Jeneric Jeneralities ~ by JenIG
November 5th, 2007
The Funny Thing About Mice…

Yep, the funny thing about mice is they actually do like cheese.  A couple weeks ago a gaggle of mice moved in downstairs.  This didn’t bother me too much because 1) mice don’t bother me 2) they’re sort of cute 3) I don’t ever go downstairs.  However, things crossed the line when this one particular little brown fella decided to make himself cozy in my kitchen.  If that wasn’t bad enough, he didn’t confine himself to the kitchen — he took up residence in my bedroom.  Under my bed.  This little guy was clever, too.  Ryann and Geoff took care of his brethren by setting up mouse traps. The week before last, Ryann the Huntress, triumphed over a total of 12 mice. The downstairs mice were dumb.  But my little room mate wouldn’t fall for the peanut butter bait.


Annoying? Yes.  But I didn’t start getting *really* annoyed until I realized my little mouse friend was traipsing thru my kitchen drawers.  How did I know this?  Because he was leaving little mouse “presents”.  Plus, he got into the taco bell drawer…  you know, the drawer in the kitchen where you dump all of the extra fast food packets like hot sauce, ketchup, or red pepper and parmesan cheese packets. Anyways, this furry little guy literally opened all of the parmesan packets and helped himself.  And furthermore, I caught him in the act.  I heard rustling and bustling when I went into the kitchen late at night, so I yanked open the drawer and saw his chubby little rodent bumsie plunk over the back of it.  So we (and by ‘we’ I mean Geoff the Great) dumped some open parmesan cheese into the drawer and for a special treat, we also included a partially hidden mousetrap.  Sure enough, Emmiko brought me the trap the next morning, complete with Fat Little Monsieur Rodent snapped within its iron jaws.  I think that officially makes the House of Igarashi free of all pesterlies.  


Okay, the grand winner of the Most Excellent Maggie Hogan Physics Book is the lovely and gracious Christy, who won me over by saying she really needed the fabulous Physics book.  Originally I was all set to give the prize to Jennifer Golimbinksy – seven syllables – but I figured (knowing generous Jen) that she would want the book to go to Christy. So congrats to Christy for winning the book, and congrats to Jennifer who almost won but generously gave the book up before she even knew she had it.  Sort of makes me feel like Hillary Clinton.


Speaking of winners… *I* actually won something over the weekend, too.  My friend Tiany gifted me with a subscription to Victoria Magazine , which, in case you were wondering, has no relation to the Victoria Secret Catalog.  Thanks Tiany!  And as Winner, I would like to take this opportunity to say that I will use this position to bring good to our human brothers and sisters around the world.  As your Victoria Magazine winner I will work hard to bring peace to all of the nations; and to give every child in the whole world a brand new little puppy. I actually am excited.  It looks like a very cool publication.  Yippeeee! Thanks Tiany!


Lastly, you’ll be happy to know that I was sick over the weekend.  It was the ‘perfect’ sick… bad enough to keep me in bed for two days, but well enough to snuggle up in my quilt and read for 48 hours straight.  Lucky for me, I have big kids who can run the house– and some of them even sort of acted like they felt sorry for me and brought me tea and made me soup.  Being sick at my house is like a little mini vacation. Unfortunately, I am feeling much better today.

November 5th, 2007 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

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  1. deedeeuk said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 3:40 am

    Oh YUCK!!!

    We have a mouse who is running around my kitchen causing alot of havoc. But he is nothing compared to the problem we have in our loft (attic) at the moment – RATS!!!! Or so we have been told by our neighbor. Our lofts are all linked and they are having a great time running from one to another during the night. Now the rodent killing man has come out on Friday and said he thinks it is mice in the loft, but we aren't opening it untill we know for sure! You and your children are much braver than I! LOL!

  2. kympossible said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 7:34 am

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    I feel your pain in regards to the boldness of mice. We've managed to get our house mouse-free again, but vacation is coming up and I'm sure the mousy spies will be watching for their opportunity to move the township back indoors. And sadly, the cat is not much use as a mouser any more. Not that I enjoy finding the rodent sacrifices he has left for me…

    Glad you're feeling better?! Or not… staying in bed with a good book and no guilt sounds delightful!



  3. Christy said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 7:34 am

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    Me? I won?!

    YIPPEE SKIPPEE!!!!!!!! Doin' the happy dance up here in my old Kentucky home!! (Not far from you at all my dear Jen). Oh, this is just too WONDERFUL! Now maybe my daughter can actually do some science for a change! LOL!

    Oh, thank you thank you thank you! I'm SURE my daughter also thanks you. *wink*.

    But I feel so bad for Jennifer Golimbinksy. Please don't hate me. It is true that we really do seriously need that book. If you only knew our story… sigh. Let's just say that God is definitely good ALL the time! Maybe I'll look around and see what I can send to Jennifer! Isn't it fun to bless others?

    Jen, thank you again. You are just too precious and I thank God for you. On days when I really needed a laugh, I could always count on visiting your blog and leaving with a smile on my face. Keep up the excellent work.

    Oh, I need to email you too! Got something I could use some tips with and you are JUST the person to ask. 😀

  4. trustingdaily said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 8:28 am


    Did anybody ever tell you that you're really funny? Loved the mouse story, and yes, I know what a Taco Bell drawer is!!

    Sorry you're feeling better….

  5. Ryann said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 9:15 am

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    I'm going to comment on the mice-not you being sick. Because it wouldn't sound right for your daughter to say "I'm happy for you mom, I'm glad your sick. I know you love it.". Although I do seem to get more computer time while your sick….:-P Just kidding.

    Anyways, me and Emmi just killed the last 3 mice this morning. Oscar ran off so we gave it to the chickens. But that's bad because once they learn that they like meat then they become canibals. That's also how Crown was killed, his used-to-be buddies ate him-most of him. He died of heart attack (his lungs got to big and it crushed his heart). I think I already told you that.

    Emmi almost cried over the mice. Oh, and by the way, I heard another mouse while I was in bed. They keep me up at night and leave more 'presents' in my room than yours-they must like me better.

  6. Anonymous said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 9:16 am

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    We have ONE mouse visitor that pops in from time to time. I'm not scared of him, but you're SO right….if he makes it to the kitchen…he's gotta die. plain and simple. 🙂


  7. Ryann said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 9:20 am

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    To DeeDeeuk,

    to what you said "your kids are braver than mine". LOL. My sister had a mouse litteraly run up her pants and she just said (calmly), "Uh, Ryann, I think I have a mouse in my pants" so she stood up and shook and sure enough, a little gray ball of fur came rollin' out. Now, my 10 year old brother will play and hunt mice, but when it ran over his foot he screamed louder than you can imagine. I'm still wondering why our neighbors haven't questioned us.

  8. drewsfamilytx said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 9:41 am

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    If you want, I can send one of my kidlets over to give you the rest and relaxation you need again. Would you rather have the snots and a cough like Dozer, "the allergies" as he calls it like Dash or a horrid ear infection asthma thingy like Tank?

    Just let me know and I'll FedEx them to you by 10am. Because your booklist deserves Priority handling!

    I'm glad you caught the little rodent. Have you seen Ratatouille? I think my boys would feel a little bad about a trapped mouse. But maybe not. Especially if I let them catch em with a shotgun or bow and arrow.

  9. JenIG said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 10:09 am

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    thanks marshie… i'll take the 'allergies'. don't send too much though, i don't want any of my other family members to get any because then i'd be grossed out

  10. Ruth said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 10:38 am

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    You are braver than I. I would be screaming at the first site of the mouse. They are just to sneaky and move way to fast. The thought of them getting into my kitchen would make me queasy. YUCK! Yes, I know I sound like quite a wimp. LOL

    Congratulations on winning the magazine. I love that magazine. It is absolutely beautiful.


  11. Christy said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 11:51 am

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    Oh yeah, we saw Ratatouille when it came out at the movie theater. I could handle the one main rodent, but when hundreds of them went scurrying across the kitchen floor! ICK!!! That is one movie that will NOT be finding it's way to our movie shelf!

  12. Ruth said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 1:52 pm

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    I just wanted to let you know that I posted a contest on my blog. Come on over and check it out when you have a minute. I would love to have you enter.


  13. momtofive said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 2:06 pm

    <i>Untitled Comment</i>

    I totally understand the sick vacation…that is too funny. Sorry you're feeling better. 🙂

    I love the way you tell stories. Makes the reader feel like they are right there.

    Edited by momtofive on Nov. 5, 2007 at 2:07 PM

  14. Anonymous said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 2:25 pm

    I am so sorry that you are feeling better today…

    Now get busy! 😀

  15. chickadee said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 2:37 pm

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    oh the mouse story is horrible. glad you got them all. 13 mice!

    we need a puppy. but it has to be perfect. no more almost perfect ones.

  16. Ryann said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 5:24 pm

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    Oh, yeah, I forgot to say in my last two comments that me and Emmi caught 16 😀

  17. tnmomtomanyblessings said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 8:06 pm

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    What's up with all the mice… AND in the kitchen.Ratatouille is a great movie. And I am not a cartoon person but I do like that one.

    I am sorry you were sick. I have had a little cold but I am on the mend. I need to get more rest but no one around here has offered to feed me soup and bring me tea. I think next time I am sick I will suggest they serve me in bed to. Surely one heals faster that way.

    See you soon!


  18. said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 8:57 pm

    love it

    I love that you call it the "taco bell drawer" LOL


  19. servantgirl said,

    on November 5th, 2007 at 10:56 pm

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    I am so glad Christy won the book! I mostly replied to that post because I thought it might be my only opportunity to have my long name work in my favor! Good for you Christy, blessings to you.

    As for mice, thankfully our cat took care of them when they came in here, but I did read this article and resolved that if they ever came in again, I would try it. Here's the link:

    Jen, your story of the kids catching the mice reminds me of the article in no greater joy about that family who paid their kids to catch the cockroaches that were invading. Cool.

    And I saw ratatoulli and loved it too, which is very rare for me and any recent movies. Much better than I expected.

    Jen G

  20. Anonymous said,

    on November 6th, 2007 at 6:23 am

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    Sorry you're feeling better. That's so sad. Karen (

  21. Ryann said,

    on November 6th, 2007 at 7:19 am

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    What is that movie called Raviollie about? Everyone keeps talking about it…sounds interesting, as far as I know. I think I have seen the preveiw, but I'm not sure if that's it. 🙂

  22. jess4him said,

    on November 6th, 2007 at 1:52 pm

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    I *love* being sick! As long as it's not the flu.. that's the WORST sick. But I agree.. being able to stay home from work, watch movies, read books and snuggle up with my down comforter in front of our fireplace with my husband calling to check on me every hour is heavenly! 🙂

    Sorry you're feeling better today..



  23. Prodoceo said,

    on November 6th, 2007 at 3:05 pm

    I'm jealous….

    I secretly hope for illnesses like that!

    I do not, however, envy you in the mouse department!! Glad you got rid of them…I'll keep my fingers crossed that you really did!!

  24. JennLovesJesus said,

    on November 6th, 2007 at 3:19 pm

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    Ewwww….I can't stand the little critters. When we moved here to our little place in the country we had mice. Dh went around the entire perimeter of the foundation where it meets the house and sprayed Great Stuff (expandable foam). From that day we didn't have one more mouse in the house!! Praise the Lord for that Great Stuff! However, two weeks ago I was woken up by the sound of one those little mice scurring across our drop ceiling. Wouldn't you know, over the next couple of days we were finding dead mice outside our house where our bedroom is — thanks to our two wonderful cats. I haven't heard anymore mice, but dh is going to check for gaps and spray some more foam. You ought to try it. $36 and two and half hours and it was sealed up tight like we were in the suburbs again.

    Okay, I must go clean off this desk. After a year of growing clutter, I'm going to do us all a favor.

    Jennifer 🙂

  25. skdenfeld said,

    on November 7th, 2007 at 5:09 am

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    You really get a sick vacation?!? What age were your children when this phenomenon began? Are you telling me there is hope in this sick thing afterall?

  26. domesticangel said,

    on November 7th, 2007 at 8:57 am

    Identical story

    Last year my hubby refused to believe we had mice. We have a HUGE Birman cat who will not mouse. Just ignores them. After showing proof to said hubby (PILES of hamster, cat and dog food in small son's dresser drawers) he STILL refused to do anything. Enter neighbor with mouse traps (I did not ask, she insisted!) To make a very long story short…..same aforementioned hubby spent one whole night, the ENTIRE night listening to "SNAP", checking the trap, flushing (YEWWWW) little mousies….to the grand total of……12!!! Maybe they travel in even dozen packs, eh??

    I've added you to my friends list. After an absence, it's good to be back.


  27. sprittibee said,

    on November 7th, 2007 at 10:36 am

    I Like 'Perfect' Sick, too.

    🙂 My kids are perfect sick right now. They want all the gameboy time they can get between naps and Mommy giving them bubble-gum tasting medicines. Geesh.

    I love reading in bed. Although… I'd rather not get the sore throat to go with it.

  28. srostollan said,

    on November 8th, 2007 at 9:12 am

    Lucky Duck!!

    I would have loved to win that subscription!! I used to have 3 years of old issues of Victoria but I lost them in one of our moves! I guess it does even out, though. You deserve this wonderful gift after having to deal with mice under your bed! You have something good to read while you are listening to the little "scrunching" of the mice at night!!

    Good Luck!


  29. Buckeyeblog said,

    on November 9th, 2007 at 1:46 pm

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    "Felt like Hillary Clinton"…HAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU are SO funny!!

    Glad you're feeling better. Jenna came home from the National v-ball tourney w/a cold…today is her 1st day off the couch. Did you read my blog about the tourney?! Our Golden Angels came in EIGHT IN THE NATION!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!! We're so excited. I also put the text of a local newspaper article about them. Hope you can take the time to read it.

    Blessings from Ohio, Kim Wolf<><

    P.S. When are you guys going to get up this way, anyway?!

  30. dawilli said,

    on November 14th, 2007 at 11:31 pm

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    He, he, he… I laugh because I totally understand… I no longer keep my silverware in my silverware drawer- nor any drawer in my kitchen for that matter. I got tired of disinfecting those drawers and moved the silverware into an upper cabinet. Our property is surrounded by farmland, hence fild mice, and this is the time of year they start looking for somewhere warmer to hang out… it's no accident we keep an army of cats around… it's not that we're cat people, well, my husband is, me, not so much, but they earn their keep by catching mice, and several blue jays… as long as they leave the cardinals and the orioles alone…

    I once caught a mouse a day in the same drawer for something like 7-10 days in a row… ick… I haven't ever even put anything important back in any drawer in that drawer column to this day! Certainly not the silverware!

    Now if the coyotes would stop catching the cats, we would be able to stay ahead of the mice… Truly, I would take a mouse in the cupboard over the coyotes moving in far too close to the house (a disturbing trend recently…) ahhh, county life… sigh… and I'd take coyotes over neighborhood thugs in the city anyday…

    Long enough comment for ya? I guess I'm feeling chatty…

    'kay, enough for now.

    Enjoy them (your children, not the mice)-


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