The Phantom Baby's Name and the Christmas Winners
Thanks Nancy, for naming my phantom mythical baby. I wish Nancy would have done this for me 17 years ago. My kids So anyways, here are the winners for the swellsy dwellsy Christmas Auto TNMOMTO5BLESSINGS Dandelion Seeds, you won nothing. I did *not* count all your entries you big uber-cheating nut pickle. And our second winning commenter, was the third from the last and is TC, who, by the way, is one funny blogger. If you haven't visited her site, you ought. I hope you enjoy your Car Dressing. It's totally fat free. I will announce the next contest this Friday. Love Jenefer Igarashi Who Needs A Pickle and a Pint of Ice Cream Since I am Eating for Nine |
November 16th, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments No Responses to ' The Phantom Baby's Name and the Christmas Winners 'Leave a reply |
on November 16th, 2005 at 3:08 pm
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uberchaeting nutpickle is a great name choice!
>>>passing some Ben and Jerry’s your way<<<
on November 16th, 2005 at 3:18 pm
CONGRATS to the winners!
So did Geo the Great have a wonderful welcome home or what from his wifey???
on November 16th, 2005 at 3:21 pm
I was just telling DH I wanted one of those car magnets and viola — I win…yippee yippee for me! I am so looking forward to slapping this on the burb! My friends will be so IMPRESSED!
Also looking forward to Saturday night and I’ll bring my new purse. You can spot me by the purse….fldfdalkfjdsklfhdsak
Your right TC is funny! I’m glad she won to.
Enjoy your ice cream and pickles on this rather cold day! Brrrrrrrrrrrr
on November 16th, 2005 at 5:37 pm
Call me right now!
Julie’s flight is late and she is going to miss her connecting and won’t be able to leave Memphis tonight. She doesn’t have your phone or Coie’s phone on her so she called me. Call me or IM me (MaggieSHogan on AIM or on MSN)
Maggie who wishes she was flying with Julie so they could hang out at the airport together!
on November 16th, 2005 at 8:31 pm
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How loud and how long do I have to pout before I get enough sympathy to get a cool bumper magnet? Oh wait, nevermind, I didn’t want one of those silly things anyways! Pass the pickles and icecream, because I have the belly to prove my baby is not imaginary!
on November 16th, 2005 at 8:39 pm
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Waaaaahhhh! I cannot believe I didn’t win the car magento thingy…
Okay, so when’s the next contesto? With you being preggers and all you should have plenty of time to think while you’re laying on the couch with your feet up all day.
on November 16th, 2005 at 8:59 pm
in case you haven't checked lately,
Man, these people are cleeeeeeevvvvvveeeeeeeeer. (those are “v’s”, as in clever.)
Pickles and Ice Cream sounds suspicious.
on November 16th, 2005 at 9:52 pm
Completely and totally hurt…
Okay, I had so much to say to you, that I couldn’t even write it all here… check my blog. I have now come to you as a sister in Christ to “air out my differences and hurts”…
Uberly hurt,
on November 16th, 2005 at 10:28 pm
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I know you get plenty ‘o comments, but just had to say I’ve saved your blog site because it makes me laugh. Thanks for being so honest and ‘out there’ for all to enjoy!
Also, may I just say….your picture of the girl and goat/deer/dog creature really weirds me out in a big way every time I see it–mostly because it looks like a girl we actually know here!! Maybe we should start a petition for you to change the pic on here? Anyone?
on November 17th, 2005 at 3:01 pm
Thanks for your post on my blog… all I can say is…
How cannith I not forgiveth thee?
Dear uberith friend from Tennessee?
Love ya!
“Your” Nut Pickle
on November 17th, 2005 at 3:10 pm
So are you saying
You are expecting? Congratulations!!!
on November 17th, 2005 at 4:09 pm
I can’t believe all you fun people are off “carousing” in a cabin in the woods w/o all the rest of us TOS wanna-be’s. Be sure to think of all your homeschoolblogger friends and lurkers while you roast your s’mores, drink gloog (did I spell that right??), braid each other’s hair and otherwise cause trouble.
on November 17th, 2005 at 4:47 pm
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Okay so no now that you have denied pregnancy I will go back to my second diagnosis, MENTAL pause. It’s a tad bit early for you Jen but welcome to the club. You now have an even better excuse for doing nutty things. Pregnancy only lasts nine months but MENTAL pause can last a few years. So I’d say that this excuse should work for atleast the next dacade or so.
on November 17th, 2005 at 5:39 pm
I can’t wait to stick that baby (the adornment, not your phantom offspring) on my husband’s car. I’m gonna de-grinchify him if it’s the last thing I do.
on November 17th, 2005 at 7:49 pm
I like your new blog title — very fun and clever! Thanks for the kind comment you left on my site regarding my mom and grandma. I don’t know if I ministered to anyone, per se, but I know we all had a great time. It was one of the best times I’ve ever had with my mom. I enjoyed spending time with my grandma, too, but it was bittersweet. All of our time was spent at her assisted living community, and while it is a beautiful place, it is still a reminder of how drastically things have changed in her life. I am just thankful that she is a Christian, and will one day be with God for eternity. No more sickness, sadness, or pain. It will be sad for us, of course, but exciting for her.
Thanks again for your concern. God bless you, Jen!
on November 18th, 2005 at 8:22 am
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Thanks for the gigantic laughs today! Do you have trouble with people say in doctor’s offices not wanting to try to pronounce your child’s name? They will shout out our boy twin’s name (David) but then will say, “and the other one” for Keziah. I think I’ll find myself getting more irritated about this over time but maybe not. It certainly irritates me now! Our other children have boring normal names but not poor little Zi!
on November 18th, 2005 at 1:58 pm
To that famous tune:
Where oh where has my sasquatch gone?
Oh where oh where could she be?
Is she cooking… no
Or atlease we hope so…
Oh where oh where could she be?
Miss ya!
on November 18th, 2005 at 6:41 pm
Hi, Jen…
I haven’t been getting around much, but I wanted to say hi. Thanks for sharing about your trials and how much you still glorify God. Thanks for pronouncing your kids names, too. LOL! And fyi, I JUST saw my name on the comfy couch page. I had no idea till a friend pointed it out. Cool beans. I’ve always wanted that book. Now I just have to figure out how to get it.
I also don’t ever remember 80 degrees in November here in MO. I think the weather is just WEIRD this year. Today is perfect. 55 for high and cooling down…just enough for a nice fire, but that won’t happen, but I can imagine one with s’mores in my mind. Just like I imagine myself getting out of bed every morning on time. My dh assures me it is not the same as physically moving my body toward the shower. I just don’t think he understands visualizing. 😀