Jeneric Jeneralities ~ by JenIG

The always lovely and gracious Gramma Sally, Mother In Law 

Extraordinaire, worked long and hard and hath chosen the main winner of the very last Christmas Magnetic Dressery For Thine Car contest.  She passed over anything too long to read.  She passed over any names that were too cool.  She passed over all the boring names like Anne, Marie, etc (sorry…. those were her words….) and then she found Beloved Lamb and liked that one because she said that learned what Rae means…. But then she kept reading and felt totally sorry for eyecorn being saddled with the unfortunate middle name of Fotiades.  She almost gave her a sympathy win, but continued reading and was stopped with awe by the regal name of Victoria Rose ; she said that she thought it was so lovely and royalty-ish that she briefly considered having another child so she could use it herself. Wow. But then, she found BeccaLoo’s comment and said that she HAD to pick that one because BeccaLoo flatly answered the question nice and simple.  So bingo presto…. We have our winner.  All protests and hate mail may be sent to her son at:


Congrats BeccaLoo!  Email me (or ask your very cool momsie to email me) at with your addy and your gift will be sent out promptly.


The other winner is Dandelion Seeds because all that whining should be worth something. Heh heh heh. Actually, the truth is that my daughter Coie said that she just MUST win and so there you have it


If you did not win a very cool Christmas Car Decoration, please go to their website and buy a box (see banner at the top of this page).  You can keep one for yourself and then pass out the extras to make people all warm and cozyish.


Have a superb Thanksgiving!  We have much to be thankful for.


November 23rd, 2005 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

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    on November 23rd, 2005 at 9:08 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Shall I be first again? What are the odds of that??

    Glad you all arrived safe.

    Rest up — it’s a long ride back to…lkfjdlfkjdsalfkasdjflkd


  2. DandelionSeeds said,

    on November 23rd, 2005 at 9:25 pm

    Untitled Comment

    I’m so excited

    and I just can’t hide it

    I’m about to lose control

    and Mike will like it!

    I’d just like to personally thank those of you who have made me what I am today… Jen, I never knew that whining was a quality of endearment, or one that would get you places… therefore, it will now be a class I teach for school (since I’m a whiner extrodinare). I will teach them to be responsible with it though… you know… know when to pull the “big guns out” for with whining comes great responsibility. (a;ldkfja;slkfj;asflj)

    Seriously (for a only a moment)… THANKS! I’m really excited! I’ll stop by to thank Coie too… you know… I really like her…

    Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

    Love ya Jen…

    Amy Whiney Nutpickle (did I spell that correctly Marsha?)

  3. sagerats said,

    on November 23rd, 2005 at 10:04 pm

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Hi Jen! Just wanted to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving! By the way I really like my way cool bumper sticker that isn’t a bumper sticker but a magnet for in which to enhance the exterior of mine auto.


  4. ExcelsiorWarriors said,

    on November 24th, 2005 at 1:32 am

    Contest/Happy Thanksgiving

    Thanks Jen,

    tell your Grandma Sally thank you too.

    Have a wonderfully blessed time and safe trip home.

    Dawn Yvette 😉

  5. lynan said,

    on November 24th, 2005 at 9:26 am

    Untitled Comment

    Who cares about the Christmas thing? We want to know who your new sister is! ROFLOL!

  6. KarenW said,

    on November 24th, 2005 at 4:10 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Congrats to the winners and Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. CoffeeAndAMuffin said,

    on November 24th, 2005 at 11:47 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Belated Happy Thanksgiving wishes comin’ at ya, Miss Jen!

  8. hippiechyck said,

    on November 25th, 2005 at 2:15 am


    can’t get on the Company Couch, can’t win a bumper sticker…i HOPE you picked me as a new sister at least!

    alskskdjdjfgf!!! alalkskjdjfhfg!!!

  9. MiraclesHappen said,

    on November 25th, 2005 at 12:24 pm

    Happy Happy Joy Joy

    Mymother was kind in that she had great taste in names! It was funny that your mother-in-law would say what she did because we somehow got onto a conversation about my name yesterday at Thanksgiving dinner and it went about the same way as you recounted. Nonetheless, I am content to simply claim the name – congrats to the winner! Hope you had a fantabulous Thanksgiving, Jen!

  10. CAgirlwithasoutherndrawl said,

    on November 27th, 2005 at 6:01 pm

    ok, I think I should be offended here

    and how did I miss this post?!?!?!?

    You have to, yes, HAVE TO tell Grandma Sally that you know the coolest, most non-boring person and her name happens to be…….


    but I don’t need validation. I just would hate for her not to know that.

    ~the anything but boring Annemarie

  11. MelismaTo4 said,

    on November 28th, 2005 at 10:34 am


    BeccaLoo is thrilled!! As am I–since BeccaLoo, at the tender age of 13, is generally chauffeured by moi! So you get two winners for the price of one. Hooray!! Many thanks to your very practical MIL.

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