Jeneric Jeneralities ~ by JenIG
February 23rd, 2009
It Just Went Way Too Fast

The fellas have been hard at work over the last two days building, welding, metal grinding, blow torching, etc.  They are building us a super powered Robo Bar-B-Que Grill.  I think it also transforms into a race car and a hair dryer.  We’re gonna throw some steaks on it later this afternoon. 





Here’s some pics of our frolicking fun




When Coie, Jess, Ryann and I went out for a birthday date, we dragged Tyrannical James along with us.  That hat was purchased by Coie who is still mortified by his haircut. 






I like this picture of Coie – this was when Jess and Co got their toesies done.  I refused to participate because I had to make sure Tyrannical  James stayed chained down in the waiting room chair.  But it was most entertaining.  Ten minutes into the pedicure Jessica started SHRIEKING and laughing and kicking and bellowing, “IT TICKLES!  STOP IT!  IT TICKLES!!!”  The poor lady at the end of her foot didn’t know what to do with her.  She was looking around with a blank stare, like, um… “what am I supposed to do now?”


And I guess I might as well add – while we were in the nail shop all of a sudden I detected this really potent gag inducing foul odor and then James looked up and said, “Um… Mommy?  I think you might need to wipe me”.  Oh heavens. What an adventure.  Lucky for him (and me), it was a false alarm.


Anyways, this year Jess and I decided we were going to do something different than go to Gatlinburg for our annual Couples Date Night.  And this time we dragged Coie along with us.  We ended up in Gatlinburg.








and then we wrapped up the evening by buying 40 dozen Krispy Crème Donuts.  That was Jess’s favorite part.



Monday is our last day before they fly back home.  I cannot believe how fast the time has gone.  It really is unfair.  But we have had the bestest time together and I am so thankful.


Coie and Jess both posted pics, too.


Lastly, YIPPEEEE! We got our Rosetta Stone convention schedule.  Coie and I will be at the following:


Midwest Homeschool Convention, Cincinnati OH, April 16-18


Homeschool Bookfair Arlington TX, May 8-9


North Carolinians for Home Education, Winston-Salem NC, May 21-23


Christian Home Educators of Colorado, June 18-20


CHEA, Long Beach, CA July 9-11


Southeast Homeschool ExpoCobb Galleria, Atlanta GA, July 31-August 1



Come and see us!!!




February 23rd, 2009 - Posted in 2009, Uncategorized | | 16 Comments

16 Responses to ' It Just Went Way Too Fast '

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  1. on February 23rd, 2009 at 6:01 am

    Oh sure….I move AWAY from Cali and you go to visit. Niiiiiice. *sniffle*

  2. Deedeeuk said,

    on February 23rd, 2009 at 6:24 am

    That sounds like LOADS of fun! Sorry we missed out in January! :o( We didn’t get to visit any of my bloggy friends we had planned on! But I was REALLY bummed out on missing our trip to you guys! Even tried to convince hubby that we could afford to go ‘just that far’???? He wasn’t buying it though! You will just have to fly over and see me instead! *grin* Don’t Rosetta Stone need you to promote them over here in the UK???

  3. Maria said,

    on February 23rd, 2009 at 8:35 am

    You guys are fun..!

  4. Christi said,

    on February 23rd, 2009 at 10:28 am

    Awe, no St. Louis CHEF conference? Maybe another year. I just ordered the other day a promo CD from Rosetta Stone. We haven’t added foreign language to our curriculum yet. So, I’m kinda excited. Rosetta Stone is that good? Good enough to grab the Igarashi’s, huh?

    Hadn’t visited you in a long time. I was surprised to see you’re no longer on homeschoolblogger – at least, not at JenIg. Maybe you’re there, too, and I just haven’t searched for it. Anyway, just dropped by to see how you’re doing. Hope all is well.


  5. Tami said,

    on February 23rd, 2009 at 11:41 am

    Your visit sounds wonderful, Jen!!!! And I am a vendor at the North Carolina convention, so I will finally get to meet you and Coie in person! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Jess said,

    on February 23rd, 2009 at 11:42 am

    I know. I’m so bummed today that I’m leaving tomorrow. It ALWAYS goes too fast. 🙁

  7. Nancy said,

    on February 23rd, 2009 at 3:30 pm

    Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. Looks like you girls have been having a muy fabulouso time. I went and had a pedicure the other day, but it was just a plain ol’ weird experience. All men doing the nails and they barely spoke any English and wouldn’t even make eye contact. I was carefully plotting my exit strategy while trying to smile pleasantly through getting my toenails buffed like someone was shining Army boots. Note to self: Must go to shop where there are English speaking women next time. You all look like you had much more fun.

  8. Jennifer said,

    on February 24th, 2009 at 2:30 am

    My girls are so excited that you will be at our conference. I have quite the group of friends for you to meet. So see you in July! IF you come early let me know, we would be happy to put you up!

  9. jenig said,

    on February 24th, 2009 at 7:22 am

    Whooo hoooo!

  10. jenig said,

    on February 24th, 2009 at 5:18 pm


    I can’t believe everyone knows my unpunkish secret. Darnit.

  11. jenig said,

    on February 24th, 2009 at 6:22 pm

    Ryann… if you leave me a comment then SIGN OUT first so it doesn’t look like I have a split personality. You big Dorcas.

  12. Angie:) said,

    on February 24th, 2009 at 9:28 pm

    I don’t know which picture that i like the most…. the one with the fun Gatlinburg beauties …. or the one with the couch beauties ??:):)

  13. Nancy B. said,

    on February 25th, 2009 at 12:53 am

    Well, shucks! I keep getting asked if we are going this year, and wasn’t planning to—last year was a bust, except that we had a wonderful time with Lorrie Flem! We missed most of the speakers because of standing room only…crazy. Anyway, my daughter REALLY wants to go see Little Bear Wheeler again, and he’s gonna be there. Of course that isn’t the best draw now, IS IT?
    Saving my pennies…gotta go see Jen and Coie….

  14. Julie Park said,

    on February 25th, 2009 at 9:00 pm

    Doing the dance here… yeehaw! I’m so excited you’re going to be in Cincinnati!!!! Wahoo!!!

  15. Layle said,

    on February 27th, 2009 at 8:22 pm

    I just love your blog. I think I would have to say the couch beauties is my favorite picture! So glad to hear you will be at the Arlington convention! See you there.

  16. Tara B said,

    on March 24th, 2009 at 11:55 pm

    I was so exciting to find you here, I followed the link from another blog I visit. I haven’t been over at HSB in sometime and didn’t know you were now here.

    Maybe we’ll see you at CHEA. Will be looking for your articles in Home School Enrichment. Do you still write for TOS as well?

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