Happy Birthday Dippy
Today Dippy is five years old, so now he is a Big Dipper. My darling foxy husband was kind enough to take me home and end my camping nightmare. I was going to try and stay from Sat to Weds. I made it till Monday morning, so that's not too bad. I even accidentally had fun. And… get this…. while we were up there we totally felt a real live earthquake. I need to tell my friend Debi Large. She lives in Florida and I always tease her about hurricanes, and she teases me about earthquakes. This is the first earthquake i've ever actually felt since I've lived in Ca. So it was a true adventure. Oh, plus both my legs fell asleep in the middle of the night. That's never happened before. weird. |
June 27th, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments No Responses to ' Happy Birthday Dippy 'Leave a reply |
on June 27th, 2005 at 5:38 pm
The K's
on June 27th, 2005 at 5:49 pm
you could have made it til Wednesday LOL! But I am proud of you for having fun. Did you get an air mattress to take with you?
on June 27th, 2005 at 5:56 pm
ryc– There is a Thursday Three planned for July 21, Healthy, Happy, Homemade- do you want to head up that one or do your own?
on June 27th, 2005 at 6:20 pm
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Host my own??? Lead one??? woman are you insane???? i need to be purely a spectator. I can't even go camping without crying and whining and bellyaching about how rough things are. No sirree…. i will simply come and listen in. Ask Dayln or Sweetpea or somebody smart who has a clue to lead it.
on June 27th, 2005 at 7:31 pm
What a memorable time!
Happy b-day Dippy! Have a GREAT day!
Jen…When I was expecting Jasper we had an earthquake…the ground just ROLLED right under my feet! People don't usually associate earthquakes with Ohio, but we're part of the New Madrid Fault-line. FREAKY!!
Glad you survived the camping trip.
Blessings from Ohio, Kim Wolf<><
on June 27th, 2005 at 8:05 pm
Happy Birthday Big Dipper!
Hope Dippy is enjoying his special day!
Glad to hear you actually had FUN during your "camping nightmare" even if it was "accidental".LOL
An earthquake sounds scary to me! Many years ago, I lived in Valejo, California near San Francisco for about 6 mos and NEVER experienced even the slightest quiver. Just a couple of weeks after I left a huge one hit and the top level of the bay bridge collapsed onto the bottom. It was nerve-wracking to see the earthquake images on tv of the bridge that I drove over so many times going to downtown San Francisco. Of course, it seems that no matter where you live, there is some kind of natural diaster danger looming over you. A few examples: In California there's earthquakes, in Florida there's hurricaines and here in Georgia where I live there's tornados. Glad it wasn't a bad quake.
on June 27th, 2005 at 8:34 pm
Ha Ha HAppy Birthdy Dippity!
Hi there Dippity Do
Just a little H.B. to you!
Don't fall on your arm
It might do you great harm,
And your mom is now broke,
cuz of you!
Just kidding! But she will be broke after she comes to church with me….heh heh.
I commented on your comment. (Forget the crazy trackback feature- it is TOO confusing. Just don't tell Jodi. I had if figured out last week:)
on June 28th, 2005 at 6:43 pm
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You were probably sleeping on a big rock or a log.
Tends to put your legs to sleep!
Birthday wishes to the Big Dipper!
Five is a grand age!!!
on June 28th, 2005 at 6:47 pm
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Happy birthday to your little guy!
on June 28th, 2005 at 8:50 pm
Happy Birthday, Dippy!
Glad you are home from your adventure. I like the creature comforts of home too much to go tent camping. Now if you want to talk about staying in hotels…..that's more of my way of going places. LOL
Have a great day!
Blessings! Tami
on June 28th, 2005 at 11:07 pm
earthquakes! THAT is exactly WHY I would not do well in CA! I love Idaho….quiet, peaceful and NO natural disasters to speak of…OH and the camping is GREAT LOL!
Happy (late) birthday little-dippy!!
on June 28th, 2005 at 11:09 pm
HI AUNTIE so you figured out a game.
on June 29th, 2005 at 9:34 am
Happy Birthday Dippy!
Hope that his special day is filled with all that he loves and holds dear! And Birthday cake too!
Wow! You did pretty good about the camping….
I am beginning to plan now for our little weekend camping trip with our homeschooling group in August…3 days…shouldn't be too bad!
Have a wonderfully blessed day!
on June 29th, 2005 at 9:43 am
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Thanks for the welcome. I'll be coming back here…and btw, I have 8 kids of my own.