Jeneric Jeneralities ~ by JenIG
April 7th, 2008
I Do Not Like The Idiot


I don’t care that he has a cool name, Fyodor Dostoyevsky is not going on my list of favorite 1800s authors.  I’m almost done with his book, titled, The Idiot, and I’m considering skipping the rest of it altogether, but I will probably just see it thru since I’ve already invested several weeks on it.  There’s nothing worse than being held hostage by an unenjoyable book.  Dostoyevsky is dark, melancholy, a bit sideways, and a total socialist.  I don’t mind that he’s a socialist, and I actually find delving into the mindset of pre-Hitler/Stalin times fascinating.  But Heavens-to-Betsy, I seriously wonder if the guy truly had mental issues.   I can’t wait to get back to my Trollope, Southworth, and Bronte books. !800s British and American authors seem to have had a great deal more decorum and propriety than French and Russian ones.

In other news, if you are downright sick and tired of hearing about goats, you’ll want to skip this section.  I went out to the barn yesterday and found one of the new baby kids dead.  It was just all limp and curled back and, well, dead looking.  So I went over and picked it up (in a panic) and it sorta flopped its head around.  Long story short, it wasn’t dead but was getting dead pretty quick.  I brought it into the house – and OF COURSE I just happened to be home alone with the little kids.  Bad goat things always seem to happen when I’m by myself – so anyways, I made Bobo run out and milk Belle and then I put the milk into a medicine dropper and was able to feed Periwinkle.  Coie came home and took over from there. At one point she wondered if she should just shoot it and put the poor thing out of its misery (is it just me, or do my girls seem over anxious to kill stuff?).  The poor little thing was not able to stand up — it couldn’t even lift its head.    Anyhow, Coie kept working with her and several hours later the little girl sprung back to life.   

And after it came back to life, it rewarded us by dropping some goat by-product. So we came up with the ingenious idea of making goat nappies by using little boys underwear and absorbent female hygiene products.  Later that evening she had to wear James’ Spiderman undies. He was more than happy to share.


So I guess Periwinkle is gonna stay inside with us for awhile.  She kept Coie up ALL NIGHT.  Ha ha. 

And as if playing Animal Rescue 911 was not enough to keep us occupied, me and geoff also *finally* did our dumb taxes for 07.  Is there anybody else out there who battles lunacidal rushes of blind rage while doing taxes?  If not, then, uh, me neither.  Anyways, we finally got them done and hopefully we will be able to automatically apply the refund we would have gotten to the $22,000 we owe the IRS. Geoff is still confident that our CPA who misfiled our taxes two years in a row is working to fix that little sweetheart of a problem.  Some of you have asked how all that was going, and hopefully it’s going well.  <grinding my teeth / fake smiling>

And in non crazy author, dead goat, maniacal tax preparation news …

I am very excited for my daughter, Ryann.  She was recently asked to become a columnist for a magazine called, Godly Girls, after she submitted an article about the life of Pastor Wurmbrand .  The timing was really neat.  For a while my daughter has been obsessed with reading about the lives and work of different missionaries, and especially those who have suffered persecution or death for their faith. Her column for Godly Girls will highlight the lives of steadfast Christians, include interviews with missionary kids, book reviews, etc.  We are all excited for her.  And it is a wonderful little magazine.  The same family (the Masloske’s) also publishes a version for young men called, Abandoned to God.  My son keeps all of the copies and reads them repeatedly.   

Here is the Godly Girls website if you’re interested in subscribing or learning more   And here is the website for Abandoned to God

Ok… I’m off to check on our new little house intruder. I sure hope those goat nappies hold up…

April 7th, 2008 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments

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  1. foxvalleyfamily said,

    on April 7th, 2008 at 11:30 am

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    Oh poor little goat! She is SO cute in her 'nappies'. (Very creative, by the way… and it's a good thing your boys don't wear boxers (wink, wink!) I hope that she recovers – It looks like she has a wonderful 'nurse!'

    That is so neat about Ryann! Please congratulate her for me. I will have to check out that magazine, as it sounds like something my oldest DD would love!

    God Bless,


  2. ShayC said,

    on April 7th, 2008 at 11:54 am

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    LOVE the goat nappies!!!! You all are VERY creative! Boy, I'm glad Coie didn't shoot the little thing after all!!!!!

    That is SO, ABSOLUTELY, WONDERFULLY, TERRIFIC that Ryann is going to be writing for Godly Girls!!! Your children NEVER cease to amaze me…I can't believe I actually know you guys!!!!!!!! What an honor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also glad to hear that your tax issue is being worked on!

    Much love to all of you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your Sister In Christ,


    PS – Can I get the dates of the retreats from you????? I think Richard is going to try to make the Father/Daughter and Father/Son.

  3. drewsfamilytx said,

    on April 7th, 2008 at 12:42 pm

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    I am so glad y'all were able to bring the poor little thing back to life! Nothing like superhero undies to give an extra power boost. I'm telling you, it's all in the undies. (hopefully… because that's better than being on the floor).

    Hope your taxes work out for ya. But even in taxes we have to trust that God has total control and will lovingly provide! He hasn't failed you yet, and he certainly can handle the IRS.

    I never read The Idiot. I always thought that Dostoevsky was too much of a brooding author anyway. I don't like to read dark literature… <i>Grapes of Wrath</i> was depressing enough!

    I'm currently reading <i>What Is Her Name?</i> by Dr. A. Edersheim in 1885. So far it is a really good Lamplighter book that is short and sweet.

  4. Dianne in AZ said,

    on April 7th, 2008 at 1:07 pm


    Jen, You don't know me but I have been reading your blog for some time now. You bring such life and fun to my otherwise humdrum life. I am insanely jealous of you and your family! 🙂 I think I came across your blog through one of your articles one time…not really sure about that. But thank you for the many times you have given me a laugh that saved me from utter insanity and boredom. I have never commented to you before, just a silent reader and fan, but I had to say that I have never been able to get through a Dostoevsky(in high school, maybe?!?), but before you totally give up on him, you must do what I did, which was to read the Cliff Notes (or other equivalent on the internet) for his book The Brothers Karamozov, to understand the story and the characters, and then watch the movie. The ending is nothing short of phenomenal, a very strong statement on the fact that there is a God, there HAS to be a God and nothing else makes any sense. This book is highly recommended reading by Chuck Colson on worldview studies. Try it out,,,,the movie is not appropriate for all ages, I don't think, BTW. Blessings to you and your awesome family!

  5. Michelle in TX said,

    on April 7th, 2008 at 2:57 pm

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    OH. MY. WORD. Girl, you make my life look utterly boring! LOL! I'm glad little Periwinkle survived and even happier that your darling, gun-happy daughters didn't take her out prematurely.

    In the new sensitive condition I'm in (hint hint), I would have just bawled my eyes out had little Peri bit the dust.

    Oh yea, Spiderman undies always make me feel better too! 🙂

  6. deedeeuk said,

    on April 7th, 2008 at 3:50 pm


    Did you say NAPPIES???? Since when are you English? You call them DIAPERS over there in the grand old US of A!! Nappies is the British term for the things! I think you have been reading too much Bronte! LOL!

  7. seekingHim said,

    on April 7th, 2008 at 6:06 pm

    The goat nappies

    out of boys underwear had me ROFL!!!! Thanks for the laugh I needed this afternoon. Congrats to your dd!


  8. CrossView said,

    on April 8th, 2008 at 6:24 am

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    When we kidsit for some friends, I head to the dollar store and buy the littlest diapers (newborn) for the "kid". And you can use a small halter collar and leash to go on walks…. =D

    I'm just so thrilled to know we're not the only *coughcough* strange ones… =P

    Congrats to Ryann! And Wurmbrand is a fascinating study. I'm on a quest to read all his writings…

  9. kympossible said,

    on April 8th, 2008 at 7:31 am

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    I am ROFLOL at the goat wearing James' undies!!! Very creative!

    Congrats to Ryann!



  10. debbiecorley said,

    on April 8th, 2008 at 8:22 am

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    That little Periwinkle is a beauty! I'm so glad she survived!

    Tell Ryann I said congrats! I'll check out the website!

  11. blessingsundreamtof said,

    on April 8th, 2008 at 11:59 am

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    Well NOW you've gone and done it!!! We've been contemplating getting some goats to clear out the MOTHER LOAD of poison ivy, oak, and sumac that regularly infect my 2nd son with a severe full-body rashy scourge, but NOW, seeing your oh-so-cute itty bitty kid I may go buy some goats today… well… coming back to hormonal normalcy… maybe it's just my gushy pregnancy hormones and goats can more rationally wait until after new baby comes. BTW… I just posted new baby details and pics. (in utero). Congrats to your little author.



  12. brownie said,

    on April 8th, 2008 at 12:26 pm


    Hi there! My mom ( said I should check out your blog and I'm glad I did 🙂

    Your write so fabulously well and entertaining. I have no goats – but my sis had a goat growing up. She named her Gina. Gina thought she was a dog. She slept with our two labs. When cars would go by the dogs would give chase… and so did Gina. One day a car went by, Gina looked around for the dogs and gave chase by herself.

    She loved my sister. One day as sis got on the school bus – Gina went on with her. It took her awhile to get off – dropping little goat raisins in the process.

    When sis left for college – mom got rid of Gina. Sis came home for a visit and asked where was Gina? Mom said at the neighbors 2 miles thataway – you can go visit her.

    I see you have a lot of friends… how do you keep track of them? ROFL!!

  13. CTdittmar said,

    on April 8th, 2008 at 1:06 pm

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    You must be having so much fun with your little goatlings. Ahhh…life on the farm! So sweet.

    Sorry about your tax nightmare…yeah…he deserves a little leniency in the maniacal department I suppose.



  14. moreofhim said,

    on April 9th, 2008 at 2:07 am

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    Okay, once again, you've given me my huge laugh for the day and I so needed that laugh, too!! Those "goat nappies" just crack me up!! How ingenious!! Funny, too!!

    I'm so glad you were able to save the baby goat. It's so hard to lose animals. What a little cutie.

    Thank you for your sweet comment and prayers for my hubby.

    God bless you ~ Julie

  15. kellieann said,

    on April 9th, 2008 at 1:53 pm

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    That goat is like the cutest thing ever.

    By the way, that book I mentioned to you a while ago on the HSL is called Janice Meredith, and it is by Paul Leicester Ford. It is ok. It reminds me a bit of Southworth, but it's not nearly as good.

  16. JenIG said,

    on April 9th, 2008 at 2:02 pm

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    whooo hooo! thanks Kelliann, i will try to find it at the library!

  17. Anonymous said,

    on April 9th, 2008 at 2:10 pm

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    I am very curious about how goats milk tastes in comparison to cows milk. AND do you have to "do" anything to it before it is suitable for human consumption? Might be something cool for my kids to experience!!

    Gina D.

  18. JenIG said,

    on April 9th, 2008 at 2:12 pm

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    Hi Gina D! the only thing you have to do to the milk is strain it, like thru a coffee filter. my kids like it better than cow milk. they think it tastes sweeter. If you are ever in our neighborhood come by and try some!

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