The Moral of the Story
I meant to post earlier but this has been one busy week. First of all — I’ll just get the majority of the bad news out of the way — poor little Periwinkle died. We don’t know why, but it almost seemed like she had nerve damage. It is hard losing an animal (especially the cute ones) but it is simply a part of farm life. This is something that we have been learning to understand and accept over the last three years. But it’s still a downer. Poor little cute thing. So the moral of the story is: Don’t have baby goats. And summer has hit TN. It boiled all week long. I heard it’s supposed to cool down over the weekend, and I hope that’s true. TN is a state of extremes. It was like 137 degrees every day last week. But the nice thing is that everything is *so* pretty and almost a fluorescent green. I like that part. I don’t love the bugs that come with it, though. And I keep finding these massive huge ants in my kitchen. Un-nerving. They’re like the size of baseballs. In other news, I’ve managed to make an Uber-twit of myself several times this month. It’s bad enough being a nimrod, but it’s decidedly worse when you’re a nimrod in front of somebody else. The first episode was actually Coie’s fault. It was her last week as a head cashier (she was recently promoted to a position which is equivalent to a department head – that is simply astonishing given the fact she’s so young and hasn’t been there that long) *anyways* she had been getting off work around 9:30 and she always calls right before she leaves, so naturally when the phone rang it could only be her (nobody else calls the house number because I never pick up the phone when it rings unless it’s Coie). So Coie calls at 9:24, and I pick up the phone and fairly shriek: “HEELLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MOOOKERS! And it was my pastor. He replied, “uuhhhhhh, ummmmmm”. Yeah. *awkward* My kids thought it was great. So the moral of the story is: Don’t answer the phone. The second thing was worse. You know how my sister is coming down from AK next month? Well her husband had searched far and wide and sent my kids this race car track with loop de loops and such – it was a toy that he had when he was a kid and loved so much that he found one for my boys. And then it dawned on me that when they get here Uncle Charley’s gonna want to play with the car set because Jess will undoubtedly make him leave all his own toys at home. But there’s a problem, see? Because after having it for two months, the box was left out and King James the Tyrannical busted up the box and lost a bunch of pieces. My boys were beside themselves. Bobo took the majority of the responsibility because he’s the oldest and he knew he should have made sure it stayed up high in the closet. He actually cried about it, and it wasn’t because his toy was ruined — he takes it very personally when things don’t get taken care of. It shows a lack of respect for the giver of the gift, and also shows that the gift didn’t mean enough to look after. He can’t stand the thought of displeasing the ones he loves. So after I tell them that Jess and Charley are coming to visit, I ask them, “So…what are you gonna do when Uncle Charley gets here and wants to see the race track?” Good heavens, they went into a panic and Dippy started bawling his head off and said, “Can you email him and tell him what happened?” And I told him, “No way, man. It wasn’t my toy. I took care of the stuff he gave me” (in truth I actually considered finding and buying another set as a cover up—but no. I wouldn’t be doing my boys any favors by bailing them out) So Dippy begged to call him on the phone so he could tell Uncle Charley what happened and get it over with. So he did, and he is one lucky little seven-year-old to have such a gracious and kind Uncle. But they both still feel dreadful about the whole thing. That was a bummer of a lesson for all of us. So the moral of the story is: Don’t let your kids have any toys. And if that’s not practical then I guess the moral of the story is: Don’t have any four year olds. Or something like that. |
April 12th, 2008 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 0 Comments No Responses to ' The Moral of the Story 'Leave a reply |
on April 12th, 2008 at 10:24 am
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So NOW you tell me these important morals! At least I don't have any baby goats yet.
As to the toy, if the pieces were merely lost, any chance they'll be found again? Ya never know… maybe one day…
on April 12th, 2008 at 10:34 am
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Boy, I know how Uncle C. feels. I gave my daughter my Barbie dolls, Dusty, and Sunshine Family when she was way too young (3) and, having only an older brother and no girlfriends, she didn't know how to play like a girl yet. So she played with my precious dolls with her big brother. Yeah, you know where that one is going: popped off heads, amputated legs, etc. I was really, really bummed to see Ballerina Barbie's head on Dusty's body. I'm still not over that, and it's been 7 years….
And the moral of the story is: Sid in Toy Story exists in many homes.
on April 12th, 2008 at 11:07 am
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You said: So the moral of the story is: Donβt have baby goats. You didn't even need a story for that. Who wants to have a baby goat? Let the mamma goats take care of that.
Don't you remember that you had me specifically to take the phone calls?
on April 12th, 2008 at 11:50 am
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ah too late, mine's going to turn 4 in just a few months!
on April 12th, 2008 at 1:03 pm
Scary Ants!!!
Sounds like you need some kingsize ant traps in your house!! LOL! You could also try putting some peppermint oil (the real stuff not extract) all along the door step right under the door when it is closed. It deterrs ants without any yucky chemical stuff! So the moral of the story is …………. ummm……………well……………… I guess it is don't let them in the house if you can help it! LOL!
on April 12th, 2008 at 1:42 pm
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Sorry bout the baby goat. I'm sure lil Perriwinkle will be missed..especially by its 'guardian', your dog. About those missing race track pieces, I'm sure you will find them again. Probably the same way we do…with the lawnmower! Yep, something always gets 'found' by our lawnmower in the summer that we didn't know was there…usually a lost toy. It's good however that their uncle Charley was so understanding. And that phone call from your pastor!! Oh yea, I would've paid money to see the look on your face when that happened! ha ha ha!! Too funny!
on April 12th, 2008 at 4:39 pm
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a;sldkjfa;sldkfjas;ldfj;asldfjsla;kdfj… I love how you really understand the morals of life… I mean… you really know how to apply reality to everything. ;alksdjf;alsdkjf;lasdkjf;lsdjak
Anyway, I was stopping to let you know that Jaynee (you're on her friend list and I'm sure you remember her) has had her 11th baby, but the little guy is having trouble breathing so please lift them in prayer… I've posted a prayer request on my blog that everyone can find her.
on April 12th, 2008 at 9:41 pm
You're making
entirely too big of deal out of the dumb little race track, although, it's an honor to feel so loved. Since you're right about me needing my toys however, I just might show up packing 3 more sets. π
Also, I already knew the morals about no goats or 4 year olds. That why as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord with our entirely "kid" free home.
So far.
on April 13th, 2008 at 4:22 am
Cracking up.
How you do make me laugh. The phone call with the pastor was hilarious. I'm still chuckling just picturing it in my head. Sorry about your baby goat…and I totally can relate with the toy issue. My kids have this problem too. The responsible thing just isn't down yet. I would love to have no toys. But I'd be a pretty mean mom to implement that moral. Sigh…
on April 13th, 2008 at 9:20 am
Pastor phone calls
Don't feel too badly. My husband delights in answering the phone in strange voices. We had caller ID and he still would try to throw Chris off. I believe the last call he answered "Little Ceasar's Pizza." He got the same hesitant, "Uhh."
I'm sure he's delighted that his congregation is so serious, sober, and studious!
on April 13th, 2008 at 9:20 pm
LOL at your phone story!
I can picture myself doing the same thing!! In fact, I did something much more embarrassing a couple years ago, but it was so funny… I'll have to blog about it sometime. Moral of my story was: get caller ID. =8~O LOL
on April 14th, 2008 at 10:27 am
I can't believe you are taking credit for these morals.
Don't you know these are scriptural? I think I've read them before in the 5th chapter of 2nd Opinions thus saith the Lord God of Hosts.
on April 14th, 2008 at 11:55 am
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Lots of learning going on over there! Did you do a chilly weather dance? I was enjoying the warm days…now look what's happend! I was out in the yard this morning (in my sweat pants and sweatshirt!) mourning my poor frozen poppies! I know, it's not as sad as poor dead Periwinkle…may she rest in peace.
on April 14th, 2008 at 1:11 pm
Good morals
Goats, no problem. Phone, no problem. Toys, there's a problem. 4year old, another problem. We just reached that this past Friday!
Thanks for visiting the other day, Jen.
(Just step away from the phone before someones embarressed! LOL)
on April 14th, 2008 at 10:37 pm
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Well, now I'm definitely glad I didn't let you talk me into going goat shopping. I just could NOT have taken anything dying right now with all of the pregnancy hormones and all!!! As for your morals… lately we've had quite a few around Casa de Painter too. 1. Avoid spring! 2. Don't be "of advanced maternal years." 3. Never drink anything orange!!!! You'll have to read my latest post to understand completely, but trust me… they are all morals just as valid as yours. π
on April 15th, 2008 at 8:49 am
we have a 4 year old…
and sometimes that's the moral at our house too. π
but he's almost 5 so maybe he'll change….nah!!
on April 15th, 2008 at 1:44 pm
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I really loved how you handled the toy situation. We have the same issues nearly everyday, and I always want to grab all that guilt for myself! Thanks for stating it so clearly!
on April 17th, 2008 at 11:40 am
I know you've got a book in you…
I'll be in line for your book when it comes out on the reality of parenting and its morals.
Keep it coming! The blogging world needs your humor.
on April 19th, 2008 at 5:15 pm
better than Aesop
I love your "moral of the stories" or is it morals of the story??? π MUCH better than Aesop!! Lol