Coie’s Arranged Marriage
Everybody needs a partner. It started with Adam. When he named the animals and saw them all paired up, the poor fellow figured out he was lonely. So God arranged Eve for him. Such is life. So Coie, my oldest daughter, also looked about her and realized something was missing. There was something wanting. There was a void and an emptiness. And… being the kind soul that she is, she went out of her way to remedy this deficiency.
Thus, she found a wife for Banjo, our Great Pyrenees.
Is that not the most fluffiest sweetest bit of puffery that’s ever walked on four legs? Coie named her Fiddle. And hopefully in a year or so Banjo and Fiddle will produce a basket full of duplicate Great Pyrenees. Who says arranged marriages aren’t glorious?
I have a sausage jingle stuck in my head. It’s so catchy that I can’t get it out. I hate that sausage jingle. I will never buy Wampler’s even if it is “…the best in all in the land”.
Ok, in non sausage news, we had a superbly brilliant Christmas. Once again Charley and Jess (our favorite North Pole Elves) sent the most incredible presents imaginable. No, seriously, they should get some sort of award. They just seem to instinctively know what to get to make people go thru the roof.
I won’t list all 500 things they sent, but the highlights include a new handmade wooden butterfly necklace for me (I cried when my last one broke), an espresso/coffee maker, an Alaskan survivor video from the late 60s that puts Bear Grylls and Les Stroud to shame and other sundry delights.
The only thing Coie really really wanted was Lazy One pajammies and a wooden thumb ring, and Jess and Charley came thru big time
But the funnest thing they sent was an Xbox with games. Geoff the Great and all the kids think it was the best present of all. Me? I am happy they are happy. For now. But I’m guessing in about a week I will probably turn into the Xbox Game Warden Nazi.
Even the cat had fun
December 28th, 2008 - Posted in Uncategorized | | 20 Comments 20 Responses to ' Coie’s Arranged Marriage 'Leave a reply |
on December 28th, 2008 at 10:27 am
Oh, a new puppy. As new puppy parents, there really isn’t anything cuter. Arranged marriages, who says they are a good thing? What fun your Christmas appears to have been. A very Merry Christmas to you once again.
on December 28th, 2008 at 12:08 pm
Glad you had a great Christmas, Jen! As soon as I gain some strength back, I’ll post pics of our day. 🙂
on December 28th, 2008 at 1:57 pm
If I didn’t already have Pete the Terrible, I would SO be in line for one of those puppies!
on December 28th, 2008 at 4:29 pm
Lovely, everything sounds lovely. It is always lovely at your house my friend.
on December 28th, 2008 at 5:08 pm
Fiddle is so adorable!!!
on December 28th, 2008 at 7:32 pm
WOW…. talk about a lot of news! First of all, what is so wrong with arranged marriages? haha Secondly…welcome to the Sisterhood of Video Game Nazis. I myself am the Nintendo DS Nazi of Japan. Which is not an easy task when it’s the only thing (other than upping her meds) keeps a certain little person semi-still and semi-quiet at length. Or when you’re on an island that has video game stores/arcades on every corner….rather like Starbucks in Seattle. Fun stuff. I walk around thinking of flapping my hands and screaming OVERSTIMULATED!!! a lot.
on December 28th, 2008 at 8:10 pm
Mel — kasjdflskjf;ajf;akdsa that was just plumb funny
on December 28th, 2008 at 8:39 pm
Our kids definitely are a long term investment..and a good one. Thanks, Jen…for the reassurrance (the comment you left on my blog). You’re a good friend/hermit. lol!
on December 28th, 2008 at 8:51 pm
I like how in the XBox picture, James is on Ryann’s head, Emmiko is using my back as a writing surface (which I’m quite sure Ryann and I were oblivious to), we are all, excluding Dippy, wearing an article of blue clothing. And the snowman on the windowsill. Poor fellow all alone and slushy, with a deep dark secret…melting away…
So anyways, how’s about you follow my lead and find me spouse? I’ll use blackmail if you don’t. I have the photo negatives.
I remain truly, your most affectionate and favoritist eldest daughter,
on December 29th, 2008 at 10:59 am
yes your new doggie is very cute. but we have the cutest thing in the entire world!!! go to here
on December 29th, 2008 at 11:57 am
you’re right, sam e, that’s pretty cute!!
on December 29th, 2008 at 7:55 pm
ohhh, maybe we could arrange a puppy!!! (just have to talk my hubby into it, which means, more than likely it won’t happen! I think, well I know I’m allergic to dog, but I could always make accpetions for such a cute fuzzy thing! So glad the kitty is literally basking in the light 🙂
Great Post!
on December 30th, 2008 at 2:58 pm
I just noticed Coie is wearing her new pjs in that third pic. I’m glad they fit her. She looks SO cute with that puppy too. MAN I want a puppy. Hey guess what I just realized? I’ll be starting to show when we come to visit next month, so we can go maternity shopping together!! How fun will that be??
on December 30th, 2008 at 3:00 pm
that tag sticking up from James’ pants looks like a tattoo. I wouldn’t put it past him…
on December 30th, 2008 at 3:12 pm
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It’s been so fun to catch up with you over here. Y’all are such nuts – well, maybe it’s just you, LOL! You’re one funny girl. Looks like you had a fab Christmas.
Happy, Happy, New Year ~
on December 30th, 2008 at 4:02 pm
YES, jess, that will be fun! I have to admit, I am glad we’ll be maternity shopping for YOU and not me. You remember how huge I get? unpleasantly unsightly. You’ll be cute as a button, tho.
on December 30th, 2008 at 11:36 pm
We saw that Dick Proenneke video on PBS! It is AWESOME! I nearly ordered it for Christmas, right before I ran slap out of money…
on December 31st, 2008 at 2:16 pm
Dip looks like he is intensely worshiping the Lord in that picture where everyone else is intensely playing xbox. I can’t wait to go to the Olive Garden!!!
on December 31st, 2008 at 4:57 pm
Jess… I wish that was the case, but tis not, he was rearranging Emmiko’s ipod which he was borrowing
on January 3rd, 2009 at 1:34 pm
Your family pictures always make me smile. Togetherness is a good thing- even better once Charley and Jess and Jr. get themselves down to TN! Because you going to live in Alaska just is not acceptable to me. And that’s what matters, right?
May your 2009 be filled with more laughter than hogjaws!