I'm on my porch right now watching Geo the
Great row the kids around the lake. It's actually a pond, but I'm
gonna start calling it a lake because 1) it's big enough to row around
and 2) it sounds cool
This was a neat day, the owners that we bought this place from came
over for lunch. They are an older couple (mid 70's) and the wife
clued me in on all the trees in the orchard. I even have a
gooseberry bush. I don't know what that is, but I sure like the
sound of it. After they left, Geo and the kids had a paintball
war. Weirdos.
Lastly, Jammie gets two packs of Oreos and a Malt Shake for naming our new homestead: Curry Farm Isn't that absolutely regal?
Lastly Last, our Blubber Blogger Club seems to be growing by the
day. How Tres Chic we are! You member peoples better post
your weight this Sunday. I'm still doing 50 sit ups and 15 girly
pushups every day. I gotta go, Geo is calling for me to row
around with him. Just me and Him…
on February 16th, 2006 at 5:43 pm
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Oh my goodness, people. You should see my mama Z row that boat. She goes in circles. Pictures to follow. My dad is manly. He rows straight and fast….even with 5 of us fatties in there at once.
on February 16th, 2006 at 6:01 pm
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Oh what a fun day on Curry pond.
hey- i am puppy sitting for Tammy Preston. She somehow talked me into keeping one of Genas old piggie puppies while she and her family go to Kentucky. What nerve! The piggie is cute but a little whiney when we leave her alone. poor pup! My 3 year old is loving a dog just his size that he can walk around the yard and will not walk him… how many more of these piggies do you have left? I hear they live in those hills of yours…. fkjhfaskdhfaskldhfaskdf
Happy Homesteaging!
on February 16th, 2006 at 9:57 pm
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I am so jealous of your new homestead-y life!!!
I may have this weird flight-privileged life, but you have 15 acres with fruit trees and a LAKE! With a boat!!! Curry Farm sounds like the life to me. *sigh* Maybe one day…
So did Geo want you to win your contest so badly that he made you row just to make sure you got your exercise in?
PS Shall I bring you a gift back from the far East? (sounds more exotic than China, huh?)
on February 16th, 2006 at 10:35 pm
I agree, you just have to call the pond a lake… just like I insist on calling our homeschool room “the library”.. . it sounds so rich!
Guess what? My husband said that maybe we could take our whole family to the next homeschool convention in WA… (in April)
on February 16th, 2006 at 10:59 pm
…love the name “Curry Farm”!
on February 17th, 2006 at 6:41 am
Oh my
Sounds just wonderful!!! WOW!! I am so happy for you…sounds like a GREAT place…we have 2 streams but nothing big enough to take a boat into…. but the boys have been wet HEAD to TOE….they are SO dirty ALL the time…my poor washing machine!!
on February 17th, 2006 at 8:07 am
Isn’t your Blubber Blogger Group supposed to be shrinking?? ;~)