….and it made me nervous. All of
a sudden I was getting these pregnancy comments about pregnancy tests and other
pregnancy related topics from some of my friends. I'm pretty absolutely
most assuredly entirely definitely positive that I am not expecting anymore Igarashi
offspring. But let me know if you hear
differently. I’m always the last to know
Also, a couple people have asked about the pronunciations of
my weird kids’ names (Weird names. Weird kids. Weird kids names. It’s all interchangeable)
So, here goes:
Coie, my oldest
16 year old daughter is pronounced Co Weee. Rhymes with Snowy
Ryann, my 11 year
old daughter. Rhymes with Cryin’ or Flyin’ or Lion. Yes, I know it is a boy’s
name. But it is a *very* cool name, and we all love it.
Emmiko, my ten
year old daughter. Rhymes with nothing,
except a gas station chain. It is
Japanese and it means “Happy Child”. Or
so I’ve been told.
BoBo is my 8 year
old son. Rhymes with Hobo and GoGo. His
name used to be Aaron Bolen. But that was long ago and now nearly forgotten.
Dippy is my five year old son. Rhymes with
Hippie Trippy or Drippy. I think we once
called him Geoffrey, but I’d have to check his birth certificate to be certain.
King James is my
two year old son. Rhymes with Hyper and
So those are my kids and their names. What are your kids’ names? It’s been a while
since we’ve had a Name and Nick Name discussion. Also, I’m gonna pick the winners for the
ReasonforSeason.com Magnetic Auto Christmas Décor tomorrow (see their banner at
the top of my page?), so if you haven’t entered, you still can. I think it’s three or four posts before this
one. Alls you gots to do is leave a
comment in that other post to be entered. Two human bloggers will win.
on November 15th, 2005 at 6:42 pm
3 things
Maybe 4. I am math challenged.
1. HUMAN bloggers? What other types have you run into?? If you need help sorting this out I highly recommend “Alien Intrusion – UFOs and the Evolution Connection” by Gary Bates
published by Master Books. That should clear up any any rumors about alien bloggers on HSB.
2. Speaking of alien rumors I did NOT start the rumor about you being preggers. I might have, if I’d thought of it, but I didn’t.
3. So what did Paul bring you?
5. See intro.
on November 15th, 2005 at 6:47 pm
6 & 7
6. Names. oh yes. Eldest is James Baynard. James is his paternal Grand-dad and Baynard was my dad. We called him “JB” from conception. (There are a lot of James/Jims running around our family and well, Baynard, I wouldn’t do that to him.) However, after he was born his eyes took up most of his face and a certain movie had just come out and we began calling him ET but fortunately we stopped before it totally stuck. (Lesson to you – Dippy & Bo-bo for Pete’s Sake.)
7. Tyler. He is Tyler Harrison. Goes by Tyler. Period. No Ty, no Harry, he is not a nick-name kind of guy.
8. My name is really about 9 syllables long – stretch it out with lots of southern sweet tea and repeat after me: M a a a a ra g a r e t t t t tt – A n n n n n n n n n. I am in a rush. So call me Maggie. (Certain brothers used to call me Maggot. Until I got bigger.)
9. um, I am not telling you my nicknames for my hunky husband. You’ll swipe them.
11. I think this was all I meant to say.
on November 15th, 2005 at 6:47 pm
I have never won ANYTHING from HSB and I am sad
Hmph. Well, just for fun,(or to get even) you better keep an eye on my blog, because, um, because, because…….that’s it! I am going to have my OWN contest. Yup, and it is going to involve Jen. As Mel would say, MUAHAHA. Oh, zippity do dah, I am so excited, because I am going to start a contest. Ladedadeda.
Stay tuned……
on November 15th, 2005 at 6:48 pm
And you will just have to wait….
For the nick-names. HA!
on November 15th, 2005 at 6:59 pm
Thank you and please leave a lot of comments thank you
on November 15th, 2005 at 7:10 pm
Untitled Comment
I’ll just stick to the nicknames and wait to hear follow up rumors err, details on the pregnancy thing. My oldest is Jerald Thomas and for a long time we was called Bug, but that’s pretty rare these days. Most often he is Jay, Jerald or Jerald Thomas. Rocklin is mostly Rock or Doodle. Used to be doodlebug, but somewhere became just doodle. Magdalyn is Mag, Maggie or most often Chickie Boom Boom. Aaron Lee was baby Wee, but now that he’s not such a baby anymore that’s quickly getting replaced with Ziggity Zoo or Zig.
on November 15th, 2005 at 7:17 pm
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Human blogger?…………….my husband could very well not be human………I have had my doubts.
Kids names:
Eli: frome Eli the priest in the bible. Means entrusted by God
Kai: hawaiian for the ocean or sea ( i am hawaiian and hubby and I are surfers)
on November 15th, 2005 at 7:46 pm
Put down the chicken curry…
and go read this post:
um……do you still like me???
on November 15th, 2005 at 8:10 pm
What? No nick-name contest?
Because I could have won. Ricky’s (rhymes with sticky and icky) most used nick name is “Condiment Boy.” Not only is this a very original nick name, if I do say so myself, but it even has a little song that goes along with it. Not a very great song, to be sure, like you would not be hearing it on “America’s Top 40” but still a little song. with lyrics that are changeable with whatever the condiment of the day is.
Love your kids’ names, especially Emmiko. It might be hard to come up with another great name now that you are expecting. Or not.
on November 15th, 2005 at 8:11 pm
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I heard I was pregnant too once. It really scared me. But I wasn’t. I don’t know what the big deal is. We’ve had three and I didn’t feel a thing and what is more……I don’t have ONE stretch mark!!! So be of good cheer. Oh, hey, good luck with your pregnancy.
on November 15th, 2005 at 8:45 pm
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Okay, for one thing… RYAN IS A LAST NAME!!!!! It has been a last name for 1000 years and a trendy first name for only about 25. I get sick of women telling me “Never trust a guy with two first names” since my last name is not a first name!!!! And I also get sick of this:
Dumb clerk at BMV: Last name?
Me: Ryan.
Dumb clerk: NO, I SAID LAST NAME!!!
For another thing, RYAN ONLY HAS ONE “N”!!!!! But your kid is really cute and she listed me as a friend so we’ll tolerate this one exception.
(Actually, in the original Gaelic, it was Omulruan, but somewhere down the line it became O’Mulryan, and then O’Ryan, then Ryan. I never heard of any trendy types calling their kids Omulruan.)
So what was the question? Oh yeah, our kids are:
Happy, aka Head Baby, aka Hat Boy, aka Slug Boy, age 11;
Iguana Boy, aka ReeRee Bear, aka Iguana Bear, age 9;
Spaz, aka Spam, aka Spamaghettl, aka Spud, aka Buzz, aka Spuz, age 7;
Rockee, aka Baby Bubble, aka Baby Head, aka Dimple Bag, aka Baby Fuss-Bucket, age 5.
on November 15th, 2005 at 8:50 pm
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Austin: Dash (from the Incredibles)
Noah: Tank (as in Thomas the Tank Engine and he’s built like a linebacker)
Christian: Chunky-Monkey (although I really liked his real name from Pilgrim’s Progress)
And I don’t know why they’ll call their daddy Mr. Incredible, but WON’T call ME Mrs. Incredible!!! They want to call me Elastigirl…and I just am not that flexible!
My personal nicknames growing up were: Nerd, Marshmellow, and in college Omar.
on November 15th, 2005 at 9:09 pm
Thank you Jigarasheneferinski (8 syllables sound out slowly)
Very Enlightening! And I am greatly relieved that Bobo and Dippy are merely transmutativenomenclatures and not actually on their birth certs. Emmiko is a sweet, sweet (and happy) name. Same for the rest.
We picked our children’s names based on meaning as well, although we didn’t cross any political boundaries of that which we know. (Trying not to end in a prep.phrase is soooo hard)
on November 15th, 2005 at 9:10 pm
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I started the rumor that Doug was pregnant. He’s always complaining about being bloated, and asking, “Do I look fat in these pants?” Of course he doesn’t, but I say “Yes.” anyway. Mean girl.
on November 15th, 2005 at 9:11 pm
We have an Austin Blake, Avery Brooke (she’s a she) and an Aaron Benjamin. If we have another it will be pretty hard to come up with another AB name.
Last name is Werner – has been confused for Wiener at the most inopportune times ~ always at the doctors office.
Nicknames – my dh calls me dorkahontus. The kids are AB1, AB2, AB3, brooklyn bridge, B, little B, AA…we love nicknames around here 🙂
on November 15th, 2005 at 9:30 pm
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JenIg your posts always bring a smile to my face!
We have a Benjamin David (I just blogged about him), we call him Ben or Benjamin or sometimes Bud, Big Man, Big Ben, Big B.
Next we have Bethany Louise, who we call Bethany, Sissy, Sister, or Louise
Our third child is Samuel, who we call Samuel or Sam; never Sammy. Occasionally we will call him Soccer Sam.
I’m known to call them Precious, Honey or other endearing names.
Julie D.
on November 15th, 2005 at 9:34 pm
My kid's names are ….
Nathaniel Zadoc
Matthew Jack
Charles Edmond
John Derek
Molly Victoria
#6 who is due in less than 2 weeks …. nameless because my crazed husband won’t name them till he sees them. “How can you name someone you’ve never seen?” is what he always says.
on November 15th, 2005 at 11:15 pm
Well Howdy Jen!! It’s been a while! LOL Anyway, my children would probably die a thousand deaths to know I’m giving out their Nicknames but here goes.
Morgan (12 tomorrow anyway): Doodle Bug
Codi 8: Codi Bear
Jacob 5: Hurricane Jacob & Houdini
And don’t laugh, but I’ve been called Cricket a time or two.LOL
on November 15th, 2005 at 11:21 pm
No Fair…
So I’m so frustrated with you… cuz you know how I feel about the whole “put your kids’ names on the world wide web thing”… it goes under “the world is coming to an end” fear… and our kids have such cool names too…
I’ll think this one over and get back to ya…
But I DO want to tell you that I’m so disappointed that I’ve received no feedback to what I thought was such a uber clever comment on your blog. If you knew me at all by now, you would know that I have to have an uber-abundance of appreciation and general compliments from friends… what happened?
Your lost friend,
(P.S. and by the way… have you seen my new blog template?)
(P.P.S a;djf;aldfja;sdljf;asldfja;sflj;alsdjf;lsfj)
on November 15th, 2005 at 11:43 pm
Names and pregnancy tests
I think I posted all my little ones nicknames yesterday but I will do it again just for fun – love talking about them. : )
Carleigh is Carleigh from my maiden name which also had “Carl” in it and we just like the “leigh” spelling – very feminine – she mostly goes by Belle though at home or as her brother calls her “Car – E”
McKinnley Christine – the McKinnley part came from too many romance novels while on bedrest – the Christine from dear old Dad who thought he would never have a son to name after him (Chris) – she mostly goes by Bug or Sissy
Bradley Jennings – now he is the interesting one – Bradley came from a dear friend that passed away 4 years ago – he went by Bo though, which Bradley will most likely not go by – and he is “Bradley” – not Brad – at least until he is 18 and paying his own way ’cause Momma just likes it that way – the Jennings came from my father who never thought he would ever have a grandson to name after him – he was baby #5 in my family after 4 girls! And pitty the person that ever calls him “BJ” – I do not want any initial names for my boy! He was at birth called Chunky Monkey b/c he was the shortest, yet fattest of the three – but now that he is so slim his pants won’t stay on – he is mostly Bubba Gump or Little Man
As for the pregnancy rumor – didn’t start it, but might about myself one day soon as we are trying and doing all we know to do….which reminds me ….I think hubby might have gone to bed – uh …see ya! ; )
on November 15th, 2005 at 11:45 pm
My name is Tia and my mom called me T1, and my sisters name is Tahni, so mom called her T2. I married Todd, and he became T3, and then we had four children all named with T’s, so that brings us up to , T4, T5,T6, and T7. On my blog I call the children Girl 1 and Girl 2, Boy 1 and Boy 2, after Thing one and Thing 2 from the Cat in the Hat, the book, not the movie.
Girl 1, aka – Neato, beacause that is how EVERY Toddler has ever pronounced her name, and if you want to know that you will have to go to her blog, Defective Compositions. (Be sure and post a comment, poor girl is quite depressed that I get tons of comments and she gets next to none.)
Girl 2, aka – Boo Girl
Boy 1, aka – Favvy, because that’s how Boy 2 pronounces his name.
Boy 2, aka – Huntee, because he always says, “I’m Huntee,” which is to mean, I’m hungry, but he can’t say hungry right, and we always say back to him, “Hi Huntee, I’m (insert your name here).”
Whew! Is there a limit to how long a comment can be before it has to be a blog?
Blessings, Tia
on November 15th, 2005 at 11:46 pm
Oh yeah
I forgot –
Dear hubby is “Big D” for big Daddy
and I get called mostly Momma – although dh calls me “Mule” sometimes – for reasons we will not discuss here…
on November 15th, 2005 at 11:46 pm
Pregnant Pauses…
Amy…don’t worry… I think she’s just having one of those Pregnant Pauses….it’ll all be over in about 8 1/2 months….we’ll just have to be patient… hee hee
on November 15th, 2005 at 11:56 pm
I have a name for the child…
I’ve named your “phantom baby”
on November 16th, 2005 at 1:26 am
The girls names
Isabelle, aka Isabelle but has been called Abelle from little sisters who couldn’t say her name. No Izzy here.
Sophia, aka Phia, Phi (as in long ee sound, not the greek letter)
Chloe, aka Chlo Bo
My husband has a wonderful name of Jean- Paul but goes by Jeep! (yes like the car) Say JP really fast and you get Jeep. He thanks his mother for that one.
Me- Susan, aka Sus, elastigirl, mama, mamito, mito, mamasan, and many others.
on November 16th, 2005 at 1:43 am
my babies
I just posted an entry about each of my blessings not too long ago with links in my sidebar : )
Little Mouse, aka, Dakota Skye, meaning friend from above
Baby Bear, aka Steffen Cai, meaning crowned warrior
Baby Bug, aka Nisa Laine, meaning beginning of the narrow path…ok, one place said it meant little elf, which would fit as well, but we’re sticking with the former, whether anyone believes it or not! We also call her Pudgy…you should see the pudges on this young lady! She has little pudges on her toes, in her archesm and have you ever heard of double knees? She and her 2yo brother are only one size apart in diapers!
Maybe I should tell Maus about Dippy…she might stop complaining about how she wants to be kitten…and rolling her eyes when I tell her that simply is not possible because then she’d eat my mouse!
on November 16th, 2005 at 10:06 am
Untitled Comment
I’ve always been into uni-sex names so whether boy or girl, both our children were going to be Sam and Alex. And since I have 9 letters in my first name, I also wanted my kids to have short names.
“Sam”, since he turned out to be boy (at least last time I checked) is Samuel Alan – but IF he’d been a girl – “SHE” would’ve been Samantha and still Sam. But he goes by “Sam the Man”, “Slammin’ Sammy”, “Samsonite” (..don’t ask….it was just a mutated conversation of play one day…) and usually his baseball team mates call him “Sammy” – which is okay, too…..oh and “Sammy Hustle” (after Pete Rose – but not for the gambling – for the hustlin’ on the bases…..). He’s named after his paternal grandfather (Giddo: Lebanese for grandfather) who was just “Sam” – no middle name – just “Sam”. My Sam is my “Tom” as in Tom Sawyer.
“Alex”, he’s ALL BOY and the equivalent of about 4 in 1…..is really “Alexander” (was just always one of my favorite names). Had he been a girl he would’ve been Harriette Alexis and still been Alex……but SHE would’ve been then the 5th “Harriette”…….so no more H’s…….He has my maiden name for a middle name since I am the last Keen on my branch of the family…..and hopefully the boys will keep it somewhere down the line. After doing some family history research – I found an Alexander way back when – so that worked things out for me. Alex’s “other names”…….he prefers “Alexander the Great” (..unfortunately…) but we also call him “Deenie” (Lebanese for “little Darlin’ “), Littlest, Tiss and Tiss Tottery. He is my “Huck” as in Huck Finn.
When I kept children for eight years, they all called me “Harrie” or “Ms. Harrie” but, ever since the whole “wrong dead cat” thing……I can’t share the rest of my nicknames anymore!
on November 16th, 2005 at 10:20 am
I have a hard enough time remembering their real names…
So, I don’t have a specific nickname for each of them. Remembering that many names wouldn’t work. Can you imagine if I had to go through 10 or so names before I got to the right one?
Actually, I do have one specific nickname for each of them, “Small”, “Medium”, “Large”, or facsimiles thereof. (ie. You! The little one! Stop that!)
So, I’ve taken the lazy Dad’s way out. I can call any of them, “Cutie”, “Goober”, “Girlie / Big Man” at any given time. That way, no memory is required…
By the way, my kids call me Mr. Incredible. However, they call my wife their name for ElastiGirl / Mrs. Incredible: “Stretchy Momma”
on November 16th, 2005 at 10:24 am
Jordan Christopher — Nicknames (JoJo and Captain)
Joshua Ryan — Nicknames (Josh and Ja)
Matthew Wyatt — Nicknames (Y — ie, Y for Wyatt and Y for Why did you do that?)
We also call Matthew by the name of “Moo”… Not because he’s big or likes milk, but because Joshua, when he was young, couldn’t pronounce the name Matthew — it also came out Mat-MOO… So, Moo kind of stuck.
on November 16th, 2005 at 1:15 pm
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Thank you for telling us how to pronounce your children”s names.
They are all so very blessed to have you as their mom!
My children are
My last name is the one that no one can pronounce. Boucher.
So I was crowned Miz Booshay over at TWTM board.
It stuck :o)
on November 16th, 2005 at 1:17 pm
Oh dear
Mine make no sense. Here goes –
Abigail – hers is actually normal.We usually call her Abigail and occassionally “chicka-bun”
Seth – boda butt, boda man
Sarah – pooty-poot, poots, pooter butt
on November 16th, 2005 at 1:32 pm
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Very cute names, Jen! I’ve had a great time reading through your comments as well. Had to laugh at Harriette’s comment because it had me thinking about her WRONG DEAD CAT all over again. lol.
My kiddos are Matt (aka Bubba….yeah, I know, the Yankees get a hoot out of that one); Kyle (aka Ky or Ky-ky….came from Caden trying to say his name as a little one); and Caden (aka Littleman). 🙂
on November 16th, 2005 at 2:15 pm
Kids Names
Hey, that was fun you answered my question. Do you really home school or do you just blog all day? tee hee OK, mine are Jordan-19, Tyler-18 (husband material for Coie) and Nathan-8. Big age difference. Nathan needs a playmate so if anyone has a child they don’t want anymore just send him or her on over! 🙂
on November 16th, 2005 at 2:53 pm
Kids Names
Hey, you answered my question that is way cool. OK, here are my kids names and nick names. I have 3 boys, Jordan Michael who was named after Michael Jordan is 19 and his nick name when he was little was Jordy. Tyler Thomas (marriage candidate for Coie) is 18 and his nick name was Tippy Canoe. Nathan who is 8 is called Noodle or Nate. Noodle because that is all he ever wants to eat. Big age diff between the boys and Nathan wants a playmate. If anyone has a child they are tired of and just don’t want anymore send him or her on over!! 🙂 Jen do you really home school or just blog all day? hmmmm 🙂
on November 16th, 2005 at 3:08 pm
Children's names and nicknames…..
Thanks for such a fun thread, Hen. Here are our children’s name and nicknames.
Ashley – George, NeeNee, Sissie
Nicholas – Fred, Nick, Brudder
Jacob – Scoober-Doo, JohnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidt, Jake, Jakey
Daniel – DT, Dan the Man
Quinton – Buddy, Quicken, Little Brudder, Little Man
Let us know about those pregancy rumors. Do I need to mail you a test????
on November 16th, 2005 at 4:29 pm
I looked it up and it was SPUNKY who may have suggested that you could not sleep because you were preggers. Bad, Spunky, Bad!
Names? 1. Ezekiel Lucien (Lucien is his dad’s name) 2. Elijah Jacob 3. Ethan Paul 4. Eran Grant 5. Emilia Madelyn-Rose ….. We call 1. Zeke 2. Elijah 3 Ethan 4 Eran 5 Princess Mimi (and, yes, that is 4 boys and 1 girl thus far..)
on November 16th, 2005 at 9:42 pm
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My baby boy is named Marcus. It means warlike. Since he turned 13 years old he definitely has been butting heads with us but we butt back harder. lol
on November 16th, 2005 at 10:28 pm
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Well…my sister USED to call my youngest Boobie…until she realized that it wasn’t the “best” thing to go screaming down the grocery isle when she spotted us at the market…..Picture a grown woman screaming “I see BOOBIE” at Price Chopper, LOL. Yeah.
No super creative nick names. I wanted to name DD Emberlene (pronounced, ember lean)…but was out voted.
on November 17th, 2005 at 11:31 am
Our Kid's Names
Jen, Our sons are named Ryan Thomas, Galen Patrick, Daren Michael, Kevan Joseph, and Ian Christopher with the last name of McClary – yes, we are romantics and tend to be very Irishish :).
Love your nicknames – descriptions – ours are pretty simple – Ry-ry, Gai-Gai, Dare-Dare, Kev, and E-buddy 🙂 All have been hyper, hrrmm, active, little boys and very adventurous adults – btw – my military sons will be home for CHRISTMAS!!! THANK YOU, LORD!!!!
on November 17th, 2005 at 2:23 pm
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OK, I just wrote a really long comment and was just about to hit “post comment” and I hit the wrong button and LOST it. Sorry about that…………….
on November 17th, 2005 at 3:09 pm
I have
Ariana (Airy-On-Uh)
on November 22nd, 2005 at 10:17 pm
i know i'm kinda late on this
My daughter’s name is
Kennedy Harper
Kennedy from the little girl that played Blossom and Joey’s step-sister on Blossom, not after JFK though I hear he was a good man
Harper was my great grandmother’s maiden name and since I wasn’t to fond of her first and middle names (Flora Armarilla “Rilla”) we went with Harper
Nickname … Lou