Jeneric Jeneralities ~ by JenIG
November 9th, 2005
FINE… It's A Llama

Goat, Deer, Llama, Lamb… they are all in the same family.  Golly, Kris Price totally called down the Goat Police upon my head.

You will not believe this, but I have an actual real life serious
question that I'd like your true honest thoughts on.  Yesterday we
got a letter into the office from a lady who said that while she
enjoyed The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, she wanted to cancel her
subscription on account of my critical, mean spirited, offensive and
vulgar articles (exact words).  We are going to print the letter
in the Teachers Lounge section of the upcoming Winter issue (because we
want to represent the good and
critical that comes in about our publication) Anyhow, I do not want to
be a smart alek about this, I really do not desire to go around
offending people, nor do I want to write in a way that is
dishonoring.  If you read the article, honestly, did any part of
it come across as mean spirited and offensive? your thoughts? your
suggestions? Here is the article she is referring to if you'd like to
read it first hand,

The Spinners:

There was always one of those
twerpy kids hanging around the playground when I was little.  He
would hop on the Merry-Go-Round and
gleefully demand to be spun.  He’d be
obliged, of course, (the following spectacle was great fun to witness)
without fail he’d start screaming like a cat caught in a washing
machine before
being flung off in a heap, where he’d promptly lose his lunch and start
about “how everyone pushed too fast”. 
Then the next day he’d be back again, wanting to jump back on. 
The goofy little nerd refused to face the
fact that he didn’t spin well; he was always determined to have another
go at
it.  It was almost admirable seeing him
being pitched off day after day, but after a while it was almost
nauseating at what a
twittering loaf he was.  Me, on the other
hand, I was unflappable and could spin with the best of them.  I
loved the Merry-Go-Round.  Loved (past tense).  It’s funny
how things change when you get
older.  I no longer spin well.  I think I’d die if I had to
endure a ride on
a Merry-Go-Round.  Besides, I have other
sorts of Merry-Go-Rounds that keep me plenty busy spinning in circles.

I once heard someone say that the
definition of insanity is ‘a person doing the same thing over and over yet
expecting a different outcome’.  It’s like
the twerpy spinner kid.  He knew he was
going to puke, we knew he was going to puke, but he hopped back on every day
just the same.  It’s a dreadful
realization that my life reflects the same track of lunacy of that weird kid.

With some things I just refuse to
face the facts.  Fact: when I eat three
plates of chicken curry at one sitting I always feel unbearably ill.  Do you think that stops me?  Heavens no. 
I’d eat three plates of curry right this minute if they were in arm’s
reach.  Fact: when I cross over the
yellow line when I’m driving, other cars almost hit me.  Think I drive any better?  Nope. 
I know the facts, but I don’t seem to learn.  When I wear my husband socks outside they
always get really dirty; this causes him to get rather unhappy.  You’d think I’d just stop wearing his socks,
right?  Sometimes I stop.  And it always happens that when I don’t clean
the tub, a slimy yellowish-orange coat appears all over it.  I’ll wait weeks for it to go away.  You’d think I’d get a clue, but I’m always shocked
that it only gets thicker and orangy-er. When I snap at my kids in anger, they
get gloomy. I know this, yet I still snap. 
When I’m too busy with ‘life’ to play with them they grow resentful and
withdrawn.  I know the outcome, yet I
will still let it happen.  I’ll write
whole articles about the great things that happen when I’m sweet to my husband;
I know all about cause and effect, and occasionally I’ll actually do what’s
right and experience a great outcome. 
And when that happens I become more secure in knowing my philosophies
are right. “Yep, this philosophy is good. 
This is my philosophy.  I believe
in such ‘n such philosophy”  …But simply knowing
something is completely worthless without the will or faith to
live it consistently
.  It
surprises me that I so quickly jump back on that Merry-Go-Round and spin in
circles with disastrous success. 

Knowing that I should
read my bible and pray daily gets me no closer to my Lord.  Believing that submitting to my
husband ‘is good’ means nothing if I buck his authority when an opportunity
presents itself for me to practice what I preach.  It’s in the doing that really means

You have no idea how much I can
relate to the Israelites who wandered in circles for forty years.  However, I have no excuse because the fact is
*I* have a road map.  The agonizing thing
is that I know what I’m supposed to be doing, but God help
me, sometimes it’s easier to simply spin in circles.  I know the house does not run well when I
spend hours on the computer.  Do I stop?
I get irritated and grouchy at the kids when they bother me while I’m busy. “What do you mean you want to eat?  I fed you twice yesterday”.  So do
I un-busy myself? It is not uncommon for them to stand next to me and say
‘mama’ fifteen times until they finally say ‘never mind’ and walk off.  It shames me to write this, yet I will bring
it up as a valid example because I think it is common to many moms– moms who
would say they also share my own lofty philosophies of being a home-maker /

We live in an age where ‘minding
the home’ is more avoidable than ever. 
We have cars, the internet, email, job opportunities, good magazines and
books, telephones and televisions and daycare centers and all sorts of distractions
to keep us from our God, our husbands and our children.  Yes, we homeschool and that is super
swell.  And it is true that our kids are
not being polluted daily by a system we (perhaps) find repulsive.  But simply keeping our children away from bad
peers and bad teachers does not automatically create loving, responsible,
educated human beings.  And if we neglect
our great responsibility as ‘mama’ during the very short time we have, then it
really doesn’t matter much what our philosophies happen to be.  Depressed yet?  I don’t write this to make anyone feel like a
bucket of seaweed.  I write this because
I believe that at the heart of most homeschoolers, we emphatically desire a
life that keeps us OFF that dreadful Merry-Go- Round.  We have no desire to spin in circles.  We chat about how sorry we are for those
women who aren’t ever around their families and then we go home and busy
ourselves in the home – not for the home – just in the home.  Busy busy busy as we spin and spin and spin.   

Well I, for one, will keep fighting against what hinders me. By golly, I
will pull myself up and make good things happen!  I will create a schedule and go to
therapy.  Right?  Just give me another “To-Do List”.  I need more laws governing my life.  Is this true? 
No… believe it or not, that thought pattern is just another cleverly
disguised contraption to keep you spinning. 
It won’t achieve what’s really needed. 
As a Christian, what I need is to look to things above.  I need to look to my Lord, the One who knows
me and loves me despite my ridiculous bad habits and my constant
short-comings.  Behaviour modification is
worthless without knowing Christ (not knowing of Him… but knowing Him directly).  There is an answer to the Merry-Go-Round, and
the solution is certainly not ‘trying harder to be a better wife and
mother’.  The answer is Him. 
He does not have a list of things for you to do.  He simply wants to see your face.  Everything seems to fall into perfect place
when He comes into focus and the world grows dim.  For those of us who know Christ, I pray that
we will seek to know Him as a person – not intellectually as an impersonal
far-off God, but a loving, actual real-life person who made a way for us to
truly live.  How do you keep things from
spinning out of control?  I can’t do
it.  But He can.  I pray that we can make it a practice to meet
with Him everyday.  Worship Him
today.  Worship Him with your
children.  For those of you who do not
know Christ, I pray that you will consider the only one who is able to save;
Jesus Christ the Messiah.  He is worth
knowing personally.  And He’s the most
valuable truth I can teach my children. 
Without Him everything else is empty and dull and will only make us


1:16-18 I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my
prayers.  I keep asking that the God of
our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom
and revelation, so that you may know him better.  I pray also that the eyes of your heart may
be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you,
the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints. 

November 9th, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

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  1. tn3jcarter said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 9:43 am

    You weren't politically correct.

    Twerpy & nerdy probably just rubbed her the wrong way. But you know what, I knew exactly what kind of kid you were talking about and had a great visual scene in my head as I read the article. Wonder if your reader was from the South? Then maybe you could have said, “There was this twerpy little kid, bless his heart” and all would have been well.

    Some folks have very strong opinions about what words other people are or aren’t allowed to use. Personally I have a hard time trusting those folks because I don’t ever know if they are really saying what they mean or if they are just trying to put a nice “spin” on things.

    Don’t let that woman discourage you. I just saw a blogger today (I think it was IFBPastorsWife) that said she thought Spinner was written just for her. It’s obvious that you wrote what God laid on your heart and most of us can relate to your writing VERY well.

    Now you’ve got me thinking…. what are the politically correct words for twerpy and nerd… I’m off to find a thesaurus.

  2. Lisa said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 9:47 am

    Untitled Comment

    Are you kidding? I loved the article. It is in no way offensive or mean spirited. You just told it like it is and I am glad of it! I for one, needed to hear what you had to say on this topic, it was very timely for me.

    Thank you for being bold enough to write this article. Keep them coming!

    God bless,


  3. jewls2texas said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 9:56 am

    I cannot believe —

    that someone would be offended by this article. I was encouraged and inspired by it. I could totally relate – and sometimes when I read what you wrtie I wonder if we share a brain, because it is so very convicting, and I have thought the same thoughts – in a “give mme goosebumpts” kind of way. I think that often when people read something that is convicting, they can only lash out in anger from the source of the words the Holy Spirit used to SCREAM what He had been trying to whisper to their heart for a long time. Don’t take it personally. You may have just been the catalyst the Lord is using – but only one element of what it will take to make the issue finally combust and produce change. That’s what you get for putting your thoughts and writing out there! It’s scary. I love to write and often wonder if I’d be able to take the risk or really putting it out there. On my own little blog – I can be like “It’s my blog – BACK OFF!” (In a very Christ-like and loving manner, or course) but when you put what is on your heart out there for all the world to see, digest and analyze – there is a risk involved that some may disagree with you. Your only choice is to walk out your walk with the Lord – and be obedient to what He is showing and telling you! Please don’t ever hold back – there are some you inspire so very much – like me!!

    And by the way, your blog looks terrific!

  4. Momma2theMax said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 10:11 am

    while i could see….

    her getting upset if you say outed the guy by using his name…which, i am sure, you remember well…she is taking you farrrtoo literally and is probably more pained by the correctness of what you espouse to our good intentions vs actual life…..than by anything real and true..if that makes any sense…btw vitamins post for contentment is up on the wild life….

  5. Anonymous said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 10:14 am

    <i>Untitled Comment</i>

    I thought your words made it loud and clear what you meant. Softening it up wouldn't make it nearly as clear as you did. Didn't offend me at all. These kind of comments remind me of Mrs. Oleson, Little House on the Prairie, defending her dear, "bless their heart" children, no matter what they did.

    I guess the only two words I wouldn't use at this point were dweeb and dork, read my blog to understand why! But to each their own.

    Edited by mrskbrook on Nov. 9, 2005 at 8:14 AM

  6. hippiechyck said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 10:17 am

    sorry Jen, i didn't mean to send that letter




    well, can’t please everyone LlamaMama

  7. iluvtheland said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 10:45 am

    I love your writing style…

    Personally, I feel that your *unconventional” writing style makes me sit up and take notice of what you are saying more than I would another article that conveyed the same thoughts, but in a more *sedate* and *politically correct* manner. I always turn to your article first (my apologies to everyone else at TOS) because I know it will be an entertaining yet educational or inspiring read for me. And your blog is the same way. Entertaining and fun, but lots of good stuff in there to ponder at the same time (well, most of the time…lol)

    I am wondering if the terms you used to describe the boy were the part that she was offended by, or if there were other things in the article??? Some people don’t like their lists and their psychologists and drugs referred to as unnecessary and are very protective of that whole arena, so maybe that was another hot button for this lady?

    The magazine is great, and it takes all kinds of articles to reach the different people who read TOS. I personally love your style, and hope that you continue to write from your heart and continue to put your own personality into your articles and posts. Not a thing rude or offensive from even my “older and more mature” perspective.

    Hugs, Kathy

  8. Confessor said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 11:09 am

    I'm surprised you haven't gotten this before…

    Don’t get me wrong – I think the story and your writing style are great.

    Having done a lot of things in the public eye, I run into this type of situation on a regular basis. Mostly, at least in my case, it has to do with a more “casual” writing style than the reader expects.

    There are a number of people who expect the written word (in a public forum and not in a letter to a friend) to be more formal, as though addressing someone you don’t know well in a very dignified manner.

    Most writers (especially those of our age) who do engaging, illustrative articles these days write in a much more familiar style than many people are used to. As a result, they get offended.

    As much as I hate to say it, I would suppose that if you met this lady in person and were your every-day self, you would rub her the wrong way, too. You seem like a less formal, somewhat crazy, llama-loving person. She probably is not any of those things.

    My Blog writing is, in its pathetic alternating attempts at humor and profundity, probably offensive to a number of people. While I don’t seek to offend, the reality is that I probably wouldn’t get along with those I offend because I write, in a large part, the way I am.

    I’m surprised this hasn’t come up before. I can almost guarantee it’ll come up again.

    All of this is to say, “Keep Up The Good Work!” and “Don’t Let It Get You Down”!

  9. vgarr said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 11:18 am

    I enjoyed it

    I really did.

    Did she take offense at “twerpy” kid? C’mon! We’ve all known those twerpy kids, and we’ve all been the twerpy kid at one time or another.

    I think she needs to get her panties out of wad and deal with it.

  10. ClassicalEducation4Me said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 11:21 am

    I loved this article!

    This editorial really spoke to me and I even blogged about it because it was so good! Don’t let her letter get you down – I’ve read most of your editorials and I love them because you are so honest!

    Love ya!

    Kris (aka “the goat police”)

  11. Dalyn said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 11:53 am


    That’s no goat, dear. You are obviously a city slicker. We will have to work on that when you move here to be closer to your daughters and grandchildren.

    About your articles and your tone:

    I think you are funny and sweet and cover it up with smart- elek (Sp??) stuff sometimes.It’s all in fun, and it’s okay to be light and funny! You already know this- but there alot of bound up people, weak with too much religion and a lack of Jesus and LOVE, PEACE, and JOY. Those people, being usually critical, are likely going to find fault with something. If you give them an easy in, it’s going to be you they find fault with. If you cater to those people, you will be just as stiff and dull and unhappy as they usually are. However, it’s good to try to not offend the “weak” brothers (or sisters) in the faith. You have been put in a position to be of influence. I do not envy you. You have a greater responsibility, because your sphere of influence is larger. The Lord put you here. Of that you may be sure. Ask Him. Know this- you are an endearing woman whom most of us love. Can’t speak for the complainer.

  12. MelismaTo4 said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 11:58 am

    I agree …

    …with iluvtheland. (Made you nervous for a second there, didn’t I? Your writing style makes me sit up and take notice of things that I might otherwise breeze by. It’s really a gift that you’ve been given to speak to those of us who might be more hard-headed. I MEANT to blog about that article. It totally sparked revival in my heart. I have returned to appreciating all the wonderful little things around me and praising God for them continuously. I have returned to seeing what my life really should be like and realizing that unless I continually ask God for help, those same old “new-school-year’s-reolutions” that I profess each September will come to naught. The scenario that takes place with children tugging at your arm while you’re at the computer is MY LIFE! With God’s help, I will be the mother He created me to be. Thank you for turning on the Light!

  13. TC said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 12:31 pm

    It's possible that she's a mom to a twerpy, nerdy little kid.

    I suspect that the part to which she took offense was your description of the playground scene. If she has a child who has social problems (like maybe an Aspie), she’s probably hypersensitive to these kinds of stories. Were you right or wrong in what you wrote there? I don’t know.

    FWIW, I think the *message* of your piece was spot on.

  14. mom2rebels said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 12:41 pm

    Untitled Comment

    When I read this entry, the first thing that came to my mind was the passage about plucking the splinter out of someones eye and ignoring the log in yours. How mean spirited and critical is it to cancel a subscription to such a wonderful resource just because ONE article rubbed you the wrong way? Personally, I think the complainer reacted in poor judgement and immaturity, pointing out what she perceives, all the while ignoring those same character traits in her own actions. The article was certainly not the best I’ve read and I haven’t read and re-read it like others in the past, but it was true and did make me think a bit and take a deeper look at some of the merry-go-rounds I’m often spinning on. Be encouraged Jen, for every complaint, I am sure there are many that have been touched and are being changed in part from your writings encouraging them to be introspective.


  15. Dalyn said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 1:15 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Hey! It’s totally NOT a goat. I commented earlier, and didn’t know it was still Disco Doug’s username. Sorry! That one was me! Anyhoo…it’s not a goat. I put a picture up for you on my bog.

    You must go see Harriette’s blog. You will DIE laughing! I’m not joking. That’s the funniest story I ever heard!

    My Pastor is a homesteader and I asked him if he would consider writing some articles. He was actually excited about your project. Very fun. I’m excited to read his stuff, the guy’s just great!

  16. amysue said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 1:25 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Honestly …. you offend me greatly. JUST KIDDING! You’re article is always the first one I turn to when I get my magazine in. Your writing is fun, witty, and down to earth. Keep up the good work!

  17. mamaduso said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 1:35 pm


    I think that sometimes when people become offended it is because they have been convicted of something and they don’t want to deal with it. So it is easier to become offended and lash out at the one that caused them to see something they didn’t want to see. This article was great! It is soooo true- I’ve seen it in my life. It really takes me having a close walk with God in order to make sure I’m doing all the other things that I need to, including spending precious time with the kiddos. I’ve become very convicted of this this year. I realized that I can “do” all the right things and still have a messed up family. Your article was inspired. Now, how can I get a subscription to this magazine. I’ve had it before so I know I like it….hhmmm lets see, Christmas is just around the corner, oh hhhonneeeyyyy…………

  18. Melkhi said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 2:45 pm

    Hi Jen.

    The other posters have all made very good points which I hope comforts you.

    Have you read the letters to the editor section of World Magazine? It is quite amusing when someone disagrees with something and then cancels their subscription in a huff. It happens A LOT with that magazine.

  19. JennLovesJesus said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 3:35 pm

    Just can't think of a subject right now…

    I think twerpy and nerdy were offensive to her. Actually when I started reading the article the other day I thought a nicer choice of words could have been used while still getting the point across. I really have tried to steer clear from sticking labels on people, unless they are nice of course, because we never know what people are going through or why they are the way they are. That’s not to say I don’t have opinions about people. HOWEVER, I knew what you meant in your article and as you know from the e-mail I sent you, your article was God speaking to me. I think to cancel a subscription over it is pretty extreme, but it is her choice I suppose. I mean it’s not like you called him Goat Boy!! 🙂

  20. Mommy3 said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 3:44 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Hi Jen,

    I loved that article!! It was like you were writing about my life! I can’t imagine anyone finding anything offensive in it. It was a huge encouragement to me… to keep on seeking God’s will in every area of my life. Keep up the great work


  21. BeccaLoo said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 3:49 pm

    Untitled Comment

    At first I thought you were nuts to call someone a “dweeb” but as I think about it I realize that we ALL are a bit like that kid whether it’s not being able to sing or not attmitting you were wrong. (Now I feel all scholarly) ; )

  22. Fimsey said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 4:32 pm


    I have gotten 2 issues of TOS. You wrote an article in each of those that truly spoke to my heart. The Spinner article was something that the Lord has been dealing with me about in many ways and then came your article…just more conformation that things need to change with me. You are very transparent in your writing. I see you as a spiritual women, maybe even someone to look up too. But I also see a women just like me, who has struggles and it is her hearts desire to please God in all that she does. That’s not always easy. I appreciate that you don’t approach things as if you are more righteous than anyone else. I see that in alot of Christian articles and books. For me that does more harm than good to my heart. I appreciate your honest writing.

    To each his own I guess but I don’t want you to be discouraged! (((hugs)))

  23. carleyross said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 4:41 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Well, you can’t please everyone. I, personally, loved the article—while ashamedly admitting I don’t get the magazine :0( . It hits home to most of us moms—maybe it hit too close to home for her and she’s avoiding the realization that she is NOT The Perfect Mother and Wife—-gasp.

    Or maybe she was the twerpy kid on her playground.

    Why oh why can I not be smart aleky?!? I try not to, really I do.

    Oh and I draw the line at 14 “mama’s” before I say, “WHAT?!?!?” Then they say, nevermind and walk off. :0)

  24. CoffeeAndAMuffin said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 5:43 pm

    Untitled Comment

    I KNEW someone would complain. Someone with no sense of humor. Was I right? What Dalyn said in her first comment – same here. You’re a treasure. Don’t be someone else. Be YOU. Your disarming humor is MUCH appreciated ’round these hyar parts!

  25. Jedi4sweet said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 6:46 pm

    Jen- I completely LOVED what ya wrote!!! = )

    And I can’t explain it exactly but in a weird way- I find myself dealing with this same core issue when I blog & sometimes when I have conversations with people irl. It’s as though I have all these thoughts but I hold back sometimes because I know I might run the risk of offending someone. The ironic thing is that my hearts desire would never want to offend anybody yet somehow- despite my genuine intention, things can & will sometimes get mistaken in the wrong way.

    I agree w/ the Confessor. There are people who are always going to be offended because it rubs them the wrong way. It doesn’t make what you wrote wrong, however. Because honestly …. you didn’t write anything wrong, actually.

    I think your words that you wrote gave us an easy to understand & engaging illustration with a point well made. I, for one, really enjoyed, appreciated & related to it much too well, I admit. ;- D

    (((Hugs))) to you, Jenn …. the silver lining in this is that we can open up our Bibles & see how many times Jesus spoke and “offended” others in the process, though obviously He wanted to draw everyone close. Heck- even now in this day- the Bible offends so many. I need to remember this, myself, quite honestly and not worry so much about whether or not someone will be accidentally offended by what I write.

    Okay so I love your writing style. You are fun and real and people are drawn to you. There is no doubt that God is using you in a very real way. When I come across these same type of situations like this in my own life – I think of biblically sound leaders and pastors that I know are filled with the Holy Spirit and I try to remind myself think somewhere, somebody is offended or doesn’t appreciate what these God fearing individuals write, say &/or preach. It somehow reassures me in some weird & crazy way. = S

    Sorry for my novel here– oh man- I am such a babbler, I know!!! = o You are awesome because of Christ within you, Jenig!!!! = ) Anyone can see that!!! : D

  26. Jammie said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 7:33 pm

    Hi Jen

    I read that article when my mag came weeks ago. I have always enjoyed your style, as it really causes me to sit up and take a good long look at my twerpy self in the spiritual mirror. I enjoy your analogies to everyday life. I reread the article and the only thing I would change is the word “twerpy” to foolish. He was a foolish kid that’s for sure. Twerpy=Foolish.

    Also, you are very YOU. And being in the PUBLIC EYE *no doubt* is not easy when people expect YOU to be THEIR PERCEPTION OF YOU. That public eye. Specs looks like logs to everyone else. I just happen to have an infection in my right eye. It’s very painful. But it will go away. Where the heck am I going with this? I dunno. Good thing I’m not famous and actually need to complete this thought. Love ya, Jen the Jammie

  27. Anonymous said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 10:18 pm

    I LOVE the article

    I think we all could learn from the message in the article. I would change the name calling at the beginning. He may not be able to help being a dweeb or whatever. It seems to me that it is his parents fault that he’s acting this way. LOL I guess I was looking in the light of whether I’d want my children going around calling people those names…

    Anyway, aside from the name calling I think the article is jam up. Keep up the good work! You have a great gift and wonderful stories to tell. My two favorite is your son calling your thigh a beaut, and you fighting with your sister. Just HILARIOUS stuff but something to learn from it all.

  28. Sandlappersue said,

    on November 9th, 2005 at 10:20 pm

    the anonymous was from me above.

    I just commented but wasn’t logged in .

  29. Douglas said,

    on November 10th, 2005 at 1:47 am

    Jenuine Jen, I liked it.

    I can’t speak to the motives of the person who was offended. What I can say is that if someone was too focused on the text as to miss the more significant meaning, they missed a convicting and relevant article that rings all too true. Seek God and His wisdom in all you do, don’t withhold what He reveals to you and be the person He created you to be. Whether that be serious, funny, witty or just plain zaney. How can you go wrong with that? Good story. P.S. Please don’t tell anyone that I was that kid.

  30. lazearbeam said,

    on November 10th, 2005 at 1:14 pm

    I read that article and thought it was excellent!

    It is too bad that some people are like that. I classify them as religious and they don’t really know their Savior very well, if at all. That might get me roasted, but I’ve developed a fairly tough hide over the years, mainly to the religious (and I was pretty religious at one time in my life, too). We can even learn from their criticisms, but need to go to Father about it and find out His opinion on it. I for one, enjoy your style of writing immensely. Being around your blog brings out my hidden ability to write with humor. I’m too much of a serious person most of the time. Anyway, I’ll continue to hang out at your beautiful new blogsite and even though you changed its look, I hope you keep your own humorous style of writing. I do not believe that it is offensive to the One who made you. I have found through my life that He has the best sense of humor of all of us. (Oh and there are lots and lots of people that get offended at what He has written!)

    Love and shalom,


  31. ByHisGraceInColorado said,

    on November 10th, 2005 at 5:54 pm


    You offended someone with your editorial? Well, there is a first time for everything.


    LOL, I was, as usual, put off by it too..and if you don’t stop it, you will be banished from my friends list forever.

    Haha. Nancy

  32. Pattycake said,

    on November 10th, 2005 at 7:34 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Well I guess I can’t speak for the offended. I wasn’t offended in the least, and thought it was an excellent read — and I could relate. I think I even tried to say a few of the same things (hardly as well as you) in my blog, here:

    Pretty much I conclude where you did … I don’t need another to do list. I need to abide. In Christ that is.


  33. julie said,

    on November 11th, 2005 at 12:04 am

    Feeling needy?

    Well Jen this is certainly one way to feed your inner child’s need for encouragement….geesh…..I for one agree with “Confessor” as I quote “As much as I hate to say it, I would suppose that if you met this lady in person and were your every-day self, you would rub her the wrong way, too. You seem like a less formal, somewhat crazy, llama-loving person. She probably is not any of those things.”

    There are a few people I rub the wrong way….and vice versa…..I call them sandpaper people. They are there for a purpose…..though at times I’m clueless as to what that purpose is……

    We all have them in our lives…if we’re honest…..which leads me to my next paragraph….

    YOU are honest, YOU are transparent, YOU are humble and that makes others feels uncomfortable. I was drawn to TOS because of YOUR style of writing…seeing articles on that made me laugh — written by you — ….You write the way I think and aren’t ashamed to admit it.

    But isn’t that just what our Heavenly Father asks of us? Take off our masks…step out of the darkness and step into the light…. some people are just not willing to step into the light of their own sinfulness…isn’t that the point you were making about the Merry Go Round??? I think she missed it…..yeah maybe you called the kid a few names in the first paragraph….maybe her kid has been called these names….the terms were used to make a point — it’s not like you actually called them that to his face…well….maybe you did…not sure 🙂 but…..

    I quote from David — Psalm 51:3-4 says “I recognize my shameful deeds — they haunt me day and night. Against you and you alone, have I sinned; I have done what is evil in your sight. You will be proved right in what you say and your judgment against me is just.” Humility is a willingness to confess sin and turn from it…you do this every time you write…and I for one am refreshed by it.

    Be encouraged dear friend — Proverbs 12:16-18 A wise person stays calm when insulted. An honest witness tells the truth; a false witness tells lies. Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing.

    May we be the “words of the wise to bring healing”

    Love, Julie

    P.S. I love being offended by you….it feeds my inner child’s need for being offensive…..that really doesn’t make sense does it…..I’m such a dweeby twerp nerd.

  34. Beth said,

    on November 11th, 2005 at 11:28 pm

    Hey Jen~

    I totally thoroughly have enjoyed ALL of your writing that I’ve read! You just continue to KEEP IT REAL! Now would ya answer your poor kid there beside you saying “Mommy, Mommy” for the umpteenth time already! *sheesh* 😉 LOL! Your transparency is refreshing, and more convicting than any amount of pc jargon we’ve all read a gazillion times! You’ve a gift dear sister, your words are like fresh waters. I knew you were gonna catch some flack for that piece as soon as I read the intro. paragraph, calling that poor little boy those mean names and all (chaaaw!), but it made me smile to know that truly, you must have suspected as much when you wrote it, and you wrote it ANYWAYS! It’s good to color outside the lines, and I’ll never forget what my Painting Professor told me in college, something like “If a piece is really good, people will either love it or hate it. If everyone likes it, then it’s no good.”

    Also, I LOVE your new blog look here… the fairytale maidens have always fascinated me, and I think it’s actually a baby unicorn whose horn simply hasn’t grown in yet. As I’m certain you know, they like to hang out with pure and fair young maidens who don’t call names and such.

    ps. Say “hey” to Marshie for me!;-)

  35. Beth said,

    on November 11th, 2005 at 11:29 pm

    Oh yeah!

    AND, a little birdie told me that you were hankerin’ for some blonde jokes awhile back, so I’ve just posted some fer ya! To help get your mind off the critics and all, BLONDIE! 🙂

    BTW, I’m SO honored to be listed as one of your homesteading buds! Now we’ll just have to get together and exchange some apocalyptical survivalish, back to the land, earth-Mothery-wannabe-type tips one day.

  36. Mom5Sons said,

    on November 14th, 2005 at 11:58 pm


    You know, just today, my handsome, charming, 19-year-old son (of course, he takes after his Irish father) and I were discussing the fairly common overreactions people – especially Christians – have when truth is on the line! His take, and he is rather perceptive about people, is that there is just something that a person is afraid of that causes an overreaction on their part (definitely cancelling a subscription over this article rates as one in my book :)….your article was humerous, transparent, and testimonial – you are one of my favorite authors, right up there with Andree Seu of World Magazine (who must be walking where I’m walking, anyone seen my shoes? 😉 – your article entitled My Way is the Only Godly Way spoke VOLUMES to me and was a great encouragement to me to continue homeschooling…….keep up the GOOD WORDS!



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