jocelyn, SuperAngel and I) sit here reading this post…. we definitely agree. I gave up keeping up on shaving my legs a looonng time ago! Too many times being pregnant, I suppose. No, I shave them every so often, just so I’m not looked down upon by society for yet another whacko idea!

And, btw…. thanks for all the uproar – you and Gena – about your shindig at the barn! Same dd’s are now bugging me to somehow make plans to be there- as IMPOSSIBLE as that would be! We do hope y’all have the greatest time, though!
Jocelyn just read me your Monster article in Fall TOS, and it was Excellent – as usual!
Take Care!
Be Blessed!
Mom to SuperAngel, Myrtle, Tigerlily and Young Man in Training
on October 21st, 2006 at 12:51 pm
I so agree with the shaivng thing!
DH hates how hot I get the showers (it steams up the bathroom so he can not shave his face while I shower so he turns on the bathroom fan! We get in “arguments” about this all the time so he will turn on the fan and open both doors (for some reason we have 2 doors – 1 leading to our room and 1 leading to the hallway) and he swings them back and forth – you can imagine how funny he thinks this and how aggravate it makes me 😉 Winter time I do not shave my legs as much and try to time my shower so that the bathroom is all ready warm from the heater but that the heater will not kick on while I am in there 😉
Enjoy the barn dance…
~ Rachel
on October 21st, 2006 at 1:16 pm
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Virginia reel….shaving your legs…healed toe….I see it all adding up here. You aren’t going to do the virginia reel in any Daisy Duke shorts now, are you? The wood stove on a cold morning sounds wonderful!
on October 21st, 2006 at 3:14 pm
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Ooooooooooo-kay! Still another instance of “too much information” from Mrs. Ig. I don’t know why I even bother coming here, this is clearly a “gals-only” blog!
Hey Mrs. Ig, even though my prime acne years are 25 years in the past, I still get a zit once in a while. I always get these zits in the middle of my back where I can’t reach. Sometimes they are really big, honking goober zits, ya know the type I mean? Anyway, it can be a real problem when they itch because I can’t reach the spot to scratch them. So I need to find a ruler or a spatula or something else long enough to reach that spot. But sometimes it drives me crazy because I gotta stop everything I’m doing and run all over the place looking for something long enough to scratch with, and the itching drives me insane. Deb might scratch my back for me if it’s not a zit, but if it is, she refuses because it’s gross. But anyway, it sure does feel good when that itch finally gets scratched. So now, aren’t you *really glad* I shared that detailed information with you and your readers?
on October 21st, 2006 at 4:19 pm
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Glad to hear your toe is feeling.
Sadly, on a tropical island, shaving is the one thing I can’t avoid. No hiding that you skipped it in a tank top.LOL
on October 21st, 2006 at 6:10 pm
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thanks for totally making me barf today, Jay
on October 21st, 2006 at 6:27 pm
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Just returning the favor, Jen! What goes around, comes around!
on October 21st, 2006 at 8:25 pm
I agree!!
I always wait til after I have done everything else to shave. Otherwise I get goosebumps and it was a waste of my shower time to shave!!
It actually didn’t take me that long to type up You know you are addicted to HomeschoolBlogger when…
I sure wish we could come down for the Barn Dance!! But I think that some of my grandparents would be upset if we did that, since they have been bugging us to come see them in New Mexico!!
Thanks for coming to The Daily Planet, and leaving me a comment!
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Read my lastest 2 articles just published today!! My Friday Nite Excursion and My Reply to Alaska0Girl about LOTR, CON HP and Evil
Let me know what you think!
Take Care!

Daughter of Jacque Dixon
Sister of
Alatariel, Tigerlily & Eric
Stop by “The Daily Planet” soon!
on October 22nd, 2006 at 6:02 pm
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Casseroles??? I don’t quite get that, but that’s OK. We are back from our trip to TN, and passed your neck of the woods going about 80 mph (85 when Ben was driving). I’m not really sure where your neck of the woods IS, but I waved from Knoxville to Bristol hoping you’d pass us on the interstate. Sorry we couldn’t stop – it’s a 12 hour drive going as fast as we can, and Ben has to work tomorrow. I do love TN though! It’s more beautiful than ever in the fall! Have fun dancing and protect those toes! Karen
on October 22nd, 2006 at 7:54 pm
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Goosieeee bumpssss, yes tell me about it. I skipped over the shaving this morning.heheee figured I need the extra warmth today being we were all going to be outside during the games. I guess I would be called “limbs” today.. but hope to
shave tomorrow..
ps enjoyed the laugh.
on October 22nd, 2006 at 8:31 pm
You don’t use Nair? Does that still exist? I don’t have hair on my legs. So, I don’t shave there. I thought people used Nair.
on October 22nd, 2006 at 9:18 pm
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Jayfromcleveland, you can’t leave. Every blog needs a token guy commenter! (If “commenter” wasn’t a word before, it is NOW.)
Jen, I must say I totally miss being pregnant for this reason: I really don’t know why, except that it must have been hormones, but I didn’t have to shave my legs much during pregnancy because the hair just didn’t grow! Now WHY can’t that happen ALL the time? It was really convenient, anyway, because as time went on, I couldn’t bend over to shave my legs without losing my balance, falling forward and hitting my head on the tiles….
And I agree about the goosebumps being little coats of armor for the hair — I think they’re all in cahoots together. I really can’t believe I just typed that. LOL.
on October 23rd, 2006 at 12:19 am
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Oh my, I hate those goosebumps. They ruin all my good intentions of soft silky legs. I almost feel like my razor is going to chop off all the bumps and I’ll be left with hairy band-aid legs. Not too appealing to hubby, I’m sure. Thanks for another good laugh.
on October 23rd, 2006 at 1:08 am
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I can’t believe it was chilly enough to wear jackets tonight!
My three sisters, brother, sister-in-law, couple of brothers-in-law and a niece and nephew have been visiting since this past Thursday night. I am truly sad that the last of em will be leaving tomorrow. We had a great time last night and tonight with a big bonfire in the backyard and roasting marshmellows. I just love s’mores! Yum, yum, yummy!!! I’m going to be really sad when it gets hot again…which will probably be next week or something.
Do you need a dancing dress???
on October 23rd, 2006 at 1:13 am
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Jay is funny. Even if he’s from Cleveland. Hubby and I were just talking today about how miserable we were when we lived there. The snow was beautiful and the summers lovely, but…well…that’s about it for the mistake by the lake!
Oh and Jen, I hope your daughters inherit the non-hairy-asian-genes. It’s nice not having to shave my legs…well, I might twice a year just for the fun of it!
PS would tap shoes help you? how about some clogs???
on October 23rd, 2006 at 8:06 am
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Marshie: actually i’m totally jealous because some of my friends have these 1800’s Victorian looking ball gowns that they get to wear. not me though. i’ll probably end up going in my Daisy Dukes and neon green tube top.
PS TOTALLY kidding. That’d be mega-uber disgusting
on October 23rd, 2006 at 8:09 am
I WISH we could come for the barndance!!!!!!
I have been talking about as if we were going but it’s only in my head!!! No, I’m not going crazy!!! Well, prehaps one day we will get to meet you guys and have lots of fun!
Thanks for being my friend and your children too!

Daughter of JacqueDixon, and sister of SuperAngel, Tigerlily and Young Man in Training
on October 23rd, 2006 at 10:35 am
Wish We Could Make It……
Thanks for the encouragement. You and Gena made life so much easier with your personal invites…. ( ; You know how it is – as you can read in SuperAngel’s and Jocelyn’s comments above -that they would love to try to figure out how ‘we really could do it’ and ‘oh, c’mon, it’s not THAT far away….’

Anyway, Matt is a mailman, and just HAS to be here, ’til after all the Christmas mail rush… I can’t imagine sending a Christmas card now, but, you know. I won’t probably get them sent until Dec. 31st, anyway. ( ;
I do expect to see some really good photos, though, of all of the fun you guys will have – and all the fun everyone will have as they watch you teach the PE dance class – or whatever.
Thank you for making us feel right at home in this HSB family. We are so blessed!
Take Care, Jen –
Mom to SuperAngel, Myrtle, Tigerlily and Young Man in Training
on October 23rd, 2006 at 11:18 am
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There you go again, Marshie, about how you were soooo miserable in Cleveland. And what are your actual complaints? That the snow was beautiful and the summers were lovely????? We Clevelanders think those are nice things! My guess is you didnt have a good tour guide when you were here. Too bad you didnt know us, we always know how to show people a good time — at least Gena and Paul and their kids seem to think so!
Now *we* were miserable during our Washington DC years. The summer humidity was a nightmare (and we didnt have air conditioning), the traffic was horrendous, and the cost of living was through the roof. I havent been to Texas but I have a similar impression of that place. When I close my eyes and picture TX, I see rootin’ tootin’ cowboys, rat-sized cockroaches, and nine-hundred miles of brown dirt. Anyway, I’m just glad that people find a place to live where they like, even if others can’t imagine why!
on October 23rd, 2006 at 11:59 am
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Since the stereotype is that all us homeschoolers are berry & bark eating, earthy- crunchy types, I say we all discontinue the leg shaving….and while we’re at it, ignore our underarms as well. Skipping those chores is one of the main reasons why I love winter anyway (that, and dragging-out my beloved sweatpants)!
on October 23rd, 2006 at 1:02 pm
Shaving Woes
While your shaving woes were being recorded for all posterity…. I was engaged in a great debate as to whether I should read my new magazine or enjoy my rare, beautiful day of SCRAPBOOKING! You can read more about it on my blog… as well as my son, Jordan’s idea of a great baby girl name!!!
on October 23rd, 2006 at 7:44 pm
Hey there…
I just wanted to comment again! LOL 😉

Edhël ó Loriën
Check out my latest posts: “…it would be a merrier world.”
Daughter of JacqueDixon, and sister of SuperAngel, Tigerlily and Young Man in Training