Jeneric Jeneralities ~ by JenIG
February 19th, 2009
So This is February 2009


So guess who is TWENTY today?  Good golly… one minute she’s one year old and dropping doodies on the window sill, and then the next thing you know she’s a grown up, beautiful adult.


I have two words for you.  Bitter.  Sweet.  But it’s still mostly ‘sweet’ because I still get to see her every day.  Holy Mozers it has gone by fast.  And I can honestly say that she is one of the best (and godliest) people I have ever known. And possibly the smartest.  But most definitely, hands-down, she’s the most uncoordinated least groovin’ dancer I’ve ever met – oh wait, that’s not counting Geoff the Great.  My daughter aint got no groove.  Don’t ask her to Disco dance with you cause it simply won’t happen.  Bobo and Emmiko, on the other hand, got the mama’s funky moves.  Lucky them.  Although Coie can swing through a mighty sharp Virginia Reel.  Yet, I digress.  We’re supposed to be complaining about how old Coie is.  Me, Jess, Coie and Ryann are going to spend the day shopping and eating and eating and eating.


I love you, Mookies.  But I’m sort of disappointed that you keep getting older.  No really. Stop it.  It’s rebellious.


In other news, this is the best week so far of 2009.  Charley and Jess are indescribable.  Think of the most fun you’ve ever had, and then times it by twenty.  That’s what spending a day with them is like. We love them so much and are incredibly blessed to have them in our lives.


And they are big time present givers.  I won’t even go in to everything they’ve done, but the highlights have been a spankin’ brand new ruby red Dell laptop that Jess decided to just run out and pick up for me – they also took our entire family to Wonderworks, out to eat several times, fixed our broken oven, plus got me set up with a trippy little doo-dad that plugs into the side of my laptop and gives me fast internet.  I am now officially off dial up.  That last one has been my favorite.


Some of the other highlights have been seeing the end result of Jessica’s hair cutting talents:



And then, naturally, Charley felt compelled to, um, “fix it”.  And no, that’s not photoshopped. That’s the real deal. 



And to round things off with a weather report, today our property flooded.  But it was a fun flood.  No damage, just neat-o conditions for Charley to take really cool pictures.



PS Congrats to the lovely Austins for putting together such a sublime Barn Dance Benefit.  Click here to see the fabulous pictures 


February 19th, 2009 - Posted in 2009, Uncategorized | | 22 Comments

22 Responses to ' So This is February 2009 '

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  1. chickadee said,

    on February 19th, 2009 at 1:38 am

    your child in that tiny car with a mohawk is hilarious. i’m laughing!

  2. Deedeeuk said,

    on February 19th, 2009 at 6:14 am

    Oh my word!!! That haircut is TOO funny!! Happy birthday to Coie and I’m so glad you are enjoying your time with Jess and Charlie!

  3. Maria said,

    on February 19th, 2009 at 6:33 am

    Can’t wait to see you!
    There is so much fun at your house that I am so happy I just want to hug you!

  4. on February 19th, 2009 at 6:50 am

    DUDE….now we have matching laptops!!! My stepdad got me a red Vaio for Christmas (and my birthday this summer LOL).

    Happy birthday COIEEEEEEEE!

    Chatty and I got haircuts today but neither of us got it done like that. I’m ashamed of myself. We have family pictures tomorrow and I *SO* should have gone with the ‘hawk. *sigh* I am so not cool.

  5. MammyPie said,

    on February 19th, 2009 at 8:37 am

    DIAL UP?!?!? Spiritual buckets!!! I remember dial up. It works well with multi-tasking. I’d be willing to make a small wager you DO like that handy, dandy, jack-a-spandy new gadget.

  6. Jess said,

    on February 19th, 2009 at 8:47 am

    I’m soooo glad we are here this week! You are for sure the most funny, groovy, cool and awesome sister in the whole wide room, don’t worry, I’m not gonna put a wig on you while you’re sleeping though. Happy birthday to flo. I just left here a long, sappy comment on her blog. I hope I raise Eden as well as you brought up Coie. We are gonna have SO much fun on our road trip in California…. Whenever that happens. And once again, I appologize for what I (and my endearing husband) did to your poor son.

  7. JenIG said,

    on February 19th, 2009 at 9:03 am

    Jess… your comment made me literally laugh out loud. Could you hear me thru the wall?

    Maria… I’m so happy that I will actually hug you back and *not* complain about it.

  8. jenig said,

    on February 19th, 2009 at 9:08 am

    MammyPie — yes, I love my new little gadget. It makes grin my head off, sort of like how Coie looked after she checked her email this morning. wink wink

  9. MammyPie said,

    on February 19th, 2009 at 9:35 am

    Way back in the days of Herod the King, when SweetiePie and I were getting acquainted, I used to have to wait for the mailman. Sweet agony! Anything is faster than that, even dial up.

  10. Melissa said,

    on February 19th, 2009 at 9:38 am

    Happy birthday to Coie! I hope we hear soon about why Coie is so happy these days. The hint-dropping is killing me. Okay, that’s a little dramatic, but still, I’m curious. And I love mohawk!

  11. Jul said,

    on February 19th, 2009 at 4:12 pm

    Happy B-Day to Coie! 20 is a great age… and by the way, I didn’t get married until I was 26, and it has worked out quite well!

    Jen~ Your pictures don’t come up on my computer, so I’m always left wondering what you are referring to. Wish I could see the haircuts.

    I may cut my two “chipmunks” hair today (both our guys had their wisdom teeth extracted on Tuesday). We thought it’d be a good idea to have that done post barn dance.

    I wish I would have thought of it sooner, we could have given them hair cuts when they arrived home loopy after surgery… they wouldn’t have remembered it. Than we could have told them that we thought it was rather odd that the oral surgeon gave them haircuts too. I’m getting slow in my old age and missing out on golden opportunities.

  12. Emily said,

    on February 19th, 2009 at 5:54 pm

    dial up? Are you serious? Poor, poor thing. I’m loving Jess more by the minute. She drug you from the 80’s woman! Yeah for those snappy Alaskans who are NOT backwoods weirdos, rather savvy techno people.

    I think the hair is fun.

  13. Michelle said,

    on February 19th, 2009 at 11:31 pm

    Happy Birthday Coie!
    That picture of James is too funny. It looks like it was taken in a studio with a “fall leaves” background, and then you just threw in a kid with a shiny blue car and a mohawk. (Oh…and my son wants a mohawk really bad….I’m not going to show him that picture!) 😉

    The flood photo is great, too! Very pretty!

    I’m glad you’re having a wonderful time with Charley and Jess, (say hello for me!)


  14. Marsha said,

    on February 20th, 2009 at 12:39 am

    Happy Birthday to beautiful Coie! Proof that teenagers- and now I guess those in their 20s- are pretty great!

    I smile when I think of you and Jess together. What a fabuloso blessing. Even with the mohawk, I mean especially with the mohawk.. yah.. especially.

  15. Marsha said,

    on February 20th, 2009 at 12:39 am

    Are you going to ze Midwest HS convention in Cincinatti? Cincinnati?

  16. Ryann said,

    on February 20th, 2009 at 11:42 pm


    You’re gonna be a Mother-in-law someday. And then you’re gonna be a Grandma. Isn’t that scary?

    You know, someday Coie’s not gonna live with us anymore and she’s gonna move ALL the way to *********…that’s because you signed her up on CM.

    And you always say that you don’t want her to get married.

    Give me back my poooofeee!!!

  17. Ryann said,

    on February 20th, 2009 at 11:44 pm


    This is my second comment.

  18. Megan Reed said,

    on February 21st, 2009 at 1:56 am

    Did Ryann just use explicit language? LOL!!!!! I’m sort of new to the whole texting and using symbols for words. Anywho, my Ryan loved the hairdo, but when I asked him if one of our boys could sport the same. He quickly said , well…”NAH!” Man ya’ll are havin’ so much fun, can I join your family? Please…I’d love a brand spankin new still got the plastic on it and shines like a mirror laptop 🙂 Oh and Ryann, I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for that horrifically long message my Ryan sent you. I begged and pleaded with him not to type all that out, but he did anyway. At least I was able to get him to post it as a message instead of on the wall like he was about to do 😉

  19. jenig said,

    on February 21st, 2009 at 8:40 am

    Megan, sure, you are now officially adopted.

    And no, Ryann has a secret code name for me but she never uses it in public because she’s afraid that people will think she’s a punk. A while back — when she *really* wanted to annoy me, she’d call me, DUDE! And now it’s running joke. But I figured this explanation is better than letting the rest of the world think she’s screaming a different D word at me. ha

    Marshie… YES! Cincinnatti!

  20. Megan Reed said,

    on February 21st, 2009 at 11:46 am

    That’s hilarious! My Ryan told me not to ask, but I am sooooo glad I did and even more glad to know the truth 🙂

  21. Kim Wolf said,

    on February 21st, 2009 at 2:11 pm

    Happy Birthday Coie!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!! By the way…I think I’m going to the Cinci convention…you going? Maybe we can go out to Wendy’s! Hahahahahaah!!!

    Fledder from Ohio…

  22. jenig said,

    on February 21st, 2009 at 2:42 pm

    Yes,Kim… and Spunky’s going to be there again, too. Par-tay!

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