Jeneric Jeneralities ~ by JenIG
December 28th, 2006
What Will You Remember?

I think this may be the quickest year I’ve ever lived.  Over the last couple days I’ve been trying to go over the year and see what mentally pops out about it.  There was so much!

But I think what will stand out the most is the Great Chicken Massacre of 06, the Great Goat Massacre of 06, the Tree Swing Debacle of 06 and on a positive note, it was the year we moved onto Curry Farm (beginning of Feb) and also the First Annual Barn Dance in Abingdon (boy oh boy was that fun.  I hope you’re making plans to come to that! It’ll be in mid October).

On another note, this was funny to me, last night me and Geoff the Great were laying in bed and thinking about whether or not to let one of our kids do something that they were invited to do.  Anyhow, Geoff was mainly silent, so I kept accusing him of falling asleep, to which he’d always answer, ‘no, I’m not sleeping at all.  I’m thinking about our decision”.  I asked him to think out loud so I could keep up with him and he told me that he couldn’t, because he doesn’t ‘think in words’.  Now that is just plum funny. Who doesn’t think in words?  Maybe he thinks in cuneiform or hieroglyphics… or more likely: html.  What a corker. See why I love him so much?

Lastly, this is cool.  When we got our sacrificial goats (this is just a joke for anybody who did not read the traumatic goat posts), we also purchased about 30 chickens (half were roosters — those were thrown in for free) anyways, they started laying eggs (not the roosters) on Christmas morning.  And if that is not exciting enough – we’ve been putting the new eggs into this incubator thing that Geoff and Ryann bought.  So in 23 days we may have baby chickies.  I will definitely be posting updates on that.  Is that not the funnest thing ever??

So what stands out about 2006 for you?

December 28th, 2006 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

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  1. drewsfamilytx said,

    on December 28th, 2006 at 2:11 pm

    In no particular order…

    Being in TOS! 🙂

    Visiting the Great Wall of China

    Taking the big boys on a cruise ship

    Tank learning to read

    Dash's first lost tooth

    My 10 year wedding anniversary

    The birth of my niece Emily

    The big boys learning to swim

    Camping with a bzillion kids (okay, it was like 20)

    Death of dear mom's here at HSB

    Christmas with my in-law's (a very special treat!)

    Dozer moving in to the big boys' room

    Dozer's black eye

    I hope to go to that big barn dance next year, though! Sounds like F-U-N!



  2. Starlady said,

    on December 28th, 2006 at 3:23 pm

    We had several exciting things happen this year

    but the most stand outest (not a word, I know 😀 ) were:

    Baby #5 being born (second son)

    DD #3 asking Jesus into her heart

    Our entire month of December filled w/ wonderful memories which was inspired by…

    Missy's death or rather her life and her month of Dec. off for reconnecting with her children last year.

    Your barn dance sounded like so much fun. I'd love to go next year.

  3. Jocelyndixon said,

    on December 28th, 2006 at 9:51 pm

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    I don't know what 2007 holds for me… getting my novel published, getting to TN and having kids (goats and Baby#*)….

    It will be interesting to see what else God has planned for me.

    Sincerely yours,


  4. KarenW said,

    on December 28th, 2006 at 10:00 pm

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    Lots and lots of travel! That about sums it up. To write more would be a blog entry and not a comment.

    So dh doesn't think in words? I don't think I've ever heard that before but it kinda makes sense. Maybe my dh doesn't think in words either. . .

  5. KarenW said,

    on December 28th, 2006 at 11:52 pm

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    I just blogged about our year! Stop by when you can. : )

  6. AFJen88 said,

    on December 29th, 2006 at 1:30 am

    <i>Untitled Comment</i>

    Hi Jen from another Jen…hadn't read your blog in awhile and it was fun catching up. Let's see, in a nutshell for us it was:

    Air Force moving us for the 8th time…

    Above move from North Dakota to CA in March (BIG change!)….

    Dh leaving last Sept for his second Middle East deployment (he'll be home next month–yay!)….

    Various broken bones and injuries acquired by my sports playing kids…

    Holding down the fort and trying (successfully??) to stay sane.

    God Bless!

    Edited by AFJen88 on Dec. 28, 2006 at 11:31 PM

  7. jayfromcleveland said,

    on December 29th, 2006 at 8:21 am

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    I know why Geoff got in trouble. It's one of my fundamental truths of life — "Women expect men to be like women… except when they want them to be like men." Guys are always getting into trouble with their women for not "expressing their feelings" or for not chattering away about every little thing or for not having an opinion about whether the kitchen drapes should be peach or mauve. But when the toilet backs up, we're expected to kick it into gear!

    Well 2006 has been a mostly ghastly year around here and the hope of a better 2007 has impelled me forward. Notable points of this last year include:

    * the death of my dw's 41yo brother;

    * working long hours under fear of termination;

    * filling the rest of the time with writing my homeschool curriculum.

    High points included:

    * the birth of our 5th child;

    * finally finishing the doggone curriculum;

    * seeing the Suarezez twice (we didnt even hardly visit with any friends locally, let alone take any road trips).

    One notable thing about '06 — our family has entered puberty, and all that that entails. Our 12yob Happy passed his mother in height this year and is closing in on me (though as I told him, no matter how tall he gets, I'll still spank his butt if he needs it!) Our little tiny guy has now got zits and a faint mustache. Another thing — he went to some Christian concert with friends last spring and came back a teenager! Our formerly semi-quiet house is now rockin' to the tunes of Kutless, Switchfoot and tobyMac.

    In March he'll turn 13 and our family will then officially enter the Teen Years. We've been laying up a storehouse of prayer for these coming days ever since the kids were babies, so we're hopeful!

    Edited by jayfromcleveland on Dec. 29, 2006 at 6:25 AM

  8. Kaitlin said,

    on December 29th, 2006 at 10:33 am

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    In 2006 I got my first job and I went to visit the Igarashis twice. That's all I remember. Oh, and Mrs Ig. wanted to kill me the first time I visited them 😀


  9. lynan said,

    on December 29th, 2006 at 11:08 am

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    Our year:

    visited family in Maine in March

    moved to the 'dream home' in May

    found out about baby#6 in May as well

    got to meet the famous Igarashis this fall!

    My dh used to say he thinks in French. Which could be true as it was his first language-he learned english in K. They always spoke French at home–his grandparents were from Canada.

    I'm expecting great things in 2007. Pregnant years are always so hard that the year after seems like a breeze! We'll get to meet Mr. Simeon in the next 5 weeks more or less. Yahoo!


    on December 29th, 2006 at 2:29 pm

    Untitled Comment

    I was hesitant to write as not all was good but all was His will….

    There was stuff I'd like to forget but knowing that all things work for the Glory of God … I'll just trust that He has a plan even if I can not see it yet.

    My dad was in the hospital for about 6 months out of the year (he's in there today as well for some minor surgery)

    Our oldest dd left home – which lead to much faith testing and faith trusting – leaving it all in the Lords hands and seeing His work in progress.

    Learning from mistakes and blessed with wisdom for the future.

    We were blessed with our 6th child – which makes us three for three now.

    Selling one acres of land and than blessed to find 20 acres to reivest the money in. We have plans to camp on it next year after dh builds a cabin (almost like home???)

    Entering a new phase of life as oldest dd is now engaged and planning to get married in June.

    Happy New Year Jen – to you and your family!

  11. deedeeuk said,

    on December 29th, 2006 at 9:02 pm

    Hiya Jen!

    Hope you guys are starting to feel better!! Sorry we missed out on staying with you all this last week! 🙁 Get better quick so we can visit next week on our way back through!! Hope you liked the basket! Happy New Year!

  12. chickadee said,

    on December 29th, 2006 at 11:25 pm

    i have such a terrible memory, but i'll give it a shot:

    1. clementine was saved and baptized

    2. milo learned to talk

    3. emeline learned to read

    4. i learned to blog…more on that later on my own blog

    5. i made lots of new friends (bloggy and real-life)

  13. MuckFootMom said,

    on December 30th, 2006 at 6:58 am

    me too

    I think in words, too, but apparently most people don't. People look at me like I'm an alien when I tell them I think in words. My husband, I don't know what kind of voodoo magic (not literally) he uses to think, but somehow he is successful at his wordless thinking, because he's very smart. Smarter than me and all my words, I daresay.

  14. MiikoGibson said,

    on December 30th, 2006 at 7:53 am

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    So there I was in bed with dh last night and I thought of you, JenIG, LOL. So I asked, "Honey, what are you doing?" "Thinking," he said. Ha! I thought. "And do you think in words?" "No," he said. Goody, I thought. "So what are you thinking if not in words?" He looked at me and said,"Well, concepts." "Like?" I demanded. He looked at me with his intelligent eyes and said,"It's hard to explain…" And we spent the next 20 minutes talking about how differently our brains are wired (like I didn't know this already).

    Anyway, my theory is that if you are more of an introvert (as in you replenish your energy by being alone and in your own thoughts), you don't think in words. But if you tend towards being more extrovertish (like in you replenish your energy by relating to people…and sucking off their energy, poor dh), you think in words. And you usually think aloud too.

    DH says that is why it takes a while for him to respond – oral and written- sometimes because he has to translate his concepts into words first. Anyway, chalk that down as one of the deepest conversations we had in months, LOL. Have a beautiful day! Miiko 🙂

  15. Anonymous said,

    on December 30th, 2006 at 3:27 pm

    It's me – Maggie!

    It's been so long I have forgotten my name and password. Must call Jodi! MISSED you terribly! And evidently have missed out on your farm stories and the fact that EVERYONE has visited you except, evidently, me.

    Pretty much can't remember anything before noon today . . . will try though!

    Highlights 2006

    JB getting home safe & sound from his 2nd Iraq tour and getting out of the Army. Praise God!

    Surgery & Subsequent 86+ pound loss – Praise God!

    Trips to all those awesome homeschool conf. around the country, including AZ (sweet people there!), MN ("MN nice" is a real thing), Houston – loved them, Peoria too. & the highlight of meeting JeniG, Kolby, Kris & the TOS gang in Orlando!

    Trips to Canada to see my brother & his lovely wife, Tampa for an awesome Hogan family wedding, Pittsburgh to see my rockin' Godchildren, and NJ, FL, and other places I've already forgotten.

    Tyler's decision to go to seminary after graduation from Belhaven College.

    My growing love for my DH – who is the greatest guy I know and waaaay cuter than he should be 🙂

    And my Lord's willingness to love my sinful, lazy, arrogant self!

    Lowlights (Is that a word? Is it the opposite of the stuff they put on your hair to make parts of it lighter???)

    Mostly – BATS. Someday I will blog about bats. I suppose there were bad things that happened to Hogans in 2006 – but right now I just remember the bats. . .

    Love ya Jen! Happy New Year!!!

    Maggie* who wants to visit TN in 2007!

  16. dawilli said,

    on December 30th, 2006 at 4:11 pm

    Hi there!

    I think each year is the quickest… I think it has something to do with the aging process… remember when summers used to last FOREVER… week after week after long week of playtime…

    Now the weeks fly by and there's not enough time to play! Unless we're intentional about it. And that's what I'll remember about this past year- getting off my duff and getting out of the house and going on way too many field trips! Making dozens and dozens of fun memories with my kids and taking hundreds of photos to document the occasions so we can look back on them and smile!

    That and starting out the year with a 3 year old in the hospital twice, and ending the year with a new baby and another scary respiratory experience! It was the year of respiratory distress! And praise God! we made it through!

    Looking forward to another great year and making many more memories,

    enjoying them,


  17. berrymorin said,

    on December 30th, 2006 at 6:21 pm

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year to you and yours.

  18. OurLittleSchoolRoom said,

    on December 30th, 2006 at 6:53 pm

    Happy New Year!

    Things that stand out to me about 2006:

    1. Starting a blog and making new friends.

    2. Two trips to Scotland (never that many in one year before). The first for a happy occasion–My beloved in-laws Golden Wedding Anniversary. The second for a very sad event–the funeral of my father-in-law. I miss him so much. He loved and accepted me from the day we met–made me a part of their family–like an adopted daughter.

    3. Starting a new school year with Sonlight. We like it very much!

    4. Winning a blog contest–yours!

    5. Losing a loved one, and hearing of others losing a loved one–knowing that you cannot take life for granted, and being encouraged to make the most of the time we have here on this earth.



  19. quietcajun said,

    on December 31st, 2006 at 12:11 am


    The main reason this is so funny is that I have had very similar conversations with my dh!

    Just last night I was reading aloud to him and he would begin to snore and i would say, "I'm not going to read anymore b/c you are sleepy."

    He insisted that he was not sleepy even though he had been snoring!!!!


  20. Anonymous said,

    on December 31st, 2006 at 5:29 am

    let's see….

    hubby got a new job.

    Baby was had.

    we moved.

    hubby got ANOTHER new job.

    we need to move. (and there is no Curry farm in view!)

    That's about sums it up! 🙂

    Rebecca from

  21. esperanzavallero said,

    on December 31st, 2006 at 1:19 pm


    Dear Jen,

    <br>My best e-mail is

    <br>We had the baby by emergency c-section at Kaiser

    <br>God worked for it for His glory, but it was certainly not our first choice. It was wonderful to be up here near friends and family. People were very kind, and we had lots of help. We are excited to have a new little girl, Ella Rose, and I am super excited to get settled in a home.

    <br>Thanks for sharing the story about Dippy, I didn't know that. Was that when you were living at Gena's?

    <br>I am so happy for your family to have a farm. Stacy said you are all really enjoying yourselves.



  22. SandBetweenMyToes said,

    on December 31st, 2006 at 5:13 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Okay, I read everyone else's comments hoping something would trigger my mind, but so far, I really can't remember anything that happened this year! Is that sad or what?

    Oh, oh, wait….

    -My oldest turned 20 this year.


    -I made 2 trips to Mississippi to clean out my grandmother's house to sell.

    -I started a blog. Well, I think. I know I started a blog. I think it was this year. : o

    -Through blogging, I met some neato people who live here.

    (See, I'm on a roll now.)

    -I spent a long evening in the ER with James, but God healed whatever was causing his ongoing chest pains!

    -I've struggled back and forth A LOT over what "school" should look like with Marissa.

    -I went camping at Fall Creek Falls this fall with my family and parents.

    -I have established somewhat of a relationship with Marissa's birthmother. (that was enough to make me lose my memory! just kidding, but it is stressful.)

    -Had a lot of fun with my 4 girls.


  23. mamasmurf said,

    on January 1st, 2007 at 4:48 am

    Happy 2007!

    May the Lord bless you and keep you throughout this new year!

    For me, the stand-out part of 2006 was when my son finally realised that he doesn't need to put up his hand when he needs something at home (he went to school for 4 years before we chose to home-educateand had had that habit grilled into him!). Also, being told that my cancer has remained stable all year – no new growth!!

    Huggz to all,


  24. Jocelyndixon said,

    on January 1st, 2007 at 11:33 am

    Untitled Comment




  25. babean said,

    on January 1st, 2007 at 12:11 pm

    Happy New Year!

    How exciting about the chickens! I can't wait to hear if you'll be expecting a ton of those cute little fuzzy chickies!

    I dunno about the not thinking in words…if my dh said that to me I'd know for sure he was dozing off! hehe Maybe he's thinking in pictures…like creating a movie in his head of what happens if he says yes…and what happens if he says no? =0D

    Let's see…notable things…2006…

    – We had baby #3 and welcomed our first daughter into our lives.

    -We began homeschooling our 5 year old.

    – Crash course in first aide with the two little boys and lots of wounds.

    – My mom came to Cali from Ohio and got to see the birth of my daughter.

    -Having a girl added into our family and that has decreased some of the testosterone (a teeny bit) and infused a ton of pink into our color palette..which -to extremely noteworthy. As I have been the only female (even the animals are male except one aging fixed female cat and I am not sure that quite counts).

    Happy New Year everyone!

  26. Anonymous said,

    on January 2nd, 2007 at 10:09 am

    Men and chickens

    Geoff, hang on! Us men are depending on you. If you start sharing your feelings at night in bed with your wife, all wives will expect it from us men. Just keep saying “no” and hold those feelings in.


    <br>Jen, I hope your eggs are fertilized or they will never hatch. I found the best fertilizer is 10-10-10!

  27. foxvalleyfamily said,

    on January 2nd, 2007 at 11:09 pm

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    For me, 2006 was the year that the Lord made it known ( to both my husband and I) that he wanted us to homeschool!

    And so…we began our homeschool journey, and I've never been more at peace with a decision before. It truly shows me that this was God's will, not just my own!

  28. Momwtrmn said,

    on January 3rd, 2007 at 12:45 pm

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    I know there are a lot of comments on this entry, but I just had to comment: I think the way your hubby does, in more abstract thoughts than in actual words. My hubby, on the other hand, is much more articulate than I am and always has words to put to his thoughts. Me, I have to tell him, "Let me think on it and I'll let you know later." The thoughts are there (and they aren't hieroglyphics or html coding… LOL), they just don't have words to express them yet.


    <br>Many blessings,


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