Jeneric Jeneralities ~ by JenIG

I think I’m starting to become superstitious.  I have this idea that the year of 2007 is cursed, and I’ve begun to imagine that as soon as it’s over everything will magically reverse itself.  Seriously, it’s been one thing after another.  Guess what came in the mail today.  Just guess.  Ok, never mind, I’ll tell you.  It actually started last week when I got a letter from the IRS asking why we hadn’t paid any of our $2000 balance that we owe.  And I was thinking, “What the heck?!”  I thought we hadn’t owed anything. 

So I called up the IRS guy, who was actually quite pleasant and even wished me a Happy Christmas, and sure enough, he said that they’d been sending notices to us to the wrong address (however this would not erase any of the penalties that have been rackin’ up). And he said that they could set up a payment plan, but that he wouldn’t do it yet because he needed to send me packet of information about a problem with our 05 taxes, too. 

Today I got the packet with the 05 issues.  Apparently, our CPA did not include any of the income that I had made that year, and after it was recalculated, they’ve determined that we actually owe for the year of 05, even tho we had originally gotten a large return..  Guess how much the bill is.  Just guess.  Ok, fine I’ll just tell you.  Over $20,000.  No, I’m not kidding.  How is this possible?  I have no idea.  How in the world could we owe 20 grand, for 05 + another 2 grand for 06??  And now how do we pay all of that when 20 grand is about what we’re making for an entire year?

So I called up Geoff and just started laughing.  I mean, at this point, it’s just plumb funny.  He isn’t worried about it; he thinks our CPA will be able to fix whatever he messed up.  And there’s only like 20 something days left until 08.  If… I… can… just… make it… a little… longer….

And yes, I know ‘superstition’ is a bunch of tripe, but it’s sort of a comfort pretending that our run of awful news might finally be coming to an end soon.  I don’t want to even think about what else might go wrong, the possibilities are endless.  A lot can happen in three weeks.

In other news, yesterday I started a Blog Spot account, which apparently, is set up automatically as a service of Gmail.  Can you believe that “JenIg” was already taken for an address? Me neither, so my blog address for that account had to have a dash in it and is .  I am pretty sure I will be too lazy to double post, but I’ll try it for a while.  Plus, you can upload videos directly into blogspot posts, just like pictures or links.  Pretty neat-sy.  Not that I have any videos to upload.  Actually, that’s not true.  Ryann recently put together a humdinger of a video.  I’ll have to see about that.

Love, Jen – who will remain steadfast and faithful in the face of any and all circumstances.  I may get an ulcer in the meantime, but I will remain thankful in all things.  I think.  No, I will. I think I will.  No, no, really…  I will. I will continue to stand because “my Master is able to make me stand”.  And honestly, just look at all the blog material it gives me.

Happy Week before the week before Christmas!

December 8th, 2007 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

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  1. CaliCarolina said,

    on December 8th, 2007 at 12:51 pm

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    Maybe this will help cheer you up:

    When I was 6 months pregnant with our 2nd child, it became clear that we'd been cheated by our former business partner. We had much to pay a few entities, so I totally feel for you. I would get contractions when they would call. We actually made a total of $12,000.00 that year, too, since we were in a recession at the time. I could tell you more (believe me), but it might bring you down, and the point is to encourage you. God will care for your family. He will meet all your needs. As our pastor says, "God has enough money."

    I moved my blog over to blogspot a while back and am happy there. Here is my link:

  2. drewsfamilytx said,

    on December 8th, 2007 at 1:36 pm

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    Oh Jen! I pray that it is an easy fix for y'all. We got a notice earlier this year that said we owed $13,000!!! Yup, thirteen thousand dollars (plus some change). It ending up being an error in reporting for my business… so we ended up only owing $3,000. Still a lot but much more reasonable.

    I pray that that is what God has for you… a smaller amount that would normally seem devastating on its own, but chump change in comparison to $20K.

    And like the previous comment, God does have enough money! He has taken care of y'all so far, He will not abandon you now. Not because you (or any of us) deserve it, but because YOU (and the rest of the Ig family) are LOVED. Don't forget that.


    Marshie- who hopes this post was not discouraging but encouraging… it's just that sometimes things come out wrong… Okay, I'm going to stop now…

  3. Anonymous said,

    on December 8th, 2007 at 2:17 pm

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    A CPA is a mighty nice thing to have.

    We owed and when I did it, it was around $20k, but we got it down to around $2k. Still like a HUGE chunk that we were praying to come up with.

    Just think.

    God is going to show himself to be your mighty redeemer on this. And it's gonna be awesome.


  4. ClagettsFLStyle said,

    on December 8th, 2007 at 6:47 pm

    Will be praying

    Jehovah Jireh right!!

    I'll be praying that all this get's straightened out quickly for you. It's good that you use a CPA so they can fix it for you and be responsible for some of it too.

    I'll be praying for peace for you too as you wait for it all to get fixed.

  5. tnmomtomanyblessings said,

    on December 8th, 2007 at 9:58 pm

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    I will be praying for you!!

    Going to go to your new home on the web.



  6. foxvalleyfamily said,

    on December 9th, 2007 at 7:44 am

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    Oh Jen, (((HUGS!)))

    I am SO sorry to hear of your difficulties! 🙁

    I pray that your CPA is able to straighten things out, and I pray that the Lord gives you the strength (and the resources) necessary to overcome not only this, but ALL of the difficulties that you have faced this year.

    Stay strong in the Lord!


  7. PorchSteps said,

    on December 9th, 2007 at 4:43 pm

    Love You

    Dear Jen,

    I am sorry, I do understand and am praying for God's provision for your family.

    You all look great in the family photo, wish we could see you in person, we miss you all.

    Love Jennifer

  8. JenIG said,

    on December 9th, 2007 at 5:06 pm

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    hi Jennifer… i am assuming this is jennifer P? i tried to go to your front steps blog page but it sent I was unauthorized to view that page, even tho i was logged in. SO… if this is Jen P, thanks for stopping by, and thanks for your prayers. We love and miss your family too!

  9. srostollan said,

    on December 9th, 2007 at 9:03 pm

    Now You are scaring me…

    Do you know how many tax seasons come and go and I go to bed in a cold sweat with my heart racing because I am sure that one day I am going to get the same kind of letter that you just got and it keeps me up nights wondering if it is really all worth it…do I really need to keep doing taxes and now you tell me that you HAVE a CPA and that things still went bad and I thought that if I did not do the taxes myself it would make sure I was doing everything the way it was suppose to be and can you hear the tension in my voice and the concern that another tax season is coming and no one is around to calm my fears because everyone is commenting that it has happened to them too???!!!!

    I am alright now, just needed to get that out. I am not worried one bit…


    ps if any IRS people are reading your blog looking for delinquent tax cheaters…my name is Fernando Wong of Argentina….

  10. Ruth said,

    on December 10th, 2007 at 8:55 am

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    I am so sorry to hear about all the trouble you have been having. I hope the new year will start with good news for you.

    I also have a new fun contest going on over at my blog. Stop by and check it out when you have a chance.


  11. servantgirl said,

    on December 10th, 2007 at 11:44 am

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    Do like David did. In hard times he spent time refreshing his memory about all the ways God had been there for him in the past, and the miraculous ways He had come to the rescue.

    I know that you could "write a book" about all the things the Lord has done for you so far. Chances are, by the time you get done thinking about that, you will look at this new situation with anticipation, (or at least a little less stress).

    You and your family are in my prayers.

    Jen G

    PS. Hold on- only 3 more weeks till the new year! 🙂

  12. doehillhomeschool said,

    on December 10th, 2007 at 5:36 pm

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    Nah, not superstition—you're just "hoping all things " a la 1 corinthians 13…

  13. Leigh2 said,

    on December 10th, 2007 at 6:02 pm

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    I'm so sorry that this year has been so yucky. It's been a mixed bag for us, but I'm kind of ready for a new year, too. I'll be praying for a better 2008!

  14. MOMflippedisWOW said,

    on December 10th, 2007 at 9:00 pm

    Merry Christmas!

    I agree that 2007 has been a year of lots of bad things. I, too, am hoping for a brighter and more cheerful 2008!

    As for blogger being easier, well that's up to debate. I find HSB easier to load videos on to. (That may change with the new blogger loader.) Sometimes I cross post. Sometimes I don't. <geesh> Currently, I have five sites! Proof I'm losing my mind…

    Have a wonderful Christmas!


  15. moreofhim said,

    on December 11th, 2007 at 12:31 am

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    Dear Jen –

    I know how you feel. I've had years like that where I just look forward to the next year because, honestly, how could it go on into another year? I will be praying about your IRS issue. I'm sure it can be worked out. Yes, been there and done that, too. I'll keep praying for you, dear sister, and I know that the Lord will work everything out even better than you can imagine!!

    God bless you ~ Julie

  16. Buckeyeblog said,

    on December 12th, 2007 at 12:07 pm

    Oh…isn't it funny…

    …how WE always get stuck with the IRS's mistakes…like not having your correct address while all the penalties pile upon you. Riiiiight.

    I know what you mean about wishing for the end a certain year. It's 1986 for us. That was the year that our 1st sweet daughter died of SIDS in January and I had a miscarriage in June and another one in October. It was a BUMMER of a year!

    Blessings from Ohio, Kim Wolf<><

  17. momtofive said,

    on December 13th, 2007 at 11:37 am

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    Man, my heart just fell when I read about this IRS thing. My husband sounds a lot like yours…sure that there is something we can "do" to fix things. I hope you find out something soon…the hardest part is just not knowing.


  18. hrlabonte said,

    on December 14th, 2007 at 10:51 am

    Oh my goodness!

    Can you believe I just found out yesterday that our accountant hasn't been paying our quarterly taxes?!?! Nope, all the taxes we've been paying is just for our employees. Sigh. I thought our $16,000 amount we owe is outrageous. You poor things!


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