I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Chicken McNuggets
I’ve been doing a swell job of blogging less. And I’m pretty surprised about that because generally, eight times out of ten, when I decide to do something different, I don’t follow thru.
Anyhow, I’m blogging today because I have things to be excited about. Unfortunately I’m not allowed to go into reason number one. But, eight times out of ten I will go ahead and go into things I’m not supposed to. Therefore, I’ll go ahead and say it: I’m looking forward to Wednesday thru Sunday. There. I said it. For those of you who know what’s going on this week (which, granted, aren’t many because Coie goes beet red and cringes when I start alluding to it) you can snicker and wink wink along with me. But I shan’t name any names, nor shall I post any pictures, nor shall I say anything more about it. Except this… I am glad that there are godly families raising up godly children who grow into very neat-o adults for our adult children to get to know better. Isn’t that right, MammyPie?
Ok, the second thing I’m excited about is that I won a contest – yes, me! And I actually won something that I want. Now how’s that for good news? Thanks, Chickadee for hosting such a nifty contest, and thanks, Katrina, for such a great gift!
I’m also excited because three of our goats have had little babies. Poor Daisy, after being forced to take a kid that wasn’t hers, she had her own little sweetie a day later. And then on Sunday Willow had two more. All four babies are pure white. Emmiko also discovered a mama-hen who hatched nine of her own little fluffy yellow chickies. It is spring at the Ig Farm.
Reason #3 to be excited… Emmiko got her tonsils out and I have about six months worth of ice cream treats to share with her. She’s a weird kid. All she has wanted to eat is chocolate malt shakes and Chicken McNuggets.
#4 Me and Coie are leaving for OH in a month. I am so excited about all the friends we’re going to be able to meet up with. Our pals from Home School Enrichment are planning to be there and we’re looking forward to hanging out with them again. We’re also all set to party with Julie Park, Spunkarella, Marshie-mellow, the Heart of the Matter girls, Maggie the Magnificent and Kim Wolf just to name a few. And even my profound friend is making plans to drive up. I cannot WAIT! And it all happens on my birthday weekend. How’s that for marvy?
#5 My entirely excellent son, Bo, is turning 12 in a week. This boy is so marvelous that he defies description. I am one lucky momsie.
Lastly, here’s a video that made me laugh. You have to admit, even if you’re a Dem… this is funny:
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March 16th, 2009 - Posted in 2009, Uncategorized | | 21 Comments 21 Responses to ' I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Chicken McNuggets 'Leave a reply |
on March 16th, 2009 at 1:19 am
Okay, so *wink wink nudge nudge* could you send me pix priiiiiivately? heh heh
And congrats on the contest. I won something yesterday – it must be in the water. 🙂
And happy birthday to Bo. I hope he has a HONEY of a birthday. *chuckle snort guffaw* I kill me.
And congrats to all the mommies on the homestead. And to Emmiko on her tonsilectomyitisolisis. Or whatever they call it when they yank somebody’s tonsils out. 😉
As for the video – well, Democrats are just plain entertaining anyway, ain’t they? (Did I say that out loud?) Totally just kidding. I’ve known some very sweet, smart Democrats and I totally don’t hold it against them. We just tease each other unmercifully. I know my beliefs are a chuckle for them too. 😉
on March 16th, 2009 at 2:02 am
i’m glad you won.
coie’s getting married? or engaged? or just dating for several days in a row?
that video was funny. i’ve got to show my husband.
on March 16th, 2009 at 8:47 am
I am excited to hear about all of your fun happenings. I cannot wait to hear more news on the family that’s coming for a visit. I will be trying to read in between the lines more carefully from here on. LOL
Oh, and I love the video clip! Ewwww, those poor people being so helpless….can’t fend for themselves and why isn’t there someone there to be at their aid? And why not twice as fast either? Ha!
Have a GREAT week!
on March 16th, 2009 at 9:15 am
Hilarious video! Thanks for the laugh!
Yet again, you are such a tease. I hope we get to see pictures someday. 🙂
on March 16th, 2009 at 9:38 am
Love the video!! Have a super great week and weekend. Congrats on the chicks and baby goats! I look forward to lots of funny stories…about everything!
on March 16th, 2009 at 9:44 am
RE: The Cinci convention, I’m told there will be a room set aside for a time when bloggers can all get together and meet up. Making it a whole lot easier to find people instead of saying, I’ll meet you in front of the drinking fountain off the main hall at 3PM. I’ll be wearing blah blah blah.
Can’t wait to see you there.
on March 16th, 2009 at 12:22 pm
Coie your no fun! Totally not like me. I told everyone everything, which meant I had to tell everyone of the six breakups and seven getting back togethers, so I guess I understand. I’m just impatient and can’t wait to know more. Yay, for Emmiko! Glad it went well. You are officially in the People-Who-Don’t-Have-Tonsils Club with me (who got mine out at 18 and Joseph (who got his out at 2). I love baby anythings, how sweet, baby goats!
on March 16th, 2009 at 12:31 pm
Im sooooooooooo bummed we didn’t come THIS month for our visit instead of last month. I feel SO LEFT OUT. it’s just not fair. well, I hope you all have a wonderful week… I have a feeling you will- especially Coie. 😉
I’m also bummed we couldn’t be there for Bo’s birthday. But i will agree that he’s probably the most awesome, impressive and wonderful 12 year old nephew anyone could wish for.
on March 16th, 2009 at 12:33 pm
ps that clip was almost as funny as the ellen starbucks one! safd;sakfdsajfdklsj;f
on March 16th, 2009 at 12:34 pm
uh oh.. i think i just exposed myself. now people are going to know i’m a closet ellen watcher. shoot.
on March 16th, 2009 at 4:08 pm
Snicker, snicker…wink, wink! That sure is one purty shiney car in the driveway! How’re the remodeling projects coming along? Wink, wink…
on March 16th, 2009 at 4:08 pm
I am feeling left out of the drive up.. what is that all about.. the other stuff I know all about.. wink wink he he he… where is this big party that I am being left out of?? E-mail me pronto.. I need to get back to you about the other thing you e-mailed me about the other day… i said pronto… I meant when you get a minute my dear friend.. love you!
on March 16th, 2009 at 4:48 pm
I made an announcement!… or did you? Maybe neither of us did.
The Austins
on March 16th, 2009 at 4:53 pm
I still can’t see any of your pictures or clips that you post… not that I’m complaining again.
Why can I see Laurie’s pics just fine, and not any of yours?
on March 16th, 2009 at 5:43 pm
Man, there is so much here that I want to comment on, but I just can’t. Maybe I am starting to be compassionate…..whoo boy!!!! *that* would be neato.
on March 16th, 2009 at 5:51 pm
i don’t know Jul, but your email made me laugh my head off. And I still say if you can’t see the pictures you should just come over and view them on MY computer.
Maria… the party is in Cincinnati — you should follow Annemarie up!
MammyPie… Coie called from work and i told her about the shiney car and she laughed and laughed and laughed. I think she liked that. Sadly, we don’t think the bathroom is going to be all snazzied up in time. Say, if I was *really* smart, I could probably see if the owner of the shiney car would help finish the remodeling jobs up while he’s here. ha!
on March 16th, 2009 at 6:13 pm
Well, I was going to be mortified…but I can’t…I tried. It didn’t work. Grinning reduces mortification levels.
on March 17th, 2009 at 10:26 pm
I hope that Emmi is doing well! And that video is FUNNY!!! I got that in an email:)
on March 18th, 2009 at 12:40 pm
I have seen that video, and LOVE it. I laugh every time. Yay on sticking to not blogging as much. I do love reading your stuff, but I can’t be on too much, so I can’t read too much, so your pace of posts suits me mighty finely. Thinking of you often…
on March 19th, 2009 at 6:39 am
I s’pose I should start getting pictures, eh?
I need Coie to help me with my matheMattics today…
Momma? Can I have two yummies in my coffee?
on March 22nd, 2009 at 10:28 pm
Hey Jen,
I know I missed you last year in Columbus, but I will be at the Cinci. convention! Will I FINALLY get to meet you?!?!?!?!