Jeneric Jeneralities ~ by JenIG


I have a new favorite treat.  Our friend, Mr. B, was guest preaching at a little country church so we went up to fill a couple pews.  Anyways, his lovely bride gave me a bag full of fresh blueberries that she had just picked.  I ended up sticking them in the freezer and now all thru-out the day I grab handfuls to munch on.   That is a really yummy snack.  Our family is going to go up on Saturday and pick several gallons.  Emmiko also made a banana / blueberry bread.  yums.  I’m gonna make blueberry jam, too.  Can’t wait.


We also had fun with Rachel and her four sisters on Sunday.  Boy are they crazy.  Rachel is the oldest of 12 kids – I wish she would have brought her mom.  I’da liked to talked to that lady.


In other news, on Monday Ryann and Bo butchered five chickens – they are getting good and fast at that job.  That was Bo’s first time at butchering.  He did a manly job of it.


Yesterday poor Bo and Emmiko had to go to the dentist and get a bunch of cavities filled. Bo had to have one of his teeth pulled. I think they had fun.  Anyways, it was fun for me to see them with puffed up chipmunk faces. When they got back, Emmiko told me the nurse asked her, “Do you panic like your mom does?” when she told the nurse, ‘no’, the lady sighed and said, “Oh good, this will be much easier, then”.


I think I’m offended.


Wanna see my new kitty cat?

Also, congrats to Jess who is now a professional ice hockey princess. And thanks, Jess, for the Isagenix box you sent.  Good heavens that was a big box!  I love you.


In other other news, thanks for the tips on good math picks.  I think I’m convinced with Teaching Textbooks.  So now my question is… where is the cheapest place to get it? … or, is anybody willing to part with theirs for a reasonable price?

August 20th, 2008 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 12 Comments

12 Responses to ' I’m So Blue hoo hoo Blue hoo hoo Blue hoo hoo HOOOOO '

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  1. jess said,

    on August 20th, 2008 at 1:17 pm

    Wow, you’re quick. I think I like bossing my older sister around. I’ve never gotten to do that before- and have it work.

    And no, I’m not a hockey ‘princess’. I’m more like a hockey ‘Fiona’ (remember, from Shrek?). After I put all my gear on, I was about 3 times my normal size, and I became invincible. My favorite ‘drill’ was skating as FAST as I could across the rink, then having to deliberately dive head first to the ice just to try and get up as fast as I could again to keep going til I got to the other side. Kinda like Jay. Only, for real. That was a rush- and hilarious to watch.

  2. Maria said,

    on August 20th, 2008 at 2:12 pm

    Dear Jen-
    I am back home safe. I am Praising God today for this humongous adventure I have been on. What a blessing it has been.
    In the time we were gone Jacob missed his dentist appointment. That stinks cause now we have to wait over 6 weeks for the next opening. I think they do that so you don’t keep cancelling.
    See you soon!

  3. Amy said,

    on August 20th, 2008 at 2:14 pm

    Hi Jen – I’m using TT this year for the first time too this year. I’m using year 5 and PreAlgebra with my boys. I found a used copy of PreAlgebra on Vegsource but year 5 is new so I had to buy from CBD – no discount (pout) but I was able to pick up the spelling I needed too!
    What years are you doing? If you let people know, I’m sure you will find those willing to help you shop! 😉

  4. Emily said,

    on August 20th, 2008 at 2:34 pm

    Another blueberry fan…how nice. With my recent post about my blueberry cream pie…EVERYone said that they thought I steered wrong w/ the blueberry. They all said that I should have gone w/ chocolate. Not so….I love blueberries.

    and Teaching Textbooks…I am the Goodwill and thrift store queen. There is no cheap way of buying it. Sorry. I spent weeks last year tracking and watching them on Ebay and they would end up selling within $10-$15 of RETAIL price. and since these were used items, I decided to go with the TT website since they have a refund policy if I didn’t love it.

    It took me and my son a few weeks to wade through until we were sure that we liked it. It starts off rather slowly, but there is a method to that, and now we love it.

    just my lovely .02.

  5. Amanda said,

    on August 20th, 2008 at 6:54 pm

    Well thank you very much. Now I have that VeggieTales song in my head. LOL I guess it’s better than the StuffMart Rap. 🙂


  6. Melissa said,

    on August 20th, 2008 at 7:34 pm

    At least Teaching Textbooks offers free shipping on their website.

  7. Ruth said,

    on August 21st, 2008 at 10:15 am

    It sounds like you are all having fun and very busy. What great kids you have. They like butchering chickens? I have always wanted to have chickens and my kids say no. Someday…
    I am not very good at the dentist either. My kids charts are marked “Don’t show mom teeth” LOL~I just can’t handle any dental work but I worked in a hospital dealing with traumas. I can’t figure it out.

  8. Kim W said,

    on August 21st, 2008 at 1:04 pm

    Hey girlfriend…I haven’t checking in for a while. We started school and I was up until 3:30a.m. 2 nights in a row to finish my Thesis for my Assoc’s Degree. My pastor – who is also my Dean – told me yesterday that will be graduating WITH HONORS!! WOOHOO!!! Wow…I have about 30 teachers I would like to show my transcript to! lol

    Fledda, Kim Wolf<

  9. Jen said,

    on August 21st, 2008 at 5:29 pm

    I bought most of our books, including TT from CBD this year. Their shipping is very reasonable, and it was the best price I could find, especially shipping to an APO box like I have to.

  10. on August 22nd, 2008 at 9:40 am

    Hey, Deb posted pictures from our visit on our blog:

  11. Angie:) said,

    on August 23rd, 2008 at 10:41 pm

    I hope that you have gallons of yummy blueberries by now!!!:):):) I bought some at the store, froze them and am using them in pancakes!! Yummy, too!!

    Love you!

  12. jenig said,

    on August 24th, 2008 at 6:40 am

    no, no blueberries, dadgummit! i never did make it because Geoff ended up working. I’m gonna try to make it later this week… or maybe just swing by and steal some of yours

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