Jeneric Jeneralities ~ by JenIG

Lucky for me, no kidney issues yet.  We fly out of Boston tomorrow, so hopefully it’ll stay a non-issue till I get to my cozy little house. Thanks for all the tips and the helpful-hint emails.  You guys are awesome.

And the conference went really well. Superbly well, actually. This job is *the* greatest.  I love Rosetta Stone, and they even surprised us by having lunch delivered to us both days.  That’s just plum nice.  And see? I finally got my affiliate banner up over there in my side bar, so iffen you’re planning to buy the greatest language program know to humankind, feel free to buy it over here

And the workshop I taught went well. As tempting as it was, I ended up *not* giving the presentation in song or with dance numbers.  A lot more people showed up than I expected. But I didn’t get nervous at all, and it was nice because everybody asked a lot of good questions. 

One of the best parts of the weekend was getting to hang out with fellow blogger, Prodoceo.  She and her crew were manning the Alpha Omega table.  She is so great – despite the fact she is extraordinarily pretty (seriously, it was intimidating).  Me and Coie went with her whole crew to a 50’s diner the first night and we had a great time.  Our waitress’s name was Flo.  How can you not have fun when you have a waitress named Flo? I hope I get to see her again soon (Prodoceo I mean… not Flo).  One warning tho… do not drive with that lady.  S.C.A.R.Y.  Linda, next time let me drive, K?

 And the saddest part of the weekend was seeing Maggie Hogan the Magnifico …but only in passing.  We didn’t get to hang out once — talking in the convention hall just doesn’t count..  No worries, tho, we’ve got a party planned for our trip to FPEA.  Whoo hoooo!  I wish I would have gotten a picture of her.  My eyes popped out when I saw her. She has lost like 100 pounds.  She looks like a super model.  

In other news, taxi drivers are not normal.  I never knew that before. *yipes*  But I figured out that I do like MA.  It looks nothing like what I pictured.  I mean, you can’t even SEE it on the map.  I figured it would just be a little hill with about four streets, but it’s actually big enough to hold two cities.  And it’s really beautiful.  So that was fun.

So now we’re done with trips until the end of May.  It’ll be good to get back to the farm.  Happy sigh. 

April 26th, 2008 - Posted in conventions | | 0 Comments

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  1. said,

    on April 26th, 2008 at 9:14 pm

    Untitled Comment

    love your hilarious title.

    glad all is well.

  2. Maria said,

    on April 27th, 2008 at 1:01 pm

    Untitled Comment

    I hope your trip back to the farm goes safely well.

    I have been home abotu all weekend but you wouldn't knwo it. It is a disaster here. We have been movign children into differnt rooms. Painting cleaning out. It's mess and than some!

    Welcome home! Glad to hear your trip went well.



  3. onfire said,

    on April 27th, 2008 at 6:57 pm


    miss you … you are the bomb.

  4. Lori in Wichita said,

    on April 27th, 2008 at 8:09 pm


    Hmmm, I am on the Isagenix diet right now and tomorrow is a hated cleanse day sooooooo I am really jealous looking at that soda in your picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I might cheat.

  5. Prodoceo said,

    on April 27th, 2008 at 11:41 pm


    I am not a S.C.A.R.Y. driver…I'm a C.I.T.Y. driver. There's a difference, you know.

    I totally agree that meeting and "hangin'" with you and Coie was definitely the best part of the weekend. Sorry we didn't get a chance to say goodbye!!

    Hope your stones stayed put for the trip home!! I hope we'll meet up again soon!

  6. Prodoceo said,

    on April 28th, 2008 at 8:45 am


    Thanks for the lovely compliment. Is it possible that your kidney stones are affecting your vision? 🙂

  7. Tami said,

    on April 28th, 2008 at 8:55 am

    Are you coming to NC in May?

    Hi, Jen! It sounds like you and Coie are having a great time! I am so glad that you have this opportunity, and that you are writing articles again. Are you coming to NC at the end of May? I will be at that convention, and it would be great to finally meet you and Coie in person!

    Have a blessed day! Tami

  8. kellieann said,

    on April 28th, 2008 at 1:12 pm

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    Oh you're so lucky! I want to meet Prodoceo! I have got to think of something I can sell or promote so that I can go to these conferences too. I feel like I'm missing out….. =(

  9. MayTheyBeMightyMen said,

    on April 28th, 2008 at 9:53 pm

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    Hmmm. Popped over here from Linda's corner of the Blog Universe. Nice place. Nice to "meet" you. :')

  10. PaulaMarie3 said,

    on April 29th, 2008 at 1:52 pm

    meeting you in Worcester, Ma

    It was great to meet you and your daughter Coie, plus enjoy a meal together at the Diner. I have read tons from your blog and feel like I know you better.You are an awesome writer. Now I am afraid to start writing my blog. I do hope our paths cross again. Take care.

    PS Linda is the best multi-task driver I know! Did I miss something?

  11. Anonymous said,

    on April 30th, 2008 at 10:44 pm

    Untitled Comment

    I have met your friend from AOP!!!!! She is friends with Carrie Morgan who is with AOP! I cannot remember what conference I met her with . . . But I recognized her!

    Kathy P

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