Waiting For Something Interesting To Happen
It looks like Spring outside, but it’s lying. It’s *freezing* out there. I think I am going to start planting some seeds in little cups and put them in front of a window. I feel like I need to garden something. I really don’t like winter. But I especially don’t like summer. I wish I had two houses. One way up north and one way down south. That would be perfectly lovely. Anyways, about this time, every year without fail, I get very restless. It seems like everything is at a standstill and nothing productive is getting done, hence, the yearning for planting stuff hits me. I think I will have a better shot at gardening since I almost practically sort of had some success last year. This time I’m going to try and get some green beans to grow, and some of those flat peas that go nicely in stir fry. In other news, poor Coie hit a dumb deer and messed up her car. What a bummer. But she is fine and her car still runs, so all is well. Lastly, I read this quote in my Elizabeth I book and it stood out very singularly: "…If many days service, and not a few years’ proof, have shown my unremovable faithfulness, what shall I then think about all of that past praise and favor, which is now suddenly and utterly cast off from a single offense?" So it seems that even then, as it is now, Trust, Love and Loyalty was subject to bitter disappointments. And it is true, no matter how loyal, how faithful, or how much you are willing to sacrifice for another… human love is fragile and fickle. And you simply cannot control or change others. You can only follow God and obey His word, and trust that He has a plan, which is working together for good for those of us who love Him. And He will never forsake us or disappoint us. He is patient and trustworthy, long suffering and forgiving. May we love others as He loves us — whether or not that love is reciprocated. No, it’s not easy, but that’s the whole point. It is easy to love the lovable. But are we willing to continue loving the ones who hate us, mistrust us, spurn us, and/or mistreat us? And if so, what does that love look like ? And thus concludes my anti-antiValentine’s day sentiments. |
February 15th, 2008 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments No Responses to ' Waiting For Something Interesting To Happen 'Leave a reply |
on February 15th, 2008 at 1:03 pm
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"You can only follow God and obey His word, and trust that He has a plan, which is working together for good for those of us who love Him. And He will never forsake us or disappoint us. He is patient and trustworthy, long suffering and forgiving. "
Well said.
I also got some flowers and a pretty nice card with actual handwriting from my man. It made me sniffle and happy.. mostly happy. He is a good man. I am so blessed i got him.
Hope to see yous soon!
on February 15th, 2008 at 2:01 pm
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Freezing?!? Are you nuts? It is a balmy 60something here. The kids are outside having a picnic. I should say the 2 oldest, cuz the littlest is sleeping.
As always, I love your serious posts because they are so spot on.
on February 15th, 2008 at 2:31 pm
I love you, but …
it just plumb isn't freezing in your neck of the backwoods.
on February 15th, 2008 at 2:50 pm
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Kristina, upon my word, it was freezing this morning. or very nearly freezing. and that's the truth. however, it has warmed up since then. BUT it's going to be 33 tonight… so you can bet your buckskins that i'll be complaining again in the morning.
and annemarie… i almost get the impression that you don't believe that *all* my posts are serious.
on February 16th, 2008 at 9:33 am
I knowI
I know it is so much like spring outside but yet it is like freezing
on February 16th, 2008 at 8:33 pm
Winter blues
I'm with ya, Jen. I hate winter! And around here, even with 90+degree weather in summer, there's only one or two weeks of 100+ days — and then I'm saying I hate summer too. But at least we don't have the humidity you poor southerners do! The drawback is that we get a couple of feet of snow now and then, as we did this year.
Maybe we can do the snowbird thing as a co-op? Our families can move south for the winter, and all those crazy skiers and snowboarders can use our houses. Hmm. I wonder if we could get that to work? ; )
on February 17th, 2008 at 6:21 am
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As He loves us. The hardest part of all! =/
And tell Coie that she's going about deer hunting all wrong! =P
on February 17th, 2008 at 11:57 am
Please Vote
Hi Jen!
Could you and your children please head over to my blog and vote in the coloring contest?
on February 18th, 2008 at 8:05 am
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Boy, did I ever need to hear that last part of your message….thanks!