Jeneric Jeneralities ~ by JenIG
March 3rd, 2008
My Career As a Rocker


It’s that time of year again…

Plus I’ve started getting my garden square ready.  This year I am going to put down a rock border around the outside.  This will hopefully keep down weeds, plus it will look pretty and the squash can grow on it without getting too damp (or moldy) if the weather is wet.  I got that idea from the brilliant and beautiful Julie Austin.  Smart, eh?  So anyways, to create the border, I’ve been searching and digging up rocks over our property.  There is something very calming and satisfying about digging rocks.  I wonder if potato farmers have that same sense of bliss.  And the really fun part is when you find the tip of a rock and there is no telling how big it is… so you start carving it out and it’s always a surprise.  The monster rocks are highly gratifying finds.  Dippy has been my rocker buddy.  We’ve already got two big sized piles.  I think I would have enjoyed working in a quarry like Fred and Barney used to do. 

And, our hens finally started laying again, and they have been making up for lost time.  We have a fridge full of fresh farm eggs, plus we started about forty eggs in the incubator.  They are due to hatch over Easter weekend: isn’t that fun?  I am feeling like a true homesteady farm girl again…

Lastly, can you guess what this is all about?   

The other day James snuck into the living room and tip-toed around in this get-up.  It took a little bit to figure out what he was doing.  He would reach over his shoulder, pull out a colored pencil (held in a little mason jar tucked into his shirt) and then hold up the plastic arch and then cry, “zaaaaaaahhhhhhPING!” while flinging the pencil across the room.  He eventually let us know he was an Indian and he was shooting all the bears with his bow and arrows; and I for one was mighty grateful because we’ve had an over abundance of invisible Inside Bears wreaking havoc around the house this month.

Lastly last, I like my kid. Her last post was rather inspiring.

March 3rd, 2008 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

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  1. jess4him said,

    on March 3rd, 2008 at 1:02 pm

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    Ah, now I want to plant MY garden.. but alas, i'll be waiting another 2 months (at least) before our ground unfreezes and I'm able to get going with it. Charley's going to build me a green house and I'm going to plant an herb garden this year (or so I plan).

    I have the coolest nephew ever. I've suddenly got the urge to stick a cup of pens in my hood (of the sweatshirt i'm wearing right now), and be armed in case an intruder intrudes and needs to be taught a lesson.. "whaPANG". That'd stop him in his tracks..

    love you!

  2. Maria said,

    on March 3rd, 2008 at 6:21 pm

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    I saw Coie today. What a treat!

    Anyway – she told us all about your little cups. I guessed you'd be blogging all about it. Ha — I was right.

    She is one neat girl. But you probably already knew that.

    Happy Homesteading!~



  3. drewsfamilytx said,

    on March 3rd, 2008 at 8:59 pm

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    How imaginative of James! Cleverness runs in your family.

    Hey, how about coming over and starting a garden at my house? Have pity on poor sick girl who would love some fresh green beans this year…

  4. JenIG said,

    on March 3rd, 2008 at 9:18 pm

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    you got it, Marshie. I'll be there in 20 minutes.

    have some egg rolls frying ready for me…


  5. Stephanie10 said,

    on March 5th, 2008 at 12:08 am

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    I think I'll watch how you do the garden thing and then follow along behind. Wasn't there something last year about laying down newspaper under your garden square? How did that work?

    My boys love to "accidently" break their plastic clothes hangers, then use the triangle part for bows and the hook part for pirates. (Argh, I be Cap'n Hook!)

  6. blessingsundreamtof said,

    on March 5th, 2008 at 9:36 am

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    I stand amazed at you gardeners. I've never had the opportunity to have a real garden until now… and now I'm rather round and waddley in a pregnant kind of way… and gardening may just have to wait a year. Then I'll need all the help and advice I can get!

    Ah, boys!!! Bows and arrows can truly be manufactured out of anything… as can guns, swords, and lassos as well!



  7. KarenW said,

    on March 6th, 2008 at 12:19 pm

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    He certainly is creative. How nice for you to have a brave young man to protect you from the bears.

  8. Anonymous said,

    on March 6th, 2008 at 6:40 pm

    Homeschooling ruled illegal in California

    Hi to Jen and all her blog readers. I'm a homeschool mom in Calif. where we have just learned that homeschooling has been ruled "illegal by a three judge panel. Go to for details. Please Pray, Pray, Pray!! What happens in Calif. can very likely set the tone for the rest of the states. We can no longer think that this only happens in Germany, etc. It IS happening here, now.

    Thank you and God Bless,


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