I Predict a Messy Morning
My daughters are outside killing stuff right now. They are endeavoring to slaughter 16 chickens before noon. I just don’t think that’s normal. My job is to wash them off and either cook or vacuum seal them – the chickens, I mean. Not my daughters. Yuck, it’s too cold to mess around with dead chickens. I don’t feel like being a farmess today. I wish that lying on the couch reading 1800’s literature was considered productive. Which reminds me, I just finished reading, Children of the Abbey (thanks to my most excellent friend). Good heavens; that book was tornado-ish. The pace and subplot swirled with dizzying velocity and the suspense was downright agonizing. I am putting it into my list of top ten favorite melodramas. They just don’t write books like that anymore. So yesterday I remembered (in the worst way) that I’m obsessively fond of miniature Baby Ruth’s and Butterfingers. Those little charmers are GOOD. It is a bad idea to purchase Christmas candy so early. I suppose I will have to go back and pick up another (several) bag(s). I used to eat those when I was a little kid, but then I became an exclusive Recees Peanut Butter Cup consumer. Anyhow, it’s a good thing I figured out my little diet trick, otherwise I’d be in big fat trouble. Lastly, do any of you know about any alternative treatments for cancer? No, it’s not for me, but I am trying to do some research. Have you heard of anything that actually is effective, and if so, can you leave a link to where I can find more information? And have any of you heard of the work and treatment plans by Dr. Johanna Budwig? Ok… I’m off to scrub and cook |
December 11th, 2007 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments No Responses to ' I Predict a Messy Morning 'Leave a reply |
on December 11th, 2007 at 8:53 am
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Jen – that is too funny about the chickens…(and vacuum sealing the girls!)
About the cancer treatments, I will give you the blog address of someone who's 3 yr old daughter had cancer earlier this year. They REALLY think that the nutritional therapy/supplements that she took helped to cure her.
I don't know the name of the supplements, but her name is Katie Bettendorf. Here is her blog address:
I will pray for healing and comfort!
on December 11th, 2007 at 9:16 am
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You know those girls make you proud! And I betcha you'd never have dreamed your life would ever be like this 15 years ago. 🙂
So what's for dinner? Chicken what?
When you mentioned cancer, I immediately thought of Katie Bettendorf and her daughter Jillian.
Anyhoo, I hope you have a great day!
PS What do you do with all those feathers?
on December 11th, 2007 at 9:22 am
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What's for dinner? Chicken Tacos What do we do with the feathers? I think they bury them.
And i don't think they will get thru 16 today. it's already 10:20 and they are *still* working on the first two. I will prob end up with a total of eight or nine….
on December 11th, 2007 at 11:03 am
Cancer treatments.
I would HIGHLY recommend the work of Dr. John McDougall to you. He has written several books, made DVD's and has a website – http://www.drmcdougall.com. Also read the China Study by T. Collin Campbell. It is an excellent book and gives so much important information on how diet can prevent and reverse cancer. I can't recommend these two sources enough. They have changed our lives.
on December 11th, 2007 at 11:12 am
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your girls sound like the kind of girls I'd let my ONLYEST son marry.
but he's only 12. Got any younger than that?
on December 11th, 2007 at 11:26 am
Brings back memories
When we lived in MD, we had a little farm. I wanted to try raising meat chickens. My DH who had grown up doing this wasn't all that excited about it, but let me.
At killing time, he did the killing but I had to do the cleaning. I remember while dumping the whole chickens in a boiling pot of water, hanging them up on my laundry line, then pulling the feathers off, that it was much easier buying them in the store. LOL.
Now raising beef is totally different and so worth it.
Have fun with the cleaning!! And enjoy your home grown chickens.
on December 11th, 2007 at 1:10 pm
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my husband does all the chicken work around here. he works for tyson. he brings home my chickens frozen, clean and bagged. i love that man.
on December 11th, 2007 at 1:31 pm
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Nutriferon… from Shaklee. Google it.
on December 11th, 2007 at 3:38 pm
there was a study done, from New York City, that some of us Canucks were offered. my daddy took the special chemo, it turned him green and he lost one of his front teeth. it was inconclusive. he is doing super well now (I want to write that he also looks like he should live in all you all's hills now with the missin tooth an all, but I won't)
are you allowed to be funny about cancer? I know we are … it's the only way through it.
on December 11th, 2007 at 3:44 pm
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what do you suppose would happen if Kermit took that chemo?
on December 11th, 2007 at 4:56 pm
Do you think….
pretending it is already 08' will help?
Okay, I will pray for you all again. You guys must be doing something right and the enemy is trying to stop ya'. So keep on keepin' on Sista'! Please know that my heart goes out to you and think of you often.
on December 11th, 2007 at 6:35 pm
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I wish I lived on a farm and I like Reeses candy, too. My dad used to butcher chickens with a broom stick when he was a boy. One chicken flew up into a cottonwood tree and sat on a branch with its head missing.
on December 11th, 2007 at 7:13 pm
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I'm with you on the butterfingers. Want a tip? Crush a mini one in the wrapper, then open up and sprinkle on French Vanilla ice cream. And don't get the cheap ice cream – get Breyers. It's my all-time favorite dessert.
on December 11th, 2007 at 7:14 pm
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Sorry I didn't sign that – I'm used to blogspot signing for me. Karen (bensrib.blogspot.com)
on December 11th, 2007 at 7:40 pm
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I could never kill a chicken. Your daughters are my heros. I bet the inside of your house smells really good. The outside I will avoid.
on December 12th, 2007 at 3:30 am
Already been said but…..
….check out the Battendorfs blog! Katie is amazing and is a wealth of information. And their little Jillian is a testimony to God's goodness and grace, and the fact that her parents listened to the Wisdom that God gave them rather than just the Dr's advice!
on December 12th, 2007 at 10:31 am
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That's an awesome way to start off a post!
on December 12th, 2007 at 2:37 pm
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I love anything chocolate!! I just bought some Dove chocolates today with a buy one get one free coupon.
I wish that lying on the couch reading 1800's novels were productive.
Your girls sure are brave and productive to be out there killing all those chickens.
on December 12th, 2007 at 11:02 pm
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I was going to leave the link to teambettendorf. but I see some one has beat me to it:)
I understand the addiction….mine is mini Reeses cups. I don't even care for the regular sized ones, but I can eat a whole bag of the miniatures:) Can I ask, what's *your little diet trick*? 🙂 I need one of those…"a little diet trick" :):)
Edited by my2kids4Him on Dec. 12, 2007 at 11:04 PM
on December 13th, 2007 at 6:59 am
Have you heard of the Hallelujiah diet?
I know Larry Burkett did something similar and it gave him an extra three years. I thin the website is http://www.hacres.com.
I am saying "hi" to all my friends before I leave for vacation.
on December 13th, 2007 at 7:50 am
Your girls are B rave! I couldn't kill or pluck the chickens. I couldn't even go outside when it was happening. Ewwwww.
Anywhooo. A friend of mine has recently been diagnosed with 2 types of cancer in 2 different places. He went to 4 specialists and was leary about what they were saying. I recommended a naturopathic Dr. and Hallelujah Acres (www.hacres.com) and the Maker's Diet (www.makersdiet.com). The naturopath recommended Hallelujah Acres meal plan (80 raw/20 cooked, no meat or dairy is the basic gist). He also recommended some supplements and eating as many grapes as possible (grapes have the most antioxidants, which are healing). One of the areas he had cancer was in his neck. A large tumor that was impeding his ability to swallow. By his first check up he had been able to swallow with no pressure. The tumor had begun to shrink.
One thing to mention, when one switches to a mostly raw healing diet, there are side affects. Severe aches, pains, headaches, fillings popping out, etc. This is a result of the toxins being flushed from your body and usually passes within a 2-3 weeks.
Hope this helps. We haven't been in touch in a while. Stop over and see me @ steadblogger sometime. =) http://www.homesteadblogger.com/boltbabe
on December 13th, 2007 at 7:27 pm
WHAT diet trick???
on December 13th, 2007 at 7:43 pm
I just couldn't post a comment about cancer at the same time as a request for diet tips.
I've heard good things about the Hallelujah Diet as an alternative treatment for cancer (or used in conjunction with traditional treatment) and I don't know if this is "alternative," but also something called "microsphere embolization." I believe they do that in a Cancer Center in Goshen, Indiana. Seemed to work for someone I met who had cancer in the gall bladder, which spread to the liver.
Hope that helps.
on December 13th, 2007 at 8:49 pm
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Jen, thanks for stopping by my blog today…..and can I be honest with you?? We kept chickens, 100's of the critters, but I REFUSED to kill them, so we found some really scary people livin' a'way back on a two track, packed those cluckers in cages in the back of a pick up and drove them out to their demise. Cost very little compared to store bought….and well worth my sleep at night. Found one hid under something in the back of the truck next day and gave him to friends. That monster lived for YEARS afterward and probably would STILL be alive, but a coon got him years later. Mercy, the chicken stories I could tell.
Denise aka The Domestic Angel (who refuses to kill things)
on December 13th, 2007 at 8:51 pm
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One more thing….about cancer treatments. I've heard very good things about the "Cancer Treatment Centers of America", seems they have alternative treatments. Google it to come up with their locations, I know they have several across the country.
Edited by domesticangel on Dec. 13, 2007 at 8:52 PM
on December 14th, 2007 at 7:14 am
One cancer theory…
After reading an article in Above Rubies about a year and a half ago, I began researching the Acid/Alkaline theory. This has to do with keeping our body's PH level in a slightly alkaline state in which "bad" cells can not develop. The American diet is so heavy on the acidic side that it's no wonder we have so many health conditions. Do a google search on Acid/Alkaline and if you begin to search and dig around you'll find info about it. It's interesting and although I'm no scientist it does make sense to me – of course the drug industry will say it's not true! 😀 Just pray for wisdom and discernment…
on December 19th, 2007 at 10:16 am
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I do have one suggestion for an alternative treatment for cancer, it's Cell Food. I'm not sure if you are familiar with it or not but here's the link …
Both my husband and I have used this everyday and feel great. We've given it as gifts to many friends and seen incredible results when it's given to someone who is suffering from an illness or small tumors. You can even use it for your pets, one friend used it in an external application for her dog who had a large tumor on his ear within a matter of a few weeks it was healed.This might sound like I'm trying to sell you something, but I'm not the product is just so incredible I had to share!