Yep, It's True. I'm Thankful For ALL of It!
Lorsy Be! What a week. I can’t describe it, but I will only say the last ten days have been overly-abundantly filled with joy, love, peace, frivolity, laughter, contentment, about a billion presents, and an overwhelming realization of the deluge of blessings in my life. You guys — my friends who come here regularly– know that 2007 was a field of land mines. But the odd thing is, when I look back over the last 12 months, I realize that I have never been held more tightly in my Savior’s arms. I’ve been tried, yes, and disciplined, yes. My eyes have been opened in so many areas, and I have been able to acknowledge my stubborn pride and truly repent. And blessings always always follow obedience and repentance. Always. It is most certainly hard, and many times the blessings are not immediately realized, but God is so gracious, and in my case, they have been. And the truth of the matter is this… just like the pain of labor, which ultimately brings forth the joy of new life, so it is with many of the difficulties God allows in our lives. They are tools used by a master physician to bring about a fuller life and is the catalyst to bring us closer to Him In 2007 circumstances were set in place which ultimately led to reconciliation with my beautiful little sister, Jess. This relationship had been so shredded, marred and twisted that I have never in my wildest dreams believed that she could or would become a best friend to me. There was no way I was willing to consider that I needed to repent until God allowed something to happen in my life which opened my blind eyes. It is such a testimony of God’s grace and incomprehensible power. She and her husband are indescribably dear. I do not deserve them, but I am so thankful for them both. The relationship with my father has also been an incredible thing. His battle with cancer has changed everything – and praise God, the prognosis is very good and I believe that we will have years left to recapture time that was wasted and lost. He may be coming to stay with us for a few days this summer. He has always lived far away ( No doubt, it is excruciating to go thru trials – but as I look back over 2007 I can clearly see they were necessary and even good. The bonds of friendship which have been formed could not possibly be what they are had the difficulties not been present. It is gross being weak, helpless, dependent, penurious, deficient, etc. Who likes that? Nobody, I reckon, but how else would one be able to see the beauty and glory of God’s people working together to sustain the body if there was never any need? I’ve never realized anything like it in my life. It is awesome in the literal sense. I have to admit, tho, even while being buried under the unimaginable amount of blessings and realization of the goodness of His sovereign plans, there is still a tendency and a temptation to fear. So I am praying that God would increase my faith and trust. I can wish and hope that God will continue the course of these last two weeks… money problems suddenly abating, secure job condition, surrounded by people whom I love and who love me – and I can’t help but ‘wish’ that ultimately I could be in a position to bless our friends tenfold to “pay back” the kindness we’ve received. I can’t lie; I would love for this to be. But even more than that I want to grow in maturity, and so instead of wishing for material boons, which I would endeavor to use for His honor and glory, my prayer is that ultimately, in all things, God would grant me steadfast joy, contentment and thankfulness for anything 2008 may bring. I can’t conjure those things up with my own strength or spirituality, yet I can do all things in Him — the giver of all good gifts. It is my prayer for me, and it is my prayer for you, too! Happy New Year My Friends! |
December 31st, 2007 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments No Responses to ' Yep, It's True. I'm Thankful For ALL of It! 'Leave a reply |
on December 31st, 2007 at 11:53 am
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Beautiful post, the Lord has certainly moved mightily on your behalf this year!
I pray 2008 will be a year of blessing, growth, peace, prosperity, wealth and much health!!!
Oh I saw your not about Victoria Magazine! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do! 🙂
Blessings, love and hugs~
Edited by Tiany on Dec. 31, 2007 at 11:53 AM
on December 31st, 2007 at 12:34 pm
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Beautiful post, my friend! I hope to see more of you in 2008!
on December 31st, 2007 at 2:03 pm
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Dear Jen!
Happy New Year.
I am blessed to know you.
on December 31st, 2007 at 3:21 pm
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I liked what you said about the blessings coming AFTER the hard stuff. How it's totally natural and such a God thing. Like a parent who HAS to spank her kid….then all you want is to scoop up the little turkey and hug him until he squirms away…:)
God's like that.
on December 31st, 2007 at 3:31 pm
What a wonderful praise-filled beautiful post. It was really really good to read and I rejoice with you my dear friend!!
I love you!
on December 31st, 2007 at 4:45 pm
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I love you!!!
on December 31st, 2007 at 10:41 pm
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Thanking God for his mercy and his grace. Happy New Year!
on December 31st, 2007 at 11:52 pm
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Happy 2008 to y'all! May God be glorified and abundantly bless you and your family!
Lots of love,
on January 1st, 2008 at 8:35 am
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Great post!!! Happy New Year and God Bless!
on January 1st, 2008 at 4:54 pm
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Oh, Jen. You ALWAYS know exactly what to say and how to say it. You blessed me so much by your post. I had a lot of issues this year, too, and the Lord has always blessed us through them. I'm so excited for you and all the healing the Lord has done through different relationships in your life. I pray that 2008 will be an even bigger blessing to you and your family!
God bless you – Julie
on January 1st, 2008 at 9:09 pm
From Shay
What a grand post my friend!
Love you!
on January 1st, 2008 at 11:42 pm
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i'm so glad the lord is pouring out his blessings on you right now. i love your perspective, how you have seen the lord work in your life through the trials and unexpected events this year. it is so interesting to me how he brought you through this and it led to reconciliation with your family. amazing!
on January 2nd, 2008 at 10:05 pm
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What a wonderful and praise filled post. What a uplifting thing to read.
on January 2nd, 2008 at 10:34 pm
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Blessings to you in 2008!
on January 2nd, 2008 at 10:58 pm
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Wishing you a blessed new year. Great post. It's so tempting to wish for all the "good" things, when, in reality, more good usually comes from the things we consider problems. I am thankful, though, for a God of mercy and grace who gives us amazing happy, mountain top times, too, to encourage us and give us rest. May the Lord fill you this year.
on January 2nd, 2008 at 11:37 pm
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I loved reading about your year of growth. It reminds me of Rom. 5:1-5 where it mentions the process of gaining peace through Jesus Christ. In v. 3-5, it shows the progression starting with tribulations. From there, we gain patience, experience, and hope. To me, "experience" is where we can look back, as you have done, and see how God has worked in our lives. It makes it easier the next time a tribulation comes along, knowing that God will work it out for our good again. Therefore, we have no need to fear. And, without fear, we have peace. May 2008 be a year of peace for you.
on January 3rd, 2008 at 12:00 pm
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I'm sorry that 2007 was such a hard year for you. I have had years like that too. But it sounds like through it all, you were drawn closer to God, and richly blessed in spiritual ways!
I pray that God blesses your new year with health, happiness and prosperity, and that you continue to grow in His steadfast love!
on January 3rd, 2008 at 2:20 pm
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AMEN to EVERYTHING you had to say. What a year for us also. I hope to chronicle some of what the Lord has taught me this year either on this blog or my other one. I may cross post….thanks for stopping by my blog on Christmas eve. How funny. It was such a difficult year for us, that I was 'counting' on my HSB friends to just 'be' there….and you were!
Denise aka The Domestic Angel
on January 3rd, 2008 at 2:30 pm
I'm so glad…
to hear good news about your dad, both health-wise and relationally.
on January 3rd, 2008 at 2:31 pm
anonymous was me again…
on January 4th, 2008 at 2:41 am
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Nope, not my house Jen, but you are invited over anytime you find yourself in Oregon. Remind me later, I have a bit of a funny story to share with you about your dream.
on January 4th, 2008 at 10:16 am
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What you said is so true. When we look back we can truly see God's hand guiding us through the fields of land mines.
Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year filled with many blessings from the Lord.
on January 23rd, 2008 at 4:31 pm
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What a blessing you are!!! And what a delight to catch up on your blog!!!
You are soooo precious!! I am thankful for you!