Ok I’m going to just start out by saying that I LOVE gmail. It’s true. Jess set me up with it early in the week and I can FINALLY email again without wrestling with the diabolical Hughes program. Still, sadly, all of my contacts are still on my other compy (lord bless its little hardware) which has been ‘napping’ since August. So, if you have ever emailed me, or if I have ever emailed you, or if you want to email me because you should be in my address book, then could you send me a quick note at Jeneferig@gmail.com so I can build my contacts back up? I’d be mighty obliged.
Second of all, a number of you were as delighted with the little chocolate advent as we are. You can purchase one here . The nice thing is, it is reusable year after year, unless you shower with it.
So last night was pretty cozy. Me and Geoff went to the library and rented Frosty the Snowman, The Little Drummer Boy, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, The Christmas Toy, and Wallace and Grommit. A few days before that we got, The Muppet Christmas Carol. Have you seen that? It is seriously my favorite version of the Christmas Carol. And I am not as weird as I thought, because I realized I am not the only one who digs it so much. I love it when Miss Piggy is eavesdropping outside the door when the reformed Scrooge comes to visit on Christmas Day and she rushes out and screeches she’s gonna “raise him right off the planet” before awkwardly realizing he had just given her husband a pay hike. I can just *so* relate with that pig. Me and Coie snorted thru the whole thing.
Lastly, if I wasn’t as lazy as I am, I would seriously write a diet booklet and sell it for big money. I found an absolute foolproof trick to lose weight. – a trick I figured out right after Thanksgiving – Weeks before I had gotten down to 139, but Post Tday I was climbing up to nearly 145 and figured I should do something lest I sabotage all 17 pounds I initially lost from Jessi’s dumb diet. So here’s the trick… after I eat lunch around 2, I go to each of my kids and firmly shake their hand and solemnly swear that if I eat a single thing for the rest of the day or night they will win $10. And lord knows I am *not* going to break my promise and end up paying $60 for an oatmeal cookie or a bowl of popcorn. My kids think it’s a splendid game and for the rest of the day they artfully rub their hands together and plead, “ah come on mom, don’t you want some chicken?”
Brilliant, no?
on December 5th, 2007 at 10:01 am
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The Muppet Christmas Carol is a favorite around here too. I got to accompany my nieces yesterday to a performance of A Christmas Carol and when Mrs. Cratchett was railing against Scrooge I just couldn't help finding her performance a bit ho-hum compared to Miss Piggy's. A hard act to follow for sure!
Blessings to you and your family as you celebrate the coming of our Lord!
on December 5th, 2007 at 10:23 am
Love Christmas movies too–
We got the collection from my sis-in-law of Rudolph, Frosty, Drummer boy, etc. So they're all on one DVD. The kids have loved each one. Not sure which is my favorite. This time of year, I find myself tearing up over just about anything that mentions Christmas! My favorite is still a Charlie Brown Christmas. When Linus gets up on stage and recites scripture, I just lose it every time! But all these movies are just so great. I've noticed that the older ones mention Jesus a lot more than the new ones do. That's how you can tell they're old–it was actually OKAY to mention something from the Bible in a kids movie!
And we started a tradition this year I'm loving! Over the past year I collected 25 Christmas themed books (each individually chosen by me). Thanksgiving day we wrapped each one and put them in a large box under the tree. Each night after dinner the kids decide on one, open it, and Daddy and I take turns reading it to them. It's like a little gift each night and kind of makes the season feel like it lasts a little longer. I'm loving the vast differences in Christmas stories. Some are more serious and sentimental and some just plain fun. Anyways, it's been a blessing if anyone wants to try and prep for next year. Lots of those books will go on sale after December.
Blessings to all the families who visit this wonderful blog. Jen, thank you for sharing what God is doing in your life.
on December 5th, 2007 at 11:17 am
hiya jen! love your blog. however, i don't think that not eating after 2 will benefit you in the long run. you see, once our body thinks it's starving, it begins to hold on to every morsel of caloric fat. eating small, healthy portions 5-6 times a day has kept me fairly trim and slim. plus- i have incredible energy and i'm never hungry. nourish your temple! don't punish it!
love, another jen (but in georgia!)
on December 5th, 2007 at 11:20 am
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I love all those movies! We rented Miracle on 34th street the other night.. and that old movie "Prancer". i cried like a big baby all through it.
and my diets not dumb. YOU liked it! It's awesome! Plus, it's not a diet!! It's a cleanse. Huge difference.i do appreciate you linking to it though! 🙂
on December 5th, 2007 at 11:36 am
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Muppets, eh?
I wanted to read or watch "A Christmas Carol" but my daughter is easily spooked, so I thought the whole 'ghost' thing would freak her out. I might just have to check that version out!
Edited by foxvalleyfamily on Dec. 5, 2007 at 11:37 AM
on December 5th, 2007 at 1:34 pm
The Ultimate Holiday Diet!
Thanks Jen!
OK, now you've done it.
My children want me to go on
that diet.
Jacob said,
"I'd become a millionaire!"
It's one of those get rich quick
schemes. Who needs Amway?!
…and I'm wondering if we can make one of those
chocolate box thingies. Since we'll be poor
if I decide to diet.
Austin's Parenting With Purpose:
on December 5th, 2007 at 1:35 pm
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That really is brilliant. I would, for sure, be determined not to give away my money. However, I'm afraid the temptation to be very sneaky might be too much to resist. 🙂
Good Luck!
on December 5th, 2007 at 1:43 pm
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Hey, I wanna be 139 again!
I think that $10 is to rich for my blood….so eve $5 would work on me.
I'll try it and tell you how it goes. 🙂
on December 5th, 2007 at 2:00 pm
<i>Untitled Comment</i>
PS you don't need to lose anymore weight! You're going to be a zipper! Turn sideways and won't be able to see you! That's no good.. eat dinner!!! 🙂
and it's not fair that you're 8 pounds lighter than youre little sister who HASN'T had a billion kids or is in her 30s (which I hear it gets harder to lose weight as you get older)
Edited by jess4him on Dec. 5, 2007 at 2:01 PM
on December 5th, 2007 at 4:25 pm
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I've also had pretty decent success w/ quitting eating by a certain time each day. I know what the one commenter meant about several small meals, but for me I tend to eat UN-healthy foods as the day progresses… I always feel good, and hungry in the AM if I don't eat close to bedtime and like eating a good breakfast (the most important meal of the day!) Soooo, thanks for the idea…we'll see if I'm brave enough to make the deal w/ the kiddos…Yikes!
on December 5th, 2007 at 6:33 pm
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I just saw that advent calendar at Star bucks, My man and I went to Bass Pro to do a little shopping tonight. So I was thinking ti looked Just like Jen's and I was going to ask you.
I will send you a quick e-mail so you can add me to your address book. I don't want to be forgotten.
on December 5th, 2007 at 6:38 pm
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Maria… you, of all people, most certainly could *never* be forgotten. I already loaded your email in my contact page, but feel free to email me anyways. 🙂
on December 5th, 2007 at 9:12 pm
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It's official. You're a fruitcake! It's bad enough to try not to eat past 6 or 7pm, but to try to make your LAST MEAL OF THE DAY at 2pm?! You are out of your mind. Maybe your sugar level is low? 🙂
on December 5th, 2007 at 9:41 pm
Hi ya:)
What a fun diet game!! Although even though I think that I SHOULD play…. I don't think that I will!:)
Your chocolate tree looks very fun!:) You are a blessing and I love your sense of humor!:)
on December 5th, 2007 at 10:12 pm
from Kathy P
It has been for the past 15 years that we watch the Muppet Christmas Carol – it is our favorite movie and also our favorite version. Michael Caine is WONDERFUL as scrooge – we love the singing veggies. I had recommended this movie to a lawyer I worked for 14 years ago and so he rented it then the next day he came and sang the songs at work . . . his family loved it too.
on December 6th, 2007 at 1:06 am
Scrooge: You're a little absent minded, Spirit.
Christmas Present: No, I'm a large absent minded spirit.
Yes, that's the only version we will watch.
Warning though, there's another muppet Christmas thing they made later that's supposed to be like It's a Wonderful Life. Do Not watch it. It has Whoopi Goldberg playing God, and it is simply horrible. I was sooo disappointed.
One more suggestion, there was another muppet one that was pretty cute and innocent, Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas. We like that one, but I think it's only 1/2 hr.
Christmas movies are so fun! Blessings to you!
Jen G
on December 6th, 2007 at 6:33 am
Because I love to drop names when I lurk here…
First, the comment by your most adorable sister about it not being fair that you weigh less even though she's younger and hasn't had a billion babies made me snort my morning hot chocolate. Tell her to be related to me and she'll never have to worry about that again. Older and fatter over here (with a billion children so she doesn't become a lonely aunt).
Next, if you would have come to a *real* cultural experience last night and watched Kristina and her two brilliant boys in "Rumplestiltskein" you would have known the world's newest, best, most failproof diet: The Porpoise Lip Diet. You see, Porpoises, being very smart, are able to avoid being captured and so their lips are very tricky to be harvested which means that if all you are planning on eating is porpoise lips, there is no way you could ever get enough that you would stop losing weight.
See. Aren't you glad I stopped by today?
on December 6th, 2007 at 1:19 pm
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I love the Muppet version too, but my daughter is in the play this year as Ghost of C. Past, so that's my new favorite version.
Your diet plan is brilliant. I'm not sure if that would work for me though because I only have 2 kids, and I might pay $20 for a cookie if I were desperate enough. Now, I could offer to pay them $30 each….
on December 6th, 2007 at 10:58 pm
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thanks for stopping by my blog. I was surprised to see Coie Monday. We were just wondering around looking at Christmas stuff and there was her smiling face behind the customer service… well the rest of her body was there, too. LOL
Are you enjoying this COLD weather? UGH! I hate being cold. I get chilled to the bone.
I am having a contest at my blog… I am sure you have a great entry for it! LOL Stop by and check it out.
Have a great weekend,
on December 6th, 2007 at 11:00 pm
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BTW, Sarah Beth watches the Muppet Christmas Carol like every other day. She loves the muppets. A friend let us borrow the first season on DVD. That got her hooked! They are pretty funny.
You can see lots of clips from the show on Youtube.
on December 7th, 2007 at 9:10 am
ahh you hit a memory in my heart!
My brother went to the army when I was still in high school. His first Christmas in the army he was still in basic training so they breaked and allowed him to come home. He was so far away from us but we LOVED the muppets CHristmas carol! We even have the sound track! So I remember crying with my mom in the living room singing "after all theres only one more sleep till 'Josh comes home!' " to the song on it. It was our song! And to this day when Christmas comes around I hear myself humming that song! I really was just LAST NIGHT! and read your post this morning. How cool is that. Ok I need more sleep. lol
on December 7th, 2007 at 12:13 pm
It IS brilliant!
I might try it — but probably not until after dinner!
I dreamed last night that you were pregnant with quadruplets (why am I dreaming about you when I have met you in person approximately ONCE?). And for some reason, this brought the total tally of your children up to 23. Ah, such is the math of dreamland…
Note: Queenteamx365 is merely Queenofthehill on a diet!
Edited by QueenTeamX365 on Dec. 7, 2007 at 12:13 PM
on December 7th, 2007 at 2:58 pm
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Great diet plan!! LOL Sounds like something I should give a try! I haven't tried gmail. I have incredimail, which I just love, love, love!! I've heard great things about gmail, though, so I know it must be good.
Have a great weekend!! God bless you ~ Julie
on December 8th, 2007 at 7:50 am
Gmail is great
Large son convinced me to set up a gmail account whilst I was visiting them in Texas this summer. Best thing I ever did. THEN Jodi right here with HSB said I needed Firefox to get this blog thing to work!!! WONDERFUL. Everything moves faster now, even with this dinosaur I'm using! Switching ISP's this move was actually pretty painless!!! We LOVE the Muppet Christmas Carol. Small son thinks it's the only version and was surprised when he finally saw the original!!! And losing weight?? Good idea. We always say ya gotta punish 'em where it hurts…..hmmm. I'll have to think about that one.
Denise aka The Domestic Angel