Jeneric Jeneralities ~ by JenIG


My eldest girls look so sweet.  This pic was taken yesterday… yet it no longer properly portrays what Coie looks like, I’ll explain in a minute. 


We had some friends come over from church so they could see the new little baby goats.  And it was perfect timing, too, because Coie’s goat, Belle, was considerate enough to have three little kidgits that very morning.  It was a fun field trip for our friends; they also got to see the rest of the farm and Coie showed them how the milking is done. 

It was a nice visit, and I love these ladies…

…but we ended up spending most of the afternoon outside.  And that’s a problem for Coie and me (note the proper sentence structure for my sister, Jessica the Grammar Nazi) because we are 100% albino.  And people from Whitey-ville don’t do so well parked under full UV rays.  And, naturally, you get more burnt on areas closest to the sun, and so my big old honker is now sporting a bright, striking blatant red.   Coie got it worse, tho.  Her whole head looks like a big crimson party balloon.  And she had to go to work like that today.  

I also got the dumbest tan ever… it’s from the wrist down.  I was wearing a long sleeve shirt and so now it looks like I dunked my left hand in a pot of scalding water.  And for whatever reason, it’s only my left hand.  Weird.  And boy did it hurt.  Coie was able to fix things a little bit.  We split open an aloe vera stalk (or whatever it’s called) and rubbed that on, and she also found that sliced potatoes work well to soothe a sunburn.  At first I laughed at her, but then ended up admitting that it really did help.  She also slathered tomato paste all over her face, neck and arms.  I should have gotten a picture, she looked like something out of a horror film.  I didn’t try the tomato paste.  She said it worked, but holy cow did she look awful and smell funny.

Anyhow, Coie’s new baby goats are sweet.  It was nice of Belle to have three of them.  Two girls and a boy.  She named them Kiwi, Periwinkle and Basil.  And I mean that Coie named them, not Belle.

In other news… it’s just two weeks until we’re at the MACHE convention!  Wooo Hoooo!  Email me at jeneferig @  if you are going to be there so we can plan a time and place to meet!

Lastly, my friend, Lisa, is having a great contest over at her site.  She makes these incredible soy wax candles that smell like heaven and last forever.  You should head over and enter!  I’m hoping I win.  I’m a sucker for lovely candles.

And Lastly Last, tomorrow is Charley the Wonder Brother’s Birthday.  Hip Hip Hoooray!!!  I am *so* blessed to have that guy as an in-law.  When my mother was alive she prayed fervently and diligently that her daughters would all marry strong, godly, faithful men.  I really believe that her prayers brought about the great marriages we now enjoy… and it compels me all the more to pray for my kids’ future spouses.  Happy Birthday Mr. Charles Preston!!

April 3rd, 2008 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

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  1. foxvalleyfamily said,

    on April 3rd, 2008 at 11:41 am

    Untitled Comment

    Awww poor Coie ( and you , too!)

    I am very fair skinned and I always burn, too.

    About 15 minutes in the sun and I'm a big ol' lobster!

    Very cute goats, and very beautiful girls!!!


  2. ClagettsFLStyle said,

    on April 3rd, 2008 at 11:49 am

    Hey there

    Guess we won't be hanging out at the pool together when you come to FL.. the sun's even worse here.. LOL

  3. SmallWorld said,

    on April 3rd, 2008 at 12:54 pm

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    HEY!! Those are my friends, too!! Kristi is the most awesome banquet-planner. And how come WE never get to come to your house? You can make that up to me by entering my contest.


    on April 3rd, 2008 at 2:59 pm

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    Charley and Joe share the same birthday as Shay's kittens, the ones I have now that she brought on her first visit from S.C. Maybe we can talk her into coming for another visit.

    Happy birthday to Charley!

    So sorry about the burns. Congratulations on your new goats babies. My baby is growing up. Stop by and see.

  5. CreativeLearning said,

    on April 3rd, 2008 at 3:01 pm


    Hey There – Thanks for the contest, Jen and Congrats to the winner. (sigh) I never win anything … Love ya anyway, Eyore :9(

    JK – cute kids

    PS: make sure you take the SPF 50 to the FPEA convention. It is too hard to carry those aloe plants in your luggage!

  6. onfire said,

    on April 3rd, 2008 at 3:11 pm


    start checking your mail you big fat whiner …

  7. sockmonkey said,

    on April 3rd, 2008 at 3:23 pm

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    Congrats on the new baby goats, my condolences on the sunburns. The part in my hair exposes a line of scalp that always sunburns…hate that. Hey, I'll have to try your remedies….I'm particularly interested in that sliced potato cure. I wonder if I slice them thin enough and lay them on my red-hot skin, they'll fry-up into tasty chips? That almost sounds patent-worthy. Be looking for me on QVC.

    On another note, I totally WOULD believe you that you had a dog that nursed a kitten, because I had one that did TOO! She lost her two puppies at birth, and we had a momma cat that rejected her 3 kittens at the same time. That maternal instinct is pretty powerful, right?

  8. Charley Barley Buck and Rye said,

    on April 3rd, 2008 at 3:53 pm

    I dunno, my mom used to call me that.

    Wow – Thank you so much for the fibbing accolades. In the absence of my lovely bride, my ego has shriveled, so maybe it can eek out an existence from your very kind words. I believe I'll be spending my birthday sitting in a buggy swamp covered sackcloth and ashes. Eating a twinkie and sipp'n and R/C Cola reading "Why does your chewing gum lose it's flavor?"

    (per Ray Stevens – Ahab the Arab)

    The only thing positive I can think about turning 25 is that I can now save a little more money on my car insurance by not switching to Geico, and I can rent cars without paying the 21-24 surcharge.

    The Lord is good sayeth the Lord God of Hosts.

  9. seekingHim said,

    on April 3rd, 2008 at 4:44 pm

    What beautiful girls!

    My favorite sunburn treatment for my albino kids is to always have some aloe gel in the fridge. It feels so good on the sunburn. When we lived behind our church, I often had people over just for some gel after they had been out on the beach or skiing a little too long the day before.


  10. deedeeuk said,

    on April 3rd, 2008 at 7:17 pm

    Poor things!

    I can't believe anyone can get sunburned this early in the year! I'll look out for your head, if you promise to send mine back if you find it hanging out with yours somewhere? I'm sure it will be the one that is spinning uncontrolably even without a neck to attach too! LOL!

  11. purpleprincess said,

    on April 3rd, 2008 at 8:52 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Oh, my!

    I hope you all recover!

    That is NASTY stuf!

    Glad you had a good time though! 🙂

    Thanks for the comment!


  12. kittyqueen said,

    on April 4th, 2008 at 10:08 am

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    Hello Mrs. Igarashi,

    I am gabalot's daughter, and I would like to thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to win the rosetta Stone! It came on Wed. afternoon, but we didn't get to set it up until yesterday. I love it so much!!! Thank you again!


    Miss Kitty

  13. Anonymous said,

    on April 4th, 2008 at 3:53 pm

    Untitled Comment

    Hey Whitey Mc.Whiterson. I'm right there with you. Kin indeed. 🙂


  14. mamasmurf said,

    on April 4th, 2008 at 6:21 pm

    Thank you!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for your prayers! We had a wonderful time in Wales and came back feeling really refreshed.

    You may tell your son that I am currently waiting for the doctors to call me back to hospital so that I can start a new treatment regime – please pray it won't take them too long!!

    Also I have recently been diagnosed with pernicious anaemia (a lack of Vit B12 in my blood) which means I'm having even more injections than ever!! It tends to run in families so I wasn't too surprised as both my Dad and my sister have the same condition.

    Otherwise than turning into a human colander, I'm doing fine!!

    Hugs to all,


    PS – can sympathise with Coie – I burn as soon as I set foot outside the door on a sunny day. Praying she will find some comfort soon!

  15. kittyqueen said,

    on April 4th, 2008 at 10:34 pm

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    THanks for your comment. I am glad that you are getting yours soon, I did it again today, and it was still just as much fun. I must warn you though, the program only lets you install it on 2 computers, because we had 4 we wanted to put it on (one for each of us three kids, and my mommy wanted it) but when we went to put it on the third it wouldn't go. SO if you have more than 2 computers, only put it on those. I hope you all love it!!

    Your entry was funny, I have been reading your blog for a long time, but never commented. i am silly that way. Would you like to be friends?


    Miss Kitty

  16. byourlove1 said,

    on April 5th, 2008 at 5:35 pm


    Love you new blog look! Your girls are beautiful, what a great pic! the weather looks really nice there, wish it was here-still cold and rainy.


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