Jeneric Jeneralities ~ by JenIG

As I started writing out this very entry – one in which I planned to use some very big words that I came across in my latest 1800’s treasure, which I found at the library (The Way We Live Now by Anthony Trollope) – I suddenly received a most incredibly special and exciting Christmas present from one of my very favorite bloggers (who also happens to be an all-around favorite friend in general).  What a fun surprise! I hope she does not mind me saying so, but I am compelled to publicly declare that Petite Drop Dead Gorgeous Asian women make INCREDIBLELY good homemade fudge.  It lasted all of about three and a half minutes (not really, I’ve saved some for Coie and Geoff the Great).  And Marsha, you’ll be charmed to know that my unclothable son, James, promptly fastened one of the Christmas pins to the front of his underwear (which is the only article of clothing that I can induce him to leave on) and is wearing it proudly around the house.  Yikes, that’s a scary place to pin things, wouldn’t you think? 


So anyways, are you wondering what the big words were that I was going to try to nonchalantly include?  …Pecuniary, parsimonious, profligate, prevaricate, antecedents, and vouchsafed.  Are those not marvelous?  It seems that Anthony Trollope had a bit of a fetish for impressive “P” words, and, being a girl who is very easily impressed with semi-lofty vernacular I’ve been in argot bliss.  My kids keep asking me, “how come you have to read that book with a dictionary on your lap?”  It’s a sad thought that when this was written it was probably considered “sixth grade level comprehension”.  Poor dumb us.  Yet I’m determined that it shan’t be the case for the Igarashi Students and I’m endeavoring to lead by example.  Matter of fact, the Bluedorns have a great philosophy on starting children out early on classics and non-flufficated literature.  I recommend their compilation of Good Books to Read Aloud to Children – The Hand that Rocks the Cradle by Nathaniel Bluedorn.  Good stuff.


Ok, this post doesn’t have much of a point, does it?


Have a famously swell weekend, and I hope your weather has been more Christmas-like than ours.  It keeps creeping back up into the mid 70’s out here. Sick!

And oh yeah, we are now on dial up… and you will not believe this but it actually goes faster than the dumb Hughes satellite service we had.

And oh yeah yeah, Coie and Ryann ended up with a total of seven butchered chickens.  Tasty!

And oh yeah yeah yeah, we also were presented with a load of fresh ground deer meat.  Whooo hoooo!  That stuff is yuh-meeeee.  …Ground deer meat, fresh butchered free-range chickens and fudge all in the same week, it must be Christmas-time!

Love, Jeneferocious Ig Maximus


December 14th, 2007 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

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  1. jess4him said,

    on December 14th, 2007 at 1:25 pm

    <i>Untitled Comment</i>

    i wonder if your ground deer (which I've never had) is as good as our ground moose (that you'll have to try when coming for a visit). Also, even though you are becoming smarter than all of us with your books from before dinosaurs roamed the earth, it's not really fair to the rest of us who

    a. have to have a dictionary in OUR laps when reading your blog, and

    b. feel even dumber when we can't find the word in the dictionary cause we don't know how to use the thing

    Edited by jess4him on Dec. 14, 2007 at 1:25 PM

  2. drewsfamilytx said,

    on December 14th, 2007 at 1:36 pm

    Untitled Comment

    You are always cracking me up, woman! And thanks for ze compliments. You are too kind. And I think you need your eyeballs fixed.

    I'm glad you like ze package. I hope those buttons stay buttoned… that is indeed a sensitive section to be pinning things.

    As to the fudge, sorry for the puny amount. I had grand visions of a box FULL of not only chocolate fudge but peanut butter fudge as well. And then my kids came into the kitchen…

    Okay, it was ME. I admit it. It was more like one for you; one for me; two for you; one, two for me… But that is neither here nor there my prodigious friend.

    Ground deer meat makes good chili. And fresh chickens… well, I like it roasted. YUMMO!

    Gotta run. We need to finish our lessons and then we're going Christmas caroling tonight with friends.

    Have a great day, my perfectly pulchritudinous pal!



  3. Anonymous said,

    on December 14th, 2007 at 4:10 pm

    Untitled Comment

    You do know that Marsha had a 'plan' when she sent you the fudge. She must have read on your blog how much weight you've lost and wanted to fatten you up. 🙂

    and I agree, she's a total knockout. I thought she looked 24!

    btw: How is the IRS situation coming along? any hope there?


  4. frogiggie89 said,

    on December 14th, 2007 at 4:36 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Jess, if it makes you feel any better, <i>non-flufficated</i> or any other forms of said word are not actually in the dictionary. Just so you don't keep looking…..

  5. Anonymous said,

    on December 14th, 2007 at 4:49 pm


    We waved as we flew over TN, but you didn't wave back. 😎 Actually I missed TN since I was listening to my MP3 player sleeping off a couple of Gravol.

    Weather is in the low 80's each day, and the pool is 92. Tomorrow we're home and it's about 0 degrees F with lots of snow. Thankfully my neighbour volunteered to shovel my driveway for me.

    All of which is to say that temperature in the 70's isn't all bad.



  6. foxvalleyfamily said,

    on December 14th, 2007 at 11:23 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Oh man…what I wouldn't give for a day of weather in the 70's!

    (It was 3 degrees here on Wednesday!) 🙁

    Thanks for that link to the book list. I'm always wondering what to read with my oldest daughter. (I can't believe how much 'junk' is out there!)

    Enjoy your fudge! That sounds SOOOO good!


  7. diamondsintherough said,

    on December 15th, 2007 at 12:10 am

    Untitled Comment

    When I was a sophomore in high school, most likely behaving in a sophomoric manner, I had an English teacher who gave us our vocab words via filmstrip. Each word was illustrated in a cartoon sort of way, but not necessarily funny. To this day I STILL remember all those words, and recognize them from that year in school. "Pecuniary, parsimonious, profligate, prevaricate, antecedents, and vouchsafed." Exactly!!! (Does this mean I am a visual learner?)

    How are you doing vocab with your kids? Are you using a curriculum of any kind? Have you seen Vocabulary Cartoons? I need something fun. What do you recommend doing? Please leave me a comment! Or write a post on it.

    Thanks, and I would ask you to send some of your fudge our way, but I just know it is gone already!


  8. CommunicationFUNdamentals said,

    on December 15th, 2007 at 9:08 am

    You are fun..I have some more fun for YOU

    Just wanted to invite you to the Merry CHRISTmas Carnival of FUNschooling over on my blog today.


  9. wardssward said,

    on December 15th, 2007 at 9:21 am

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    My husband also enjoys reading the older books with dictionary in hand. He writes down the words that he doesn't know. Thus, the reason for the permanent installment of the word "sward" after our name. My problem is that I don't remember the new words that I learn, so I why waste my precious reading time? I just stick with fluff and enjoy the moment. 😉


  10. SAMIAM said,

    on December 15th, 2007 at 10:31 am

    Untitled Comment

    Thank you for the comment.

    It was lots of fun! Sorry you guys weren't there!

    Hope to see you soon!!

    Love, Sami

  11. CaliCarolina said,

    on December 15th, 2007 at 8:41 pm

    there is a movie


    Did you know there is a movie based on the book The Way We Live Now? It has some rather inappropriate parts, though nothing overtly so. The character of Marie Melmotte was portrayed by an actress who has become one of my faves. She did a stupendous job!!! She does this little part where she says, "Not listening, not listening, not listening," that is just hilarious. 🙂 Netflix has it.

  12. redmom said,

    on December 18th, 2007 at 1:10 am


    You're so funny. 🙂

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